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/// Integer representing an angle of 45 degress (PI/4).
// Changing this constant requires revisiting isin() algorithm
// (for higher values consider changing T type to i64 or f32)
pub const PI4: i16 = 45;
/// Fast sine approximation.
/// Returns mult * sin(angle).
/// Angle must be in range <0..PI4>.
/// This function provides an error within +-1 for multiplier up to 500
pub fn sin_i16(angle: i16, mult: i16) -> i16 {
assert!(mult <= 2500);
type T = i32;
// Based on polynomial x - x^3 / 6
let x = angle as T;
// Constants for the approximation
const K: f32 = (PI4 as f32) * 4.0 / core::f32::consts::PI;
const M: T = (6.0 * K * K + 0.5) as T;
const N: T = (6.0 * K * K * K + 0.5) as T;
// Applying the approximation
(((M * x - x * x * x) * mult as T + N / 2) / N) as i16