Annotation Type Version

public @interface Version

The Version annotation is used to specify an attribute that is used to represent a revision of the class XML schema. This annotation can annotate only floating point types such as double, float, and the java primitive object types. This can not be used to annotate strings, enumerations or other primitive types.

Niall Gallagher

Optional Element Summary
 java.lang.String name
          This represents the name of the XML attribute.
 boolean required
          Determines whether the version is required within an XML element.
 double revision
          This represents the revision of the class.


public abstract java.lang.String name
This represents the name of the XML attribute. Annotated fields or methods can optionally provide the name of the XML attribute they represent. If a name is not provided then the field or method name is used in its place. A name can be specified if the field or method name is not suitable for the XML attribute.

the name of the XML attribute this represents


public abstract double revision
This represents the revision of the class. A revision is used by the deserialization process to determine how to match the annotated fields and methods to the XML elements and attributes. If the version deserialized is different to the annotated revision then annotated fields and methods are not required and if there are excessive XML nodes they are ignored.

this returns the version of the XML class schema


public abstract boolean required
Determines whether the version is required within an XML element. Any field marked as not required will not have its value set when the object is deserialized. This is written only if the version is not the same as the default version.

true if the version is required, false otherwise