Package org.simpleframework.xml

Interface Summary
Serializer The Serializer interface is used to represent objects that can serialize and deserialize objects to an from XML.

Enum Summary
DefaultType The DefaultType enumeration is used to specify the type of defaults to apply to a class.

Annotation Types Summary
Attribute The Attribute annotation represents a serializable XML attribute within an XML element.
Default The Default annotation is used to specify that all fields or methods should be serialized in a default manner.
Element The Element annotation is used to represent a field or method that appears as an XML element.
ElementArray The ElementArray annotation represents a method or field that is an array of elements.
ElementList The ElementList annotation represents a method or field that is a Collection for storing entries.
ElementListUnion The ElementListUnion annotation is used to describe fields and methods that can dynamically match a schema class.
ElementMap The ElementMap annotation represents a method or field that is a Map for storing key value pairs.
ElementMapUnion The ElementMapUnion annotation is used to describe a field or method that can dynamically match a schema class.
ElementUnion The ElementUnion annotation is used to describe fields and methods that can dynamically match a schema class.
Namespace The Namespace annotation is used to set a namespace on an element or attribute.
NamespaceList The NamespaceList annotation that is used to declare namespaces that can be added to an element.
Order The Order annotation is used to specify the order of appearance of XML elements and attributes.
Path The Path annotation is used to specify an XML path where an XML element or attribute is located.
Root This Root annotation is used to annotate classes that need to be serialized.
Text The Text annotation is used to represent a field or method that appears as text within an XML element.
Transient The Transient annotation is an optional annotation that can be used within an XML class schema to mark a method or field as being transient, which indicates that it does not take part in serialization or deserialization.
Version The Version annotation is used to specify an attribute that is used to represent a revision of the class XML schema.