You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

127 lines
3.7 KiB

6 years ago
/* @flow */
'use strict';
import type {
Store as ReduxStore,
StoreEnhancer as ReduxStoreEnhancer,
Dispatch as ReduxDispatch,
Middleware as ReduxMiddleware,
MiddlewareAPI as ReduxMiddlewareAPI,
ThunkAction as ReduxThunkAction,
ThunkDispatch as ReduxThunkDispatch,
PlainDispatch as ReduxPlainDispatch
} from 'redux';
import type { Reducers, ReducersState } from '../reducers';
// Actions
import type { AbstractAccountAction } from '../actions/AbstractAccountActions';
import type { AddressAction } from '../actions/AddressActions';
import type { DiscoveryAction } from '../actions/DiscoveryActions';
import type { StorageAction } from '../actions/LocalStorageActions';
import type { LogAction } from '../actions/LogActions';
import type { ModalAction } from '../actions/ModalActions';
import type { NotificationAction } from '../actions/NotificationActions';
import type { ReceiveAction } from '../actions/ReceiveActions';
import type { SendFormAction } from '../actions/SendFormActions';
import type { SummaryAction } from '../actions/SummaryActions';
import type { TokenAction } from '../actions/TokenActions';
import type { TrezorConnectAction } from '../actions/TrezorConnectActions';
import type { WalletAction } from '../actions/WalletActions';
import type { Web3Action } from '../actions/Web3Actions';
import type { FiatRateAction } from '../services/CoinmarketcapService'; // this service has no action file, all is written inside one file
import type {
} from 'trezor-connect';
import type { RouterAction, LocationState } from 'react-router-redux';
export type TrezorDevice = {
remember: boolean;
connected: boolean;
available: boolean; // device cannot be used because of features.passphrase_protection is different then expected (saved)
path: string;
label: string;
state: ?string;
instance?: number;
instanceLabel: string;
features?: Features;
unacquired?: boolean;
acquiring: boolean;
isUsedElsewhere?: boolean;
featuresNeedsReload?: boolean;
ts: number;
export type RouterLocationState = LocationState;
// Cast event from TrezorConnect event listener to react Action
type DeviceEventAction = {
type: DeviceMessageType,
device: Device,
type TransportEventAction = {
type: TransportMessageType,
payload: any,
type UiEventAction = {
type: UiMessageType,
payload: any,
// TODO: join this message with uiMessage
type IFrameHandshake = {
type: 'iframe_handshake',
payload: any
export type Action =
| IFrameHandshake
| TransportEventAction
| DeviceEventAction
| UiEventAction
| AbstractAccountAction
| AddressAction
| DiscoveryAction
| StorageAction
| LogAction
| ModalAction
| NotificationAction
| ReceiveAction
| SendFormAction
| SummaryAction
| TokenAction
| TrezorConnectAction
| WalletAction
| Web3Action
| FiatRateAction;
export type State = ReducersState;
export type Accounts = $ElementType<State, 'accounts'>;
export type LocalStorage = $ElementType<State, 'localStorage'>;
export type Config = $PropertyType<$ElementType<State, 'localStorage'>, 'config'>;
export type Dispatch = ReduxDispatch<State, Action>;
export type MiddlewareDispatch = ReduxPlainDispatch<Action>;
export type MiddlewareAPI = ReduxMiddlewareAPI<State, Action>;
export type Middleware = ReduxMiddleware<State, Action>;
export type Store = ReduxStore<State, Action>;
export type StoreEnhancer = ReduxStoreEnhancer<State, Action>;
6 years ago
export type GetState = () => State;
export type AsyncAction = ReduxThunkAction<State, Action>;