WIP - drawlib - bitmap refactored

cepetr 1 month ago
parent 21ad1be4de
commit 446eb6763b

@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
use super::ffi;
use crate::ui::{
geometry::{Offset, Rect},
use core::{cell::Cell, marker::PhantomData};
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum BitmapFormat {
pub struct Bitmap<'a> {
/// Pointer to top-left pixel
ptr: *mut u8,
/// Stride in bytes
stride: usize,
/// Size in pixels
size: Offset,
/// Format of pixels
format: BitmapFormat,
/// Bitmap data is mutable
mutable: bool,
/// DMA operation is pending
dma_pending: Cell<bool>,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<&'a ()>,
impl<'a> Bitmap<'a> {
/// Creates a new bitmap referencing a specified buffer.
/// Optionally minimal height can be specified and then the height
/// of the new bitmap is adjusted to the buffer size.
/// Returns None if the buffer is not big enough.
/// The `buff` needs to be properly aligned and big enough
/// to hold a bitmap with the specified format and size
pub fn new(
format: BitmapFormat,
stride: Option<usize>,
mut size: Offset,
min_height: Option<i16>,
buff: &'a [u8],
) -> Option<Self> {
if size.x < 0 && size.y < 0 {
return None;
let min_stride = match format {
BitmapFormat::MONO1 => (size.x + 7) / 8,
BitmapFormat::MONO1P => 0,
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => (size.x + 1) / 2,
BitmapFormat::MONO8 => size.x,
BitmapFormat::RGB565 => size.x * 2,
BitmapFormat::RGBA8888 => size.x * 4,
} as usize;
let stride = stride.unwrap_or(min_stride);
let alignment = match format {
BitmapFormat::MONO1 => 1,
BitmapFormat::MONO1P => 1,
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => 1,
BitmapFormat::MONO8 => 1,
BitmapFormat::RGB565 => 2,
BitmapFormat::RGBA8888 => 4,
assert!(stride >= min_stride);
assert!(buff.as_ptr() as usize & (alignment - 1) == 0);
assert!(stride & (alignment - 1) == 0);
let max_height = if stride == 0 {
size.y as usize
} else {
buff.len() / stride
if size.y as usize > max_height {
if let Some(min_height) = min_height {
if max_height >= min_height as usize {
size.y = max_height as i16;
} else {
return None;
} else {
return None;
Some(Self {
ptr: buff.as_ptr() as *mut u8,
mutable: false,
dma_pending: Cell::new(false),
_phantom: PhantomData,
/// Creates a new mutable bitmap referencing a specified buffer.
/// Optionally minimal height can be specified and then the height
/// of the new bitmap is adjusted to the buffer size.
/// Returns None if the buffer is not big enough.
/// The `buff` needs to be properly aligned and big enough
/// to hold a bitmap with the specified format and size
pub fn new_mut(
format: BitmapFormat,
stride: Option<usize>,
size: Offset,
min_height: Option<i16>,
buff: &'a mut [u8],
) -> Option<Self> {
let mut bitmap = Self::new(format, stride, size, min_height, buff)?;
bitmap.mutable = true;
return Some(bitmap);
/// Returns bitmap width in pixels.
pub fn width(&self) -> i16 {
/// Returns bitmap height in pixels.
pub fn height(&self) -> i16 {
/// Returns bitmap width and height in pixels.
pub fn size(&self) -> Offset {
/// Returns bitmap stride in bytes.
pub fn stride(&self) -> usize {
pub fn view(&self) -> BitmapView {
/// Returns the specified row as an immutable slice.
/// Returns None if row is out of range.
pub fn row<T>(&self, row: i16) -> Option<&[T]> {
if row >= 0 && row < self.size.y {
let offset = row as usize * (self.stride / core::mem::size_of::<T>());
Some(unsafe {
(self.ptr as *const T).add(offset),
self.stride / core::mem::size_of::<T>(),
} else {
/// Returns the specified row as a mutable slice.
/// Returns None if row is out of range.
pub fn row_mut<T>(&mut self, row: i16) -> Option<&mut [T]> {
if row >= 0 && row < self.size.y {
let offset = row as usize * (self.stride / core::mem::size_of::<T>());
Some(unsafe {
(self.ptr as *mut T).add(offset),
self.stride / core::mem::size_of::<T>(),
} else {
/// Returns specified consecutive rows as a mutable slice
/// Returns None if any of requested row is out of range.
pub fn rows_mut<T>(&mut self, row: i16, height: i16) -> Option<&mut [T]> {
if row >= 0 && height > 0 && row < self.size.y && row + height <= self.size.y {
let offset = self.stride * row as usize;
let len = self.stride * height as usize;
let array = unsafe {
self.ptr as *mut T,
self.size.y as usize * self.stride / core::mem::size_of::<T>(),
Some(&mut array[offset..offset + len])
} else {
/// Fills a rectangle with the specified color.
/// The function is aplicable only on bitmaps with RGB565 format.
pub fn rgb565_fill(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, color: Color, alpha: u8) {
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_fill(r, clip, color, alpha) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
unsafe {
pub fn rgb565_copy(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) {
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_copy(r, clip, src) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
unsafe {
match src.bitmap.format {
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => {
BitmapFormat::RGB565 => {
_ => panic!(),
pub fn rgb565_blend(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) {
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_copy(r, clip, src) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
unsafe {
match src.bitmap.format {
BitmapFormat::MONO1P => {
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => {
_ => panic!(),
/// Fills a rectangle with the specified color.
/// The function is aplicable only on bitmaps with RGBA888 format.
pub fn rgba8888_fill(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, color: Color, alpha: u8) {
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_fill(r, clip, color, alpha) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
unsafe {
pub fn rgba8888_copy(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) {
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_copy(r, clip, src) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
unsafe {
match src.bitmap.format {
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => {
BitmapFormat::RGB565 => {
BitmapFormat::RGBA8888 => {
_ => panic!(),
pub fn rgba8888_blend(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) {
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_copy(r, clip, src) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
unsafe {
match src.bitmap.format {
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => {
_ => panic!(),
/// Fills a rectangle with the specified color.
/// The function is aplicable only on bitmaps with RGB565 format.
pub fn mono8_fill(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, color: Color, alpha: u8) {
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_fill(r, clip, color, alpha) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
unsafe {
pub fn mono8_copy(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) {
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_copy(r, clip, src) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
unsafe {
match src.bitmap.format {
BitmapFormat::MONO1P => {
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => {
_ => panic!(),
pub fn mono8_blend(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) {
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_copy(r, clip, src) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
unsafe {
match src.bitmap.format {
BitmapFormat::MONO1P => {
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => {
_ => panic!(),
/// Waits until DMA operation is finished
fn wait_for_dma(&self) {
if self.dma_pending.get() {
#[cfg(feature = "dma2d")]
unsafe {
impl<'a> Drop for Bitmap<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
pub struct BitmapView<'a> {
pub bitmap: &'a Bitmap<'a>,
pub offset: Offset,
pub fg_color: Color,
pub bg_color: Color,
impl<'a> BitmapView<'a> {
/// Creates a new reference to the bitmap
pub fn new(bitmap: &'a Bitmap) -> Self {
Self {
offset: Offset::zero(),
fg_color: Color::black(),
bg_color: Color::black(),
/// Builds a new structure with offset set to the specified value
pub fn with_offset(self, offset: Offset) -> Self {
Self {
offset: (offset + self.offset.into()).into(),
/// Builds a new structure with foreground color set to the specified value
pub fn with_fg(self, fg_color: Color) -> Self {
Self {
fg_color: fg_color.into(),
/// Builds a new structure with background color set to the specified value
pub fn with_bg(self, bg_color: Color) -> Self {
Self {
bg_color: bg_color.into(),
/// Returns the bitmap width and height in pixels
pub fn size(&self) -> Offset {
/// Returns the bitmap width in pixels
pub fn width(&self) -> i16 {
/// Returns the bitmap height in pixels
pub fn height(&self) -> i16 {
/// Returns the bitmap format
pub fn format(&self) -> BitmapFormat {
/// Returns the specified row as an immutable slice.
/// Returns None if row is out of range.
pub fn row<T>(&self, row: i16) -> Option<&[T]> {
pub type Dma2d = ffi::dma2d_params_t;
impl Dma2d {
pub fn new_fill(r: Rect, clip: Rect, color: Color, alpha: u8) -> Option<Self> {
let r = r.intersect(clip);
if !r.is_empty() {
} else {
pub fn new_copy(r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) -> Option<Self> {
let mut offset = src.offset;
let mut r_dst = r;
// Normalize negative x & y-offset of the bitmap
if offset.x < 0 {
r_dst.x0 -= offset.x;
offset.x = 0;
if offset.y < 0 {
r_dst.y0 -= offset.y;
offset.y = 0;
// Clip with the canvas viewport
let mut r = r_dst.intersect(clip);
// Clip with the bitmap top-left
if r.x0 > r_dst.x0 {
offset.x += r.x0 - r_dst.x0;
if r.y0 > r_dst.y0 {
offset.y += r.y0 - r_dst.y0;
// Clip with the bitmap size
r.x1 = core::cmp::min(r.x0 + src.size().x - offset.x, r.x1);
r.y1 = core::cmp::min(r.y0 + src.size().y - offset.y, r.y1);
if !r.is_empty() {
.with_src(src.bitmap, offset.x, offset.y)
} else {
pub fn with_dst(self, dst: &mut Bitmap) -> Self {
Self {
dst_row: unsafe { dst.ptr.add(dst.stride * self.dst_y as usize) as *mut cty::c_void },
dst_stride: dst.stride as u16,
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
width: 0,
height: 0,
dst_row: core::ptr::null_mut(),
dst_stride: 0,
dst_x: 0,
dst_y: 0,
src_row: core::ptr::null_mut(),
src_bg: 0,
src_fg: 0,
src_stride: 0,
src_x: 0,
src_y: 0,
src_alpha: 255,
fn with_rect(self, r: Rect) -> Self {
Self {
width: r.width() as u16,
height: r.height() as u16,
dst_x: r.x0 as u16,
dst_y: r.y0 as u16,
fn with_src(self, bitmap: &Bitmap, x: i16, y: i16) -> Self {
let bitmap_stride = match bitmap.format {
BitmapFormat::MONO1P => bitmap.size.x as u16, // packed bits
_ => bitmap.stride as u16,
Self {
src_row: unsafe { bitmap.ptr.add(bitmap.stride * y as usize) as *mut cty::c_void },
src_stride: bitmap_stride,
src_x: x as u16,
src_y: y as u16,
fn with_fg(self, fg_color: Color) -> Self {
Self {
src_fg: fg_color.into(),
fn with_bg(self, bg_color: Color) -> Self {
Self {
src_bg: bg_color.into(),
fn with_alpha(self, alpha: u8) -> Self {
Self {
src_alpha: alpha,
impl Dma2d {
pub fn wnd565_fill(r: Rect, clip: Rect, color: Color) {
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_fill(r, clip, color, 255) {
unsafe { ffi::wnd565_fill(&dma2d) };
pub fn wnd565_copy(r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) {
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_copy(r, clip, src) {
unsafe {
match src.bitmap.format {
BitmapFormat::RGB565 => {
_ => panic!(),

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
use super::ffi;
use crate::ui::{
shape::{Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapView},
pub type Dma2d = ffi::dma2d_params_t;
impl Default for Dma2d {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
width: 0,
height: 0,
dst_row: core::ptr::null_mut(),
dst_stride: 0,
dst_x: 0,
dst_y: 0,
src_row: core::ptr::null_mut(),
src_bg: 0,
src_fg: 0,
src_stride: 0,
src_x: 0,
src_y: 0,
src_alpha: 255,
impl Dma2d {
pub fn new_fill(r: Rect, clip: Rect, color: Color, alpha: u8) -> Option<Self> {
let r = r.intersect(clip);
if !r.is_empty() {
} else {
pub fn new_copy(r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) -> Option<Self> {
let mut offset = src.offset;
let mut r_dst = r;
// Normalize negative x & y-offset of the bitmap
if offset.x < 0 {
r_dst.x0 -= offset.x;
offset.x = 0;
if offset.y < 0 {
r_dst.y0 -= offset.y;
offset.y = 0;
// Clip with the canvas viewport
let mut r = r_dst.intersect(clip);
// Clip with the bitmap top-left
if r.x0 > r_dst.x0 {
offset.x += r.x0 - r_dst.x0;
if r.y0 > r_dst.y0 {
offset.y += r.y0 - r_dst.y0;
// Clip with the bitmap size
r.x1 = core::cmp::min(r.x0 + src.size().x - offset.x, r.x1);
r.y1 = core::cmp::min(r.y0 + src.size().y - offset.y, r.y1);
if !r.is_empty() {
.with_src(src.bitmap, offset.x, offset.y)
} else {
pub fn with_dst(self, dst: &mut Bitmap) -> Self {
Self {
dst_row: unsafe { dst.row_ptr(self.dst_y) },
dst_stride: dst.stride() as u16,
fn with_rect(self, r: Rect) -> Self {
Self {
width: r.width() as u16,
height: r.height() as u16,
dst_x: r.x0 as u16,
dst_y: r.y0 as u16,
fn with_src(self, bitmap: &Bitmap, x: i16, y: i16) -> Self {
let bitmap_stride = match bitmap.format() {
BitmapFormat::MONO1P => bitmap.width() as u16, // packed bits
_ => bitmap.stride() as u16,
Self {
src_row: unsafe { bitmap.row_ptr(y as u16) },
src_stride: bitmap_stride,
src_x: x as u16,
src_y: y as u16,
fn with_fg(self, fg_color: Color) -> Self {
Self {
src_fg: fg_color.into(),
fn with_bg(self, bg_color: Color) -> Self {
Self {
src_bg: bg_color.into(),
fn with_alpha(self, alpha: u8) -> Self {
Self {
src_alpha: alpha,
pub fn wait_for_transfer() {
unsafe { ffi::dma2d_wait_for_transfer() }
pub unsafe fn rgb565_fill(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::rgb565_fill(self) };
pub unsafe fn rgb565_copy_mono4(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::rgb565_copy_mono4(self) };
pub unsafe fn rgb565_copy_rgb565(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::rgb565_copy_rgb565(self) };
pub unsafe fn rgb565_blend_mono4(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::rgb565_blend_mono4(self) };
pub unsafe fn rgba8888_fill(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::rgba8888_fill(self) };
pub unsafe fn rgba8888_copy_mono4(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::rgba8888_copy_mono4(self) };
pub unsafe fn rgba8888_copy_rgb565(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::rgba8888_copy_rgb565(self) };
pub unsafe fn rgba8888_copy_rgba8888(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::rgba8888_copy_rgba8888(self) };
pub unsafe fn rgba8888_blend_mono4(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::rgba8888_blend_mono4(self) };
pub unsafe fn mono8_fill(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::mono8_fill(self) };
pub unsafe fn mono8_copy_mono1p(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::mono8_copy_mono1p(self) };
pub unsafe fn mono8_copy_mono4(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::mono8_copy_mono4(self) };
pub unsafe fn mono8_blend_mono1p(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::mono8_blend_mono1p(self) };
pub unsafe fn mono8_blend_mono4(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::mono8_blend_mono4(self) };
pub unsafe fn wnd565_fill(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::wnd565_fill(self) };
pub unsafe fn wnd565_copy_rgb565(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::wnd565_copy_rgb565(self) };

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ pub mod bip39;
pub mod fatal_error;
pub mod bitmap;
#[cfg(feature = "ui")]
pub mod display;
#[cfg(feature = "dma2d")]
pub mod dma2d;
pub mod dma2d_new;
mod ffi;
#[cfg(feature = "haptic")]
pub mod haptic;

@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
use crate::trezorhal::dma2d_new::Dma2d;
use crate::ui::{display::Color, geometry::Offset};
use core::{cell::Cell, marker::PhantomData};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BitmapFormat {
/// 1-bit mono
/// 1-bit mono packed (bitmap stride is in bits)
/// 4-bit mono
/// 8-bit mono
/// 16-bit color, RGB565 format
/// 32-bit color, RGBA format
pub struct Bitmap<'a> {
/// Pointer to top-left pixel
ptr: *mut u8,
/// Stride in bytes
stride: usize,
/// Size in pixels
size: Offset,
/// Format of pixels
format: BitmapFormat,
/// Bitmap data is mutable
mutable: bool,
/// DMA operation is pending
dma_pending: Cell<bool>,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<&'a ()>,
impl<'a> Bitmap<'a> {
/// Creates a new bitmap referencing a specified buffer.
/// Optionally minimal height can be specified and then the height
/// of the new bitmap is adjusted to the buffer size.
/// Returns None if the buffer is not big enough.
/// The `buff` needs to be properly aligned and big enough
/// to hold a bitmap with the specified format and size
pub fn new(
format: BitmapFormat,
stride: Option<usize>,
mut size: Offset,
min_height: Option<i16>,
buff: &'a [u8],
) -> Option<Self> {
if size.x < 0 && size.y < 0 {
return None;
let min_stride = match format {
BitmapFormat::MONO1 => (size.x + 7) / 8,
BitmapFormat::MONO1P => 0,
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => (size.x + 1) / 2,
BitmapFormat::MONO8 => size.x,
BitmapFormat::RGB565 => size.x * 2,
BitmapFormat::RGBA8888 => size.x * 4,
} as usize;
let stride = stride.unwrap_or(min_stride);
let alignment = match format {
BitmapFormat::MONO1 => 1,
BitmapFormat::MONO1P => 1,
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => 1,
BitmapFormat::MONO8 => 1,
BitmapFormat::RGB565 => 2,
BitmapFormat::RGBA8888 => 4,
assert!(stride >= min_stride);
assert!(buff.as_ptr() as usize & (alignment - 1) == 0);
assert!(stride & (alignment - 1) == 0);
let max_height = if stride == 0 {
size.y as usize
} else {
buff.len() / stride
if size.y as usize > max_height {
if let Some(min_height) = min_height {
if max_height >= min_height as usize {
size.y = max_height as i16;
} else {
return None;
} else {
return None;
Some(Self {
ptr: buff.as_ptr() as *mut u8,
mutable: false,
dma_pending: Cell::new(false),
_phantom: PhantomData,
/// Creates a new mutable bitmap referencing a specified buffer.
/// Optionally minimal height can be specified and then the height
/// of the new bitmap is adjusted to the buffer size.
/// Returns None if the buffer is not big enough.
/// The `buff` needs to be properly aligned and big enough
/// to hold a bitmap with the specified format and size
pub fn new_mut(
format: BitmapFormat,
stride: Option<usize>,
size: Offset,
min_height: Option<i16>,
buff: &'a mut [u8],
) -> Option<Self> {
let mut bitmap = Self::new(format, stride, size, min_height, buff)?;
bitmap.mutable = true;
return Some(bitmap);
/// Returns bitmap width in pixels.
pub fn width(&self) -> i16 {
/// Returns bitmap height in pixels.
pub fn height(&self) -> i16 {
/// Returns bitmap width and height in pixels.
pub fn size(&self) -> Offset {
/// Returns bitmap stride in bytes.
pub fn stride(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns bitmap format.
pub fn format(&self) -> BitmapFormat {
pub fn view(&self) -> BitmapView {
/// Returns the specified row as an immutable slice.
/// Returns None if row is out of range.
pub fn row<T>(&self, row: i16) -> Option<&[T]> {
if row >= 0 && row < self.size.y {
let offset = row as usize * (self.stride / core::mem::size_of::<T>());
Some(unsafe {
(self.ptr as *const T).add(offset),
self.stride / core::mem::size_of::<T>(),
} else {
/// Returns the specified row as a mutable slice.
/// Returns None if row is out of range.
pub fn row_mut<T>(&mut self, row: i16) -> Option<&mut [T]> {
if row >= 0 && row < self.size.y {
let offset = row as usize * (self.stride / core::mem::size_of::<T>());
Some(unsafe {
(self.ptr as *mut T).add(offset),
self.stride / core::mem::size_of::<T>(),
} else {
/// Returns specified consecutive rows as a mutable slice
/// Returns None if any of requested row is out of range.
pub fn rows_mut<T>(&mut self, row: i16, height: i16) -> Option<&mut [T]> {
if row >= 0 && height > 0 && row < self.size.y && row + height <= self.size.y {
let offset = self.stride * row as usize;
let len = self.stride * height as usize;
let array = unsafe {
self.ptr as *mut T,
self.size.y as usize * self.stride / core::mem::size_of::<T>(),
Some(&mut array[offset..offset + len])
} else {
/// Return raw mut pointer to the specified bitmap row.
/// `y` must be in range <0; self.height() - 1>.
pub unsafe fn row_ptr(&self, y: u16) -> *mut cty::c_void {
unsafe { self.ptr.add(self.stride() * y as usize) as *mut cty::c_void }
/// Waits until DMA operation is finished
fn wait_for_dma(&self) {
if self.dma_pending.get() {
// Mark bitmap as DMA operation is pending
pub fn mark_dma_pending(&self) {
impl<'a> Drop for Bitmap<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
pub struct BitmapView<'a> {
pub bitmap: &'a Bitmap<'a>,
pub offset: Offset,
pub fg_color: Color,
pub bg_color: Color,
impl<'a> BitmapView<'a> {
/// Creates a new reference to the bitmap
pub fn new(bitmap: &'a Bitmap) -> Self {
Self {
offset: Offset::zero(),
fg_color: Color::black(),
bg_color: Color::black(),
/// Builds a new structure with offset set to the specified value
pub fn with_offset(self, offset: Offset) -> Self {
Self {
offset: (offset + self.offset.into()).into(),
/// Builds a new structure with foreground color set to the specified value
pub fn with_fg(self, fg_color: Color) -> Self {
Self {
fg_color: fg_color.into(),
/// Builds a new structure with background color set to the specified value
pub fn with_bg(self, bg_color: Color) -> Self {
Self {
bg_color: bg_color.into(),
/// Returns the bitmap width and height in pixels
pub fn size(&self) -> Offset {
/// Returns the bitmap width in pixels
pub fn width(&self) -> i16 {
/// Returns the bitmap height in pixels
pub fn height(&self) -> i16 {
/// Returns the bitmap format
pub fn format(&self) -> BitmapFormat {
/// Returns the specified row as an immutable slice.
/// Returns None if row is out of range.
pub fn row<T>(&self, row: i16) -> Option<&[T]> {

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
pub mod bitmap;
pub mod mono8;
pub mod rgb565;
pub mod rgba8888;
pub use bitmap::{Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapView};

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
use super::{Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapView};
use crate::{
ui::{display::Color, geometry::Rect},
impl<'a> Bitmap<'a> {
/// Fills a rectangle with the specified color.
/// The function is aplicable only on bitmaps with RGB565 format.
pub fn mono8_fill(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, color: Color, alpha: u8) {
assert!(self.format() == BitmapFormat::MONO8);
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_fill(r, clip, color, alpha) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
unsafe { dma2d.mono8_fill() };
pub fn mono8_copy(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) {
assert!(self.format() == BitmapFormat::MONO8);
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_copy(r, clip, src) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
match src.format() {
BitmapFormat::MONO1P => unsafe { dma2d.mono8_copy_mono1p() },
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => unsafe { dma2d.mono8_copy_mono4() },
_ => panic!("Unsupported DMA operation"),
pub fn mono8_blend(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) {
assert!(self.format() == BitmapFormat::MONO8);
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_copy(r, clip, src) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
match src.format() {
BitmapFormat::MONO1P => unsafe { dma2d.mono8_blend_mono1p() },
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => unsafe { dma2d.mono8_blend_mono4() },
_ => panic!("Unsupported DMA operation"),

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
use super::{Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapView};
use crate::{
ui::{display::Color, geometry::Rect},
impl<'a> Bitmap<'a> {
/// Fills a rectangle with the specified color.
/// The function is aplicable only on bitmaps with RGB565 format.
pub fn rgb565_fill(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, color: Color, alpha: u8) {
assert!(self.format() == BitmapFormat::RGB565);
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_fill(r, clip, color, alpha) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
unsafe { dma2d.rgb565_fill() };
pub fn rgb565_copy(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) {
assert!(self.format() == BitmapFormat::RGB565);
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_copy(r, clip, src) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
match src.format() {
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => unsafe { dma2d.rgb565_copy_mono4() },
BitmapFormat::RGB565 => unsafe { dma2d.rgb565_copy_rgb565() },
_ => panic!("Unsupported DMA operation"),
pub fn rgb565_blend(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) {
assert!(self.format() == BitmapFormat::RGB565);
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_copy(r, clip, src) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
match src.format() {
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => unsafe { dma2d.rgb565_blend_mono4() },
_ => panic!("Unsupported DMA operation"),

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
use super::{Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapView};
use crate::{
ui::{display::Color, geometry::Rect},
impl<'a> Bitmap<'a> {
/// Fills a rectangle with the specified color.
/// The function is aplicable only on bitmaps with RGBA888 format.
pub fn rgba8888_fill(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, color: Color, alpha: u8) {
assert!(self.format() == BitmapFormat::RGBA8888);
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_fill(r, clip, color, alpha) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
unsafe { dma2d.rgba8888_fill() };
pub fn rgba8888_copy(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) {
assert!(self.format() == BitmapFormat::RGBA8888);
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_copy(r, clip, src) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
match src.format() {
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => unsafe { dma2d.rgba8888_copy_mono4() },
BitmapFormat::RGB565 => unsafe { dma2d.rgba8888_copy_rgb565() },
BitmapFormat::RGBA8888 => unsafe { dma2d.rgba8888_copy_rgba8888() },
_ => panic!("Unsupported DMA operation"),
pub fn rgba8888_blend(&mut self, r: Rect, clip: Rect, src: &BitmapView) {
assert!(self.format() == BitmapFormat::RGBA8888);
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_copy(r, clip, src) {
let dma2d = dma2d.with_dst(self);
match src.format() {
BitmapFormat::MONO4 => unsafe { dma2d.rgba8888_blend_mono4() },
_ => panic!("Unsupported DMA operation"),

@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ use crate::ui::{
geometry::{Offset, Point, Rect},
use super::{BitmapView, Viewport};
use super::super::{
algo::{circle_points, line_points, sin_i16, PI4},
BitmapView, Viewport,
#[cfg(feature = "ui_blurring")]
use crate::ui::shape::DrawingCache;
use super::super::algo::{circle_points, line_points, sin_i16, PI4};
pub trait BasicCanvas {
/// Returns dimensions of the canvas in pixels.
fn size(&self) -> Offset;

@ -9,6 +9,3 @@ pub use mono8::Mono8Canvas;
pub use rgb565::Rgb565Canvas;
pub use rgba8888::Rgba8888Canvas;
pub use viewport::Viewport;
use crate::trezorhal::bitmap;
pub use bitmap::{Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapView};

@ -3,10 +3,13 @@ use crate::ui::{
geometry::{Offset, Point, Rect},
#[cfg(feature = "ui_blurring")]
use crate::ui::shape::DrawingCache;
use super::{
super::{Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapView},
BasicCanvas, Canvas, Viewport,
use super::{BasicCanvas, Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapView, Canvas, Viewport};
#[cfg(feature = "ui_blurring")]
use super::super::DrawingCache;
/// A struct representing 8-bit monochromatic canvas
pub struct Mono8Canvas<'a> {

@ -3,10 +3,13 @@ use crate::ui::{
geometry::{Offset, Point, Rect},
use super::{BasicCanvas, Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapView, Canvas, Viewport};
use super::{
super::{Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapView},
BasicCanvas, Canvas, Viewport,
#[cfg(feature = "ui_blurring")]
use crate::ui::shape::DrawingCache;
use super::super::DrawingCache;
/// A struct representing 16-bit (RGB565) color canvas
pub struct Rgb565Canvas<'a> {

@ -3,10 +3,13 @@ use crate::ui::{
geometry::{Offset, Point, Rect},
use super::{BasicCanvas, Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapView, Canvas, Viewport};
use super::{
super::{Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapView},
BasicCanvas, Canvas, Viewport,
#[cfg(feature = "ui_blurring")]
use crate::ui::shape::DrawingCache;
use super::super::DrawingCache;
/// A struct representing 32-bit (RGBA8888) color canvas
pub struct Rgba8888Canvas<'a> {

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
mod algo;
mod bar;
mod base;
mod bitmap;
#[cfg(feature = "ui_blurring")]
mod blur;
mod cache;
@ -14,11 +15,14 @@ mod render;
mod text;
mod toif;
pub use algo::PI4;
pub use bar::Bar;
pub use base::{Shape, ShapeClone};
pub use bitmap::{Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapView};
#[cfg(feature = "ui_blurring")]
pub use blur::Blurring;
pub use cache::drawing_cache::DrawingCache;
pub use canvas::{BasicCanvas, Canvas, Mono8Canvas, Rgb565Canvas, Rgba8888Canvas, Viewport};
pub use circle::Circle;
#[cfg(feature = "ui_jpeg_decoder")]
pub use jpeg::JpegImage;
@ -27,10 +31,3 @@ pub use qrcode::QrImage;
pub use render::{DirectRenderer, ProgressiveRenderer, Renderer};
pub use text::Text;
pub use toif::ToifImage;
pub use canvas::{BasicCanvas, Canvas, Mono8Canvas, Rgb565Canvas, Rgba8888Canvas, Viewport};
use crate::trezorhal::bitmap;
pub use bitmap::{Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapView};
pub use algo::PI4;

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
use crate::trezorhal::dma2d_new::Dma2d;
use crate::ui::{
geometry::{Offset, Rect},
shape::{BasicCanvas, DrawingCache, ProgressiveRenderer, Viewport},
use crate::trezorhal::bitmap::{BitmapView, Dma2d};
use super::super::{
BasicCanvas, BitmapFormat, BitmapView, DrawingCache, ProgressiveRenderer, Viewport,
use static_alloc::Bump;
@ -67,11 +70,19 @@ impl BasicCanvas for DisplayModelT {
fn fill_rect(&mut self, r: Rect, color: Color, _alpha: u8) {
let r = r.translate(self.viewport.origin);
Dma2d::wnd565_fill(r, self.viewport.clip, color);
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_fill(r, self.viewport.clip, color, 255) {
unsafe { dma2d.wnd565_fill() };
fn draw_bitmap(&mut self, r: Rect, bitmap: BitmapView) {
let r = r.translate(self.viewport.origin);
Dma2d::wnd565_copy(r, self.viewport.clip, &bitmap);
if let Some(dma2d) = Dma2d::new_copy(r, self.viewport.clip, &bitmap) {
match bitmap.format() {
BitmapFormat::RGB565 => unsafe { dma2d.wnd565_copy_rgb565() },
_ => panic!("Unsupported DMA operation"),
