* HttpClient: authentication that is limited to a host name is never preemptive
* DavResourceFinder: service configuration == null means that this service is not available
* new SQLite database for CalDAV/CardDAV services
* added AccountDetailsFragment, which asks for account name and then finishes account creation
* updated AccountListFragment
* resource detection: ignore 404 errors when trying context paths
* work around crash when edit field is changed while there is no acitivity (???!)
* dav4android: fix calendar-multiget request
* CalendarSyncManager/TaskSyncManager: only set calendar name and color on sync when data is available
* DavResourceFinder: test getCurrentUserPrincipal
* dav4android: use java.util.ServiceLoader, resilience against multi-status with <propstat> without <status> + test
* ical4android: always set HAS_ATTENDEE_DATA to 1
* vcard4android: small fixes
* merge translations from Transifex
* ContactsSyncManager: gracefully handle photo URLs without host name
* MainActivity: cache installer package name
* dav4android: use java.util.ServiceLoader to load DAV property factories
* write report to temporary file in external cache dir before sending
* don't delete the report file onActivityResult (because services like the email service may access it asynchronously)
* don't show label of installer (just the package name), because some use ambiguous strings like "App Store" etc.
* show sync. settings for all accounts again
* ical4android: treat empty-string task location and URL as null values
* vcard4android: ignore raw contact data without MIMETYPE
* gracefully ignore when server doesn't sent Content-Type in GET responses
* merge translations from Transifex
* Contacts sync: if REPORT addressbook-query doesn't work, don't ignore other exceptions than HTTP 40x errors
* dav4android: Digest auth improvements (e.g. for OS X Calendar Server)
* vcard4android: better support for exotic IMPP handles and names
* ical4android: enumerate (=synchronize) all task lists and not only the first one
* fix crash bugs when activating external logging without external storage