Lower the number of style prebuild errors

M1nd3r 3 months ago committed by M1nd3r
parent 84f11b59c9
commit ab9a4fa736

@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ def _get_cid(session: SessionThpCache) -> int:
return int.from_bytes(session.session_id[2:], "big")
def create_new_unauthenticated_session(session_id: bytearray) -> SessionThpCache:
def create_new_unauthenticated_session(session_id: bytes) -> SessionThpCache:
if len(session_id) != 4:
raise ValueError("session_id must be 4 bytes long.")
global _active_session_idx
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ def get_least_recently_used_authetnicated_session_index() -> int:
# The function start_session should not be used in production code. It is present only to assure compatibility with old tests.
def start_session(session_id: bytes) -> bytes: # TODO incomplete
def start_session(session_id: bytes | None) -> bytes: # TODO incomplete
global _active_session_idx
global _is_active_session_authenticated

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
Msg = TypeVar("Msg", bound=protobuf.MessageType)
HandlerTask = Coroutine[Any, Any, protobuf.MessageType]
Handler = Callable[[Msg], HandlerTask]
HandlerWithSessionId = Callable[[Msg, bytes | None], HandlerTask]
LoadedMessageType = TypeVar("LoadedMessageType", bound=protobuf.MessageType)
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ async def _handle_single_message(
async def handle_session(
iface: WireInterface, session_id: int, is_debug_session: bool = False
iface: WireInterface, session_id: bytes, is_debug_session: bool = False
) -> None:
if __debug__ and is_debug_session:
ctx_buffer = WIRE_BUFFER_DEBUG
@ -268,7 +268,9 @@ async def handle_session(
log.exception(__name__, exc)
def _find_handler_placeholder(iface: WireInterface, msg_type: int) -> Handler | None:
def _find_handler_placeholder(
iface: WireInterface, msg_type: int
) -> Handler | HandlerWithSessionId | None:
"""Placeholder handler lookup before a proper one is registered."""
return None

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class Context:
iface: WireInterface,
buffer: bytearray,
session_id: bytearray | None = None,
session_id: bytes | None = None,
) -> None:
self.iface = iface
self.buffer = buffer

@ -8,12 +8,14 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
class WireProtocol:
async def read_message(iface: WireInterface, buffer: utils.BufferType) -> Message:
async def read_message(
self, iface: WireInterface, buffer: utils.BufferType
) -> Message:
if utils.USE_THP:
return await thp_v1.read_message(iface, buffer)
return await codec_v1.read_message(iface, buffer)
async def write_message(iface: WireInterface, message: Message) -> None:
async def write_message(self, iface: WireInterface, message: Message) -> None:
if utils.USE_THP:
return thp_v1.write_to_wire(iface, message)
return codec_v1.write_message(iface, message.type, message.data)

@ -16,17 +16,6 @@ class ThpError(WireError):
class WorkflowState(IntEnum):
class Workflow:
id: int
workflow_state: WorkflowState
class SessionState(IntEnum):
INITIALIZED = 1 # do not change, is denoted as constant in storage.cache _THP_SESSION_STATE_INITIALIZED = 1
@ -36,19 +25,6 @@ class SessionState(IntEnum):
def get_workflow() -> Workflow:
pass # TODO
def print_all_test_sessions() -> None:
for session in storage_thp_cache._UNAUTHENTICATED_SESSIONS:
if session is None:
print(hexlify(session.session_id).decode("utf-8"), session.state)
def create_autenticated_session(unauthenticated_session: SessionThpCache):
storage_thp_cache.start_session() # TODO something like this but for THP
@ -135,14 +111,14 @@ def _get_id(iface: WireInterface, cid: int) -> bytearray:
return ustruct.pack(">HH", iface.iface_num(), cid)
def _get_authenticated_session_or_none(session_id) -> SessionThpCache:
def _get_authenticated_session_or_none(session_id) -> SessionThpCache | None:
for authenticated_session in storage_thp_cache._SESSIONS:
if authenticated_session.session_id == session_id:
return authenticated_session
return None
def _get_unauthenticated_session_or_none(session_id) -> SessionThpCache:
def _get_unauthenticated_session_or_none(session_id) -> SessionThpCache | None:
for unauthenticated_session in storage_thp_cache._UNAUTHENTICATED_SESSIONS:
if unauthenticated_session.session_id == session_id:
return unauthenticated_session
@ -162,5 +138,5 @@ def _decode_session_state(state: bytearray) -> int:
return ustruct.unpack("B", state)[0]
def _encode_session_state(state: SessionState) -> bytearray:
return ustruct.pack("B", state)
def _encode_session_state(state: SessionState) -> bytes:
return SessionState.to_bytes(state, 1, "big")

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class InterruptingInitPacket:
async def read_message(iface: WireInterface, buffer: utils.BufferType) -> Message:
msg = await read_message_or_init_packet(iface, buffer)
while type(msg) is not Message:
if msg is InterruptingInitPacket:
if isinstance(msg, InterruptingInitPacket):
msg = await read_message_or_init_packet(iface, buffer, msg.initReport)
raise ThpError("Unexpected output of read_message_or_init_packet:")
@ -104,6 +104,9 @@ async def read_message_or_init_packet(
report = None
if report is None:
raise ThpError("Reading failed unexpectedly, report is None.")
payload_length = ustruct.unpack(">H", report[3:])[0]
payload = _get_buffer_for_payload(payload_length, buffer)
header = InitHeader(ctrl_byte, cid, payload_length)
@ -352,7 +355,7 @@ def _get_new_channel_id() -> int:
return THP.get_next_channel_id()
def _is_checksum_valid(checksum: bytearray, data: bytearray) -> bool:
def _is_checksum_valid(checksum: bytes | utils.BufferType, data: bytearray) -> bool:
data_checksum = _compute_checksum_bytes(data)
return checksum == data_checksum
