* a few fixes for SRV service detection
* localization strings cleanup
* new policy for localization: translators are only mentioned on their own translation from now on
* allow to enter account name at the end of account setup (fixes#13)
* advise user to enter email address as account name (closes#24)
* support for iCal TRANSP (availability free/busy field)
* create better UIDs using iCal4j UidGenerator and Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID
* better ORGANIZER/ATTENDEE support, but there are big Android issues yet
* various improvements and bug fixes
* fixed annoying bug where all imported contacts where starred
* checkbox for preemptive authentication in setup
* support for (non-preemptive) Digest authentication
* add UID when received entities don't contain one
* version bump to 0.3.2-alpha
* build.xml for ant/Fdroid