* change group methods to less specific values
* new account settings version: change group method to CATEGORIES for updated accounts
* change group method from CATEGORIES to GROUP_VCARDS automatically when a group VCard is received
* AccountSettings: disable CalDAV/CardDAV options when the corresponding service is not available
* AccountSettings: new option to choose contact group method
* account setup: allow to choose contact group method at account creation
* rewritten contact group support to support VCard3 CATEGORIES and VCard4-style KIND/MEMBER groups
* new account setting: contact group method (VCard3/VCard4/Apple "VCard4-as-VCard3")
* keep unknown properties when saving/generating VCards
* upgrade to okhttp 3.3 to reduce HTTP/2 incompatibilties
* vcard4android: enable RFC 6868 support in ez-vcard
* minor improvements and bug fixes
* new translations from Transifex
* version bump to 1.0.9
* use weak references for DavService RefreshingStatusListener
* additional null checks for cases which shouldn't appear, but apparently appear
* additional database conflict handling for cases which shouldn't appear, but apparently appear
* setup by URL: null check for empty host names
* vcard4android: upgrade to ezvcard 0.9.10
* catch IllegalArgumentException from HttpUrl in DavResourceFinder (caused crash when logging in with email "test@server/withslash")
* use IteratorChain in DavService collection enumeration
* task list synchronization: don't set VISIBLE=1 and SYNC_ENABLED=1 at every sync, but only at creation
* task list synchronization: sync only task lists which are SYNC_ENABLED
* honor "manage calendar colors" account setting for task list colors, too
* add run-tests-connected.sh, to be used as pre-commit hook
* ical4android/vcard4android tests
* fetch translations from Transifex
* version bump to 1.0.7
* don't set ORGANIZER for events without attendees
* make some lists public final instead of @Getter private
* PermissionsActivity: call refresh in onResume() instead of onCreate()
* increase target API level to 23 (Android 6), which makes Android 6-style permissions mandatory
* AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS permission is only required up to API level 22
* new activity: PermissionsActivity which shows missing permissions and provides buttons to request them
* DavService: Android shouldn't send a null Intent, but sometimes it does, so implement null check
* LocalTaskList: tasksProviderAvailable may return true on API level 23+ even if permissions are not sufficient
* SyncAdapterService: show a notification (with Intent for PermissionsActivity) when permissions are not sufficient
* when creating accounts, set OpenTasks sync always to true if API level is 23+ (even if OpenTasks is not installed [yet])
* update Lombok
* new setting: only sync in WiFi (or when sync is triggered manually)
* new setting: only sync in specific WiFI (by SSID)
* lower default sync interval when account is created to 4 hours (was 1 day)
* version bump to 1.0.6
* AccountSettings$AppUpdatedReceiver: check for migrations only when package is replaced
* SyncAdapter: move DB helper from service to SyncAdapter to prevent databases from being closed too early
* Manual sync button: run sync immediately (without queueing)
* handle and show OutOfMemoryErrors correctly (they're not Exceptions)
* use db.beginTransactionNonExclusive() because WAL is enabled
* set calendar VISIBLE=1 AND SYNC=1 only at creation and not at every sync
* update PendingIntent of service refresh notification
* use last path segment as collection display name if there's no DAV:displayName
* add Contacts Provider Settings again to show contacts without groups in all clients (bluetooth cars etc.)
* add ACCOUNT_NAME and ACCOUNT_TYPE when creating calendars
* close TaskProvider when checking for its presence
* when TaskProvider is not available/accessible, explicitly disallow task sync at account creation
to prevent further crashes
* try to handle OutOfMemoryError
* version 1.0_2
* add InvalidAccountException for invalid (=not existent/invalid settings version) accounts
* handle invalid accounts properly
* HttpClient: add constructors without Account when authentication is not needed
* drop upgrade compatibility for accounts without version (version<1)
* re-initialize logger in :sync process after changing the settings (IPC using broadcast)
* move settings from SharedPreferences (which is not multi-process-safe) to ServiceDB
* logger: show exception details
* settings: show debug info