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## Launching Chromium in Docker
The simplest way:
git clone
cd chromium
docker-compose run chromium
If it does not start, you may need to allow your user making local
connections to X server, which can be achieved with this command on host:
xhost +SI:localuser:$(id -un)
You can use the following shortcut function and place it to your `~/.bash_aliases` file:
function docker_helper() {
pushd ~/docker/$1
docker-compose rm -f "$1"
docker-compose run -d --name "$1" "$@"
function chromium() {
docker_helper "$FUNCNAME" "$@"
Then just use ``chromium`` command to launch Chromium.
## Rebuilding the image
You may want to rebuild this image on your own:
docker pull ubuntu:xenial
docker build -t andrey01/chromium .
## Extra Notes
Good, stable vsync and HW acceleration
Enable "Override software rendering list"
To see whether you have the best result, you should have stable 60 FPS at following tests
You may want to disable Google's VP8 & VP9 video codecs: "MSE & WebM VP9" and "WebM VP8"
as there is no hardware decoding for them.
To do this, install h264ify extension from
Check the codecs