25개 이상의 토픽을 선택하실 수 없습니다. Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
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M1nd3r 6a43513bde
fix(core): remove unnecessary warning suppresion in usb.py
10 시간 전
.clusterfuzzlite Run fuzzer in CI 10 달 전
.github feat(core): copy T2T1 bootloader UI for T3T1 2 주 전
ci chore(ci): make arm emulator versions build only in main branches 3 주 전
common Add derive_cardano field to ThpCreateNewSession protobuf message 10 시간 전
core fix(core): remove unnecessary warning suppresion in usb.py 10 시간 전
crypto fix(crypto): imporve handling of return value 1 주 전
docs docs: minor fix of build emu 2 주 전
legacy Add new Failure types to switch enumeration for legacy builds 10 시간 전
python Add derive_cardano field to ThpCreateNewSession protobuf message 10 시간 전
rust Add derive_cardano field to ThpCreateNewSession protobuf message 10 시간 전
storage feat(core): use U5 HW keys to additionally encrypt storage items 3 주 전
tests fix(legacy): resolves the issue of incorrect signature generation when the Stellar transaction source account differs from the signing account. 2 주 전
tools feat(crypto): Add Brian Gladman's implementation of GCM. 3 주 전
vendor chore(core): change STM32Cube submodule to separate hal driver and cmsis submodules. 2 달 전
.clang-format clang-format: set the IncludeBlocks setting to "Preserve" 4 년 전
.editorconfig style: add .editorconfig [skip ci] 4 년 전
.gitattributes chore: tag generated files for github diffs 1 개월 전
.gitignore fix(core,crypto): add more test cases from bip-173 3 년 전
.gitlab-ci.yml ci: move hardware tests over to github actions 2 달 전
.gitmodules chore(core): change STM32Cube submodule to separate hal driver and cmsis submodules. 2 달 전
.pylintrc chore: move pylint config from setup.cfg to .pylintrc 5 달 전
.yamllint.yml style: ignore yaml files in venv 3 년 전
CODEOWNERS chore(CODEOWNERS): remove me from some components 3 년 전
COMMITS.md docs: introduce conventional-commits (#1234) 4 년 전
CONTRIBUTING.md docs: add PR workflow info; move CONTRIBUTING to docs 4 년 전
COPYING docs: clear up licensing information 3 년 전
LICENSE.md docs: clear up licensing information 3 년 전
Makefile feat(crypto): Add Brian Gladman's implementation of GCM. 3 주 전
README.md chore(readme): add link to trezor.io KB disclosure article 1 년 전
SECURITY.md docs: use monospace for fingerprints 5 년 전
build-docker.sh build: allow targets list in build-docker.sh 1 주 전
create_monorepo.py chore: update branch name to main where its used 6 달 전
poetry.lock build(deps): drop curve25519-donna and ed25519 from deps 1 주 전
poetry.toml build(poetry): use new (parallel) installer 1 년 전
pyproject.toml build(deps): drop curve25519-donna and ed25519 from deps 1 주 전
setup.cfg chore: upgrade style checkers 2 달 전
shell.nix nix: unify ci/shell.nix and shell.nix 4 년 전


Trezor Firmware


Repository Structure

  • ci: Gitlab CI configuration files
  • common/defs: JSON coin definitions and support tables
  • common/protob: Common protobuf definitions for the Trezor protocol
  • common/tools: Tools for managing coin definitions and related data
  • core: Trezor Core, firmware implementation for Trezor T
  • crypto: Stand-alone cryptography library used by both Trezor Core and the Trezor One firmware
  • docs: Assorted documentation
  • legacy: Trezor One firmware implementation
  • python: Python client library and the trezorctl command
  • storage: NORCOW storage implementation used by both Trezor Core and the Trezor One firmware
  • tests: Firmware unit test suite
  • tools: Miscellaneous build and helper scripts
  • vendor: Submodules for external dependencies



Using Conventional Commits is strongly recommended and might be enforced in future.

Also please have a look at the docs, either in the docs folder or at docs.trezor.io before contributing. The misc chapter should be read in particular because it contains some useful assorted knowledge.

Security vulnerability disclosure

Please report suspected security vulnerabilities in private to security@satoshilabs.com, also see the disclosure section on the Trezor.io website. Please do NOT create publicly viewable issues for suspected security vulnerabilities.


See the docs folder or visit docs.trezor.io.