Commit 5d1c90dcba fixed a bug where
entries added from the server were marked as "local only" (null etag)
which was causing issues. That commit fixes it for newly added resources,
but existing resources remained broken.
This commit goes through the database and fixes all of the existing
broken resources. It skips dirty entries because figuring out if they
were just created or updated is complex, and the chances of doing an
update at exactly the same time there are dirty entries is quite low,
so the complexity involved is just not worth it.
Before this commit we would create new entries from the server without
an etag, essentially marking them as "local only". While the actual
value of the eTag is not currently used, null or not matters.
Because the resources were "local only", we would get weird behaviours
like having an "ADD" action when changing a resource.
Before this change we would only add "deletes" to the server when the
resource has been previously uploaded. This means that if a resource has
been created and then deleted before a sync, it would not be saved,
which is essentially data-loss.
This commit fixes it, so we always upload a delete entry.
It's really annoying that it doesn't do it automatically as it should,
in the meanwhile, add this workaround.
I reported it to upstream:
Clearing the cache is a good idea regardless, though because of the
unique constraints in the cache on the journal name, this was causing
issues when deleting an account and then adding it back.
It's very raw and hacky at the moment, it's just a preview release so
people could see their data is saved, and can look at it in its raw
form until we implement a nicer view.
Before this commit it was only used to override the api endpoint,
not it's also used to override the weburl. This is needed since we now
load the etesync website inside the app and not in an external web
Without this change, if the putting on server of a new collection fails,
the url would already be updated, and since having a url indicates it
exists on the server, trying to save it later would result in a 404.
Adding this because users were asking about the history feature. While
the history is maintained, there's currently no GUI to explore it, so
I've added this stub to make it more obvious that it's not there yet.
Before this commit the texts were different, and odd.
For example, the text in the selector would be:
Every 4 hours
and the text in the preview would be:
Every 240 minutes
This follows the previous change and puts more information in the
exceptions (like parts of the http request and response) for better
debugging. This also moves the handling of "retry after" to the
exception itself instead of outside.
Also improved the text of one of the exception invocations.
Before this change exceptions would print the message of the error code.
For example, for 500 they would print "Internal Server Error".
With this change we can now override this message with something more
sensible we got from the serer, for example "User is inactive."
This is a possible error message we get when we get error code 403
(permission denied) from the server. We then handle it explicitly by
sending the user to the dashboard.
With this change we no can launch external urls. For all I know this
doesn't work without this trick (an intent in the middle).
I also applied a transparent theme to the activity to avoid seeing the
launched activity briefly before opening external urls.
This is based on my experience working on "Share To Clipboard".
I was trying to avoid it, and keep it as davdroid both for attribution,
and making it easy to cherry-pick fixes from DAVdroid.
However, it seems to be causing clashes with the davdroid app, although
every piece of documentation claims otherwise.[1]
At least it seems like cherry-picks can still be achieved using:
git cherry-pick -s recursive -X find-renames=30 COMMIT
(one such doc)
I changed some strings (but kept the name) and remove others. This means
that the existing translations are no longer valid for those, so I wrote
a small script to see which strings I've changed/removed and removed
those from the translations.
Since we now use a cached version of the localDeleted/Dirty, we can create the entries
after we fetch. We also use the entries to override whatever changes came from the
server because we assume (for now) our copy is the correct one.
* contact data hash code = hash code of data fields and group memberships
* Before every contact sync, all dirty contacts are checked whether they're
"really dirty" (= data hash code has changed). If they're not, the DIRTY
flag is reset. Works around Android 7 behavior of setting contacts to DIRTY
even if onky meta data has been updated (for instance, lastContacted after
a call or SMS),
* When an "upload" sync is initiated by notifyChange and there are no
"really dirty" contacts, the sync is ignored.
* contact upload: clearDirty() saves hash code, too
* contact download: create()/update() saves hash code, too
* debugging: sync flags (extras) are now logged
This commit includes the major changes between DAVdroid and EteSync. It
adjusts the app to use the EteSync protocol and server. It includes some
ugliness still, and it's a squash of many ugly snapshot commits while
hacking on the initial DAVdroid code.
History should be "clean" from this point onwards.
* AccountDetailsFragment: at account creation, enable task sync only when OpenTasks is installed
* PackageChangedReceiver: when packages are (un)installed, check for OpenTasks availability and (de)activate task sync for all accounts accordingly
* LocalTaskList: don't cache OpenTasks availability
* sync_*.xml: don't activate sync by default
* share debug info: always use attachment (before: send inline if it was small enough)
* use FileProvider for debug info attachment (for Android 7 compatibility)
* dav4android, ical4android fixes
* use cert4android instead of MemorizingTrustManager
* new app setting: distrust system certificates
* add network security config to manifest so that user-installed CAs will be accepted in Android 7 again
* update gradle
* allow ProGuard optimization to remove non-relevant bytecode from flavors
* check flavors with direct comparison instead of .equals() to allwo optimizations
* store cookies per HttpClient, and not per DAVdroid instance (allows multiple sessions for parallel syncs)
* fetch translations from Transifex
* change group methods to less specific values
* new account settings version: change group method to CATEGORIES for updated accounts
* change group method from CATEGORIES to GROUP_VCARDS automatically when a group VCard is received
* AccountSettings: disable CalDAV/CardDAV options when the corresponding service is not available
* AccountSettings: new option to choose contact group method
* account setup: allow to choose contact group method at account creation
* rewritten contact group support to support VCard3 CATEGORIES and VCard4-style KIND/MEMBER groups
* new account setting: contact group method (VCard3/VCard4/Apple "VCard4-as-VCard3")
* keep unknown properties when saving/generating VCards
This reverts commit 3bde3758fc.
Version bump to
Reason: A server MAY reject a request that contains a message body but not a Content-Length
by responding with 411 (Length Required). (RFC 7230 3.3.3 Message Body Length)
* upgrade to okhttp 3.3 to reduce HTTP/2 incompatibilties
* vcard4android: enable RFC 6868 support in ez-vcard
* minor improvements and bug fixes
* new translations from Transifex
* version bump to 1.0.9
* use weak references for DavService RefreshingStatusListener
* additional null checks for cases which shouldn't appear, but apparently appear
* additional database conflict handling for cases which shouldn't appear, but apparently appear
* setup by URL: null check for empty host names
* vcard4android: upgrade to ezvcard 0.9.10
* catch IllegalArgumentException from HttpUrl in DavResourceFinder (caused crash when logging in with email "test@server/withslash")
* use IteratorChain in DavService collection enumeration
* task list synchronization: don't set VISIBLE=1 and SYNC_ENABLED=1 at every sync, but only at creation
* task list synchronization: sync only task lists which are SYNC_ENABLED
* honor "manage calendar colors" account setting for task list colors, too
* add, to be used as pre-commit hook
* ical4android/vcard4android tests
* fetch translations from Transifex
* version bump to 1.0.7
* don't set ORGANIZER for events without attendees
* make some lists public final instead of @Getter private
* PermissionsActivity: call refresh in onResume() instead of onCreate()
* increase target API level to 23 (Android 6), which makes Android 6-style permissions mandatory
* AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS permission is only required up to API level 22
* new activity: PermissionsActivity which shows missing permissions and provides buttons to request them
* DavService: Android shouldn't send a null Intent, but sometimes it does, so implement null check
* LocalTaskList: tasksProviderAvailable may return true on API level 23+ even if permissions are not sufficient
* SyncAdapterService: show a notification (with Intent for PermissionsActivity) when permissions are not sufficient
* when creating accounts, set OpenTasks sync always to true if API level is 23+ (even if OpenTasks is not installed [yet])
* update Lombok
* new setting: only sync in WiFi (or when sync is triggered manually)
* new setting: only sync in specific WiFI (by SSID)
* lower default sync interval when account is created to 4 hours (was 1 day)
* version bump to 1.0.6
* AccountSettings$AppUpdatedReceiver: check for migrations only when package is replaced
* SyncAdapter: move DB helper from service to SyncAdapter to prevent databases from being closed too early
* Manual sync button: run sync immediately (without queueing)
* handle and show OutOfMemoryErrors correctly (they're not Exceptions)
* use db.beginTransactionNonExclusive() because WAL is enabled
* set calendar VISIBLE=1 AND SYNC=1 only at creation and not at every sync
* update PendingIntent of service refresh notification
* use last path segment as collection display name if there's no DAV:displayName
* add Contacts Provider Settings again to show contacts without groups in all clients (bluetooth cars etc.)
* add ACCOUNT_NAME and ACCOUNT_TYPE when creating calendars
* close TaskProvider when checking for its presence
* when TaskProvider is not available/accessible, explicitly disallow task sync at account creation
to prevent further crashes
* try to handle OutOfMemoryError
* version 1.0_2
* add InvalidAccountException for invalid (=not existent/invalid settings version) accounts
* handle invalid accounts properly
* HttpClient: add constructors without Account when authentication is not needed
* drop upgrade compatibility for accounts without version (version<1)
* re-initialize logger in :sync process after changing the settings (IPC using broadcast)
* move settings from SharedPreferences (which is not multi-process-safe) to ServiceDB
* logger: show exception details
* settings: show debug info
* honour calendar-proxy-read/write-for property
* ignore errors when quering member groups for home sets
* remove home sets and collections from the service database not only on 404, but 403, 404 and 410
* fix crash bug when <displayname> was defined, but empty
* add startup dialogs (F-Droid: donations, Play Store: DRM bug, OpenTasks not installed)
* allow to reset hints/startup dialogs
* AccountSettings: fragment as inner class of activity
* add account setting + GUI: restrict time range in the past
* add support for restricted time range VEVENT synchronization
* fix bug in handling changed exceptions of recurring events
* move AccountSettings up to package context
* HttpClient: take authentication from AccountSettings in the constructor
* App: provide global instance of MemorizingTrustManager
* App: provide global Java logger, optionally with verbose and external file logging
* LoginCredentials: moved from inner-class into setup package
* CalDAV/CardDAV resource list views now always contain all elements without scrolling (NonScrollingListView)
* synchronization action in activity now overriddes system sync settings
* HttpClient: authentication that is limited to a host name is never preemptive
* DavResourceFinder: service configuration == null means that this service is not available
* new SQLite database for CalDAV/CardDAV services
* added AccountDetailsFragment, which asks for account name and then finishes account creation
* updated AccountListFragment
* resource detection: ignore 404 errors when trying context paths
* work around crash when edit field is changed while there is no acitivity (???!)
* dav4android: fix calendar-multiget request
* CalendarSyncManager/TaskSyncManager: only set calendar name and color on sync when data is available
* DavResourceFinder: test getCurrentUserPrincipal
* dav4android: use java.util.ServiceLoader, resilience against multi-status with <propstat> without <status> + test
* ical4android: always set HAS_ATTENDEE_DATA to 1
* vcard4android: small fixes
* merge translations from Transifex
* ContactsSyncManager: gracefully handle photo URLs without host name
* MainActivity: cache installer package name
* dav4android: use java.util.ServiceLoader to load DAV property factories
* write report to temporary file in external cache dir before sending
* don't delete the report file onActivityResult (because services like the email service may access it asynchronously)
* don't show label of installer (just the package name), because some use ambiguous strings like "App Store" etc.
* show sync. settings for all accounts again
* ical4android: treat empty-string task location and URL as null values
* vcard4android: ignore raw contact data without MIMETYPE
* gracefully ignore when server doesn't sent Content-Type in GET responses
* merge translations from Transifex
* Contacts sync: if REPORT addressbook-query doesn't work, don't ignore other exceptions than HTTP 40x errors
* dav4android: Digest auth improvements (e.g. for OS X Calendar Server)
* vcard4android: better support for exotic IMPP handles and names
* ical4android: enumerate (=synchronize) all task lists and not only the first one
* fix crash bugs when activating external logging without external storage
* fix lint warnings
* line-break too long messages of network trace logs
* DebugInfoActivity "send": attach log file instead if sending it as plain text
* revert to ez-vcard 0.9.6 because of
* German translations
* new StringLogger
* DavResourceFinder: log to StringLogger; if no collections are found, logs can be views
* DebugInfoActivity: show passed logs
* script to fetch translations from Transifex
* increase version to 0.9-beta2
* use ExternalFileLogger to log synchronization, if enabled in Settings
* new settings: log to external file / log verbose
* DavResource: check for well-known even if service type of user-given URL can't be determined
* remove oblsete testing assets
* check whether user-given URL actually provides CalDAV/CardDAV before trusting the current-user-principal
as there may be different principals for CalDAV and CardDAV (if both services are completely separated)
* allow cancellation of synchronization within appropriate time
* sync error notification: use loader, show all accounts, show whether JB Workaround is installed, reorder