mirror of https://github.com/trezor/trezor-wallet synced 2025-03-20 10:06:09 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
Szymon Lesisz 2018-03-08 17:10:53 +01:00
parent cb83b2b7b6
commit 8ed54612e8
99 changed files with 1894 additions and 1177 deletions

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<path d="M173.5,13.2l-6.8,7.4c-0.3,0.3-0.6,0.4-1,0.4c-0.4,0-0.7-0.2-1-0.4l-6.4-7.1c-0.5-0.5-0.4-1.3,0.1-1.8
<g id="arrow-left">
<path d="M170.8,52.2c0,0.3-0.1,0.7-0.3,0.9c-0.2,0.3-0.5,0.4-0.9,0.4h-0.1c-0.3,0-0.6-0.1-0.8-0.3l-7-6.4
<g id="arrow-right">
<path d="M191.2,39.8c0-0.3,0.1-0.7,0.3-0.9c0.2-0.3,0.5-0.4,0.9-0.4h0.1c0.3,0,0.6,0.1,0.8,0.3l7,6.4c0.3,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.4,0.9
<g id="arrow-up">
<path d="M189.8,20.8c-0.3,0-0.7-0.1-0.9-0.3c-0.3-0.2-0.4-0.5-0.4-0.9v-0.1c0-0.3,0.1-0.6,0.3-0.8l6.4-7c0.2-0.3,0.6-0.4,0.9-0.4
<view id="icon-external" viewBox="30 60 30 30" />
<view id="icon-heart-view" viewBox="0 32 32 32" />
<view id="icon-arrow-right-view" viewBox="0 64 32 32" />


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Binary file not shown.


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View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />
<title>Ethereum Wallet| TREZOR</title>
<title>Ethereum Wallet | TREZOR</title>
<meta name="title" content="TrezorConnect" />
<meta name="description" content="TrezorConnect" />
<meta name="keywords" content="TrezorConnect" />

View File

@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ export function loadTokensFromJSON(): any {
const ethERC20 = await httpRequest('data/ethERC20.json', 'json');
const devices: ?string = get('devices');
console.log("GET23", JSON.parse(devices))
if (devices) {
@ -59,6 +58,14 @@ export function loadTokensFromJSON(): any {
const pending: ?string = get('pending');
if (pending) {
payload: JSON.parse(pending)
const discovery: ?string = get('discovery');
if (discovery) {
@ -88,12 +95,11 @@ export function loadTokensFromJSON(): any {
export const save = (key: string, value: string): any => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
if (typeof window.localStorage !== 'undefined') {
//console.log("SAVEE!!!!", key, value)
try {
window.localStorage.setItem(key, value);
} catch (error) {
// available = false;
console.error("ERROR: " + error)
console.error("Local Storage ERROR: " + error)
@ -102,7 +108,6 @@ export const save = (key: string, value: string): any => {
export const get = (key: string): ?string => {
if (typeof window.localStorage !== 'undefined') {
try {
console.log("GETTT", JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(key)))
return window.localStorage.getItem(key);
} catch (error) {
// available = false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
/* @flow */
'use strict';
export const toggle = (): any => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
if (!getState().log.opened) {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
type: getState().log.opened ? 'log__close' : 'log__open'

View File

@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ export const showAddress = (address_n: string): any => {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
const selected = findSelectedDevice(getState().connect);
if (!selected) return;
if (selected && !selected.connected) {

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import * as SEND from './constants/SendForm';
import * as NOTIFICATION from './constants/notification';
import { getNonce, estimateGas, getGasPrice, pushTx } from './Web3Actions';
import { estimateGas, getGasPrice, pushTx } from './Web3Actions';
import EthereumjsUtil from 'ethereumjs-util';
import EthereumjsUnits from 'ethereumjs-units';
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ import { initialState } from '../reducers/SendFormReducer';
import type { State, FeeLevel } from '../reducers/SendFormReducer';
import { findSelectedDevice } from '../reducers/TrezorConnectReducer';
const numberRegExp = new RegExp('^([0-9]{0,10}\\.)?[0-9]{1,18}$');
//const numberRegExp = new RegExp('^([0-9]{0,10}\\.)?[0-9]{1,18}$');
const numberRegExp = new RegExp('^(0|0\\.([0-9]+)?|[1-9]+\\.?([0-9]+)?|\\.[0-9]+)$');
const calculateFee = (gasPrice: string, gasLimit: string): string => {
return EthereumjsUnits.convert( new BigNumber(gasPrice).times(gasLimit), 'gwei', 'ether');
@ -50,7 +51,6 @@ export const getFeeLevels = (coin: string, gasPrice: BigNumber | string, gasLimi
const quarter: BigNumber = gasPrice.dividedBy(4);
const high: string = gasPrice.plus(quarter.times(2)).toString();
const low: string = gasPrice.minus(quarter.times(2)).toString();
coin = coin.toUpperCase();
return [
@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ export const init = (): any => {
// TODO: check if there are some unfinished tx in localStorage
const { config } = getState().localStorage;
const coin = config.coins.find(c => c.symbol === urlParams.coin);
const coin = config.coins.find(c => c.network === urlParams.coin);
const gasPrice: BigNumber = new BigNumber( EthereumjsUnits.convert(web3instance.gasPrice, 'wei', 'gwei') ) || new BigNumber(coin.defaultGasPrice);
const gasLimit: string = coin.defaultGasLimit.toString();
const feeLevels: Array<FeeLevel> = getFeeLevels(urlParams.coin, gasPrice, gasLimit);
const feeLevels: Array<FeeLevel> = getFeeLevels(coin.symbol, gasPrice, gasLimit);
// TODO: get nonce
@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ export const init = (): any => {
checksum: selected.checksum,
accountIndex: parseInt(urlParams.address),
coin: urlParams.coin,
coinSymbol: coin.symbol,
token: urlParams.coin,
location: location.pathname,
@ -204,15 +205,32 @@ export const validation = (): any => {
errors.amount = 'Amount is not a number';
} else {
const account = getState().accounts.find(a => a.checksum === state.checksum && a.index === state.accountIndex && a.coin === state.coin);
let decimalRegExp;
if (state.token !== state.coin) {
const tokenBalance: string = getState().tokens.find(t => t.ethAddress === account.address && t.symbol === state.token).balance;
if (new BigNumber(state.total).greaterThan(account.balance)) {
errors.amount = `Not enough ${ state.coin.toUpperCase() } to cover transaction fee`;
} else if (new BigNumber(state.amount).greaterThan(tokenBalance)) {
const token: any = getState().tokens.find(t => t.ethAddress === account.address && t.symbol === state.token);
if (parseInt(token.decimals) > 0) {
decimalRegExp = new RegExp('^(0|0\\.([0-9]{0,' + token.decimals + '})?|[1-9]+\\.?([0-9]{0,' + token.decimals + '})?|\\.[0-9]{1,' + token.decimals + '})$');
} else {
// decimalRegExp = new RegExp('^(0|0\\.?|[1-9]+\\.?)$');
decimalRegExp = new RegExp('^[0-9]+$');
if (!state.amount.match(decimalRegExp)) {
errors.amount = `Maximum ${ token.decimals} decimals allowed`;
} else if (new BigNumber(state.total).greaterThan(account.balance)) {
errors.amount = `Not enough ${ state.coinSymbol.toUpperCase() } to cover transaction fee`;
} else if (new BigNumber(state.amount).greaterThan(token.balance)) {
errors.amount = 'Not enough funds';
} else if (new BigNumber(state.amount).lessThanOrEqualTo('0')) {
errors.amount = 'Amount is too low';
} else {
if (new BigNumber(state.total).greaterThan(account.balance)) {
decimalRegExp = new RegExp('^(0|0\\.([0-9]{0,18})?|[1-9]+\\.?([0-9]{0,18})?|\\.[0-9]{0,18})$');
if (!state.amount.match(decimalRegExp)) {
errors.amount = `Maximum 18 decimals allowed`;
} else if (new BigNumber(state.total).greaterThan(account.balance)) {
errors.amount = 'Not enough funds';
@ -245,7 +263,7 @@ export const validation = (): any => {
const gp: BigNumber = new BigNumber(state.gasPrice);
if (gp.greaterThan(100)) {
errors.gasPrice = 'Gas price is too high';
} else if (gp.lessThan(1)) {
} else if (gp.lessThanOrEqualTo('0')) {
errors.gasPrice = 'Gas price is too low';
@ -334,7 +352,7 @@ export const onCurrencyChange = (currency: any): any => {
const { config } = getState().localStorage;
const coin = config.coins.find(c => c.symbol === currentState.coin);
const coin = config.coins.find(c => c.network === currentState.coin);
let gasLimit: string = '';
let amount: string = currentState.amount;
@ -355,7 +373,7 @@ export const onCurrencyChange = (currency: any): any => {
total = calculateTotal(amount, currentState.gasPrice, currentState.gasLimit);
const feeLevels: Array<FeeLevel> = getFeeLevels(currentState.coin, currentState.gasPrice, gasLimit);
const feeLevels: Array<FeeLevel> = getFeeLevels(currentState.coinSymbol, currentState.gasPrice, gasLimit);
const state: State = {
@ -433,7 +451,7 @@ export const onFeeLevelChange = (feeLevel: any): any => {
// TODO: update value for custom fee
state.advanced = true;
feeLevel.gasPrice = state.gasPrice;
feeLevel.label = `${ calculateFee(state.gasPrice, state.gasLimit) } ${ state.coin.toUpperCase() }`;
feeLevel.label = `${ calculateFee(state.gasPrice, state.gasLimit) } ${ state.coinSymbol }`;
} else {
const customLevel = state.feeLevels.find(f => f.value === 'Custom');
customLevel.label = '';
@ -462,12 +480,14 @@ export const onFeeLevelChange = (feeLevel: any): any => {
export const updateFeeLevels = (): any => {
return (dispatch, getState): void => {
const currentState = getState().sendForm;
const feeLevels: Array<FeeLevel> = getFeeLevels(currentState.coin, currentState.recommendedGasPrice, currentState.gasLimit);
const feeLevels: Array<FeeLevel> = getFeeLevels(currentState.coinSymbol, currentState.recommendedGasPrice, currentState.gasLimit);
const selectedFeeLevel: ?FeeLevel = feeLevels.find(f => f.value === currentState.selectedFeeLevel.value)
const state: State = {
selectedFeeLevel: feeLevels.find(f => f.value === currentState.selectedFeeLevel.value),
gasPrice: currentState.recommendedGasPrice,
//gasPrice: currentState.recommendedGasPrice, // TODO HERE!
gasPrice: selectedFeeLevel.gasPrice, // TODO HERE!
gasPriceNeedsUpdate: false,
@ -507,7 +527,7 @@ export const onGasPriceChange = (gasPrice: string): any => {
if (gasPrice.match(numberRegExp) && state.gasLimit.match(numberRegExp)) {
const customLevel = currentState.feeLevels.find(f => f.value === 'Custom');
customLevel.gasPrice = gasPrice;
customLevel.label = `${ calculateFee(gasPrice, state.gasLimit) } ${ state.coin.toUpperCase() }`;
customLevel.label = `${ calculateFee(gasPrice, state.gasLimit) } ${ state.coinSymbol }`;
state.selectedFeeLevel = customLevel;
@ -547,7 +567,7 @@ export const onGasLimitChange = (gasLimit: string): any => {
if (gasLimit.match(numberRegExp) && state.gasPrice.match(numberRegExp)) {
const customLevel = currentState.feeLevels.find(f => f.value === 'Custom');
customLevel.label = `${ calculateFee(state.gasPrice, gasLimit) } ${ state.coin.toUpperCase() }`;
customLevel.label = `${ calculateFee(state.gasPrice, gasLimit) } ${ state.coinSymbol }`;
state.selectedFeeLevel = customLevel;
@ -640,9 +660,6 @@ export const onSend = (): any => {
v: ''
//const nonce = await getNonce(web3, currentAddress.address);
//txData.nonce = web3.toHex(nonce);
// const gasOptions = {
// to: txData.to,
@ -660,6 +677,7 @@ export const onSend = (): any => {
// console.log("---->GASSS", txData, gasLimit, gasPrice, EthereumjsUnits.convert(gasPrice, 'gwei', 'wei'));
const selected = findSelectedDevice(getState().connect);
if (!selected) return;
let signedTransaction = await TrezorConnect.ethereumSignTransaction({
device: {
@ -697,8 +715,11 @@ export const onSend = (): any => {
txData.s = '0x' + signedTransaction.data.s;
txData.v = web3.toHex(signedTransaction.data.v);
const gasLimit2 = await estimateGas(web3, txData);
console.log("---->GASSS", txData, gasLimit2.toString() );
// const gasLimit2 = await estimateGas(web3, txData);
// console.log("---->GASSS", txData, gasLimit2.toString() );
const { config } = getState().localStorage;
const selectedCoin = config.coins.find(c => c.network === state.coin);
try {
const tx = new EthereumjsTx(txData);
@ -708,6 +729,8 @@ export const onSend = (): any => {
address: account,
token: state.token,
amount: state.amount,
@ -717,7 +740,7 @@ export const onSend = (): any => {
payload: {
type: 'success',
title: 'Transaction success',
message: `<a href="https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/${txid}">detail</a>`,
message: `<a href="${ selectedCoin.explorer }/tx/${txid}" class="green" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">See transaction detail</a>`,
cancelable: true,
actions: []
@ -736,23 +759,5 @@ export const onSend = (): any => {
// const tx = new EthereumjsTx(txData);
// console.log("2222", tx, tx.toJSON(), tx.from, tx.to);
// const serializedTx = '0x' + tx.serialize().toString('hex');
// console.log("----> PUSZ TX", web3, currentAddress, serializedTx)
// const txid = await pushTx(web3, serializedTx);
// console.log("----> PUSZ TX2", web3, serializedTx)
// dispatch({
// address: currentAddress,
// txid,
// txData,
// })
// const [ url ] = getState().router.location.pathname.split('/send');
// dispatch( push(url) );

View File

@ -106,11 +106,12 @@ export const onDetailsToggle = (): any => {
export const loadTokens = (input: string): any => {
export const loadTokens = (input: string, account: any): any => {
return async (dispatch, getState): Promise<any> => {
if (input.length < 1) return null;
// TODO (eth tokens, etc tokens, ropsten tokens ...)
const { ethTokens } = getState().localStorage;
const value = input.toLowerCase();
@ -121,18 +122,14 @@ export const loadTokens = (input: string): any => {
//const result = ethTokens.filter(t => t.symbol.toLowerCase().indexOf(lower) >= 0);
console.log("RESULT!", result.length, result)
if (result.length > 0) {
return { options: result };
} else {
const web3instance = getState().web3.find(w3 => w3.coin === 'eth');
const web3instance = getState().web3.find(w3 => w3.coin === account.coin);
const info = await getTokenInfoAsync(web3instance.erc20, input);
info.address = input;
console.log("FETCH", info)
if (info) {
return {
options: [ info ]
@ -143,13 +140,9 @@ export const loadTokens = (input: string): any => {
//await resolveAfter(300000);
//await resolveAfter(3000);
@ -158,10 +151,7 @@ export const loadTokens = (input: string): any => {
export const selectToken = (token: any, account: any): any => {
return async (dispatch, getState): Promise<any> => {
console.warn("ADD", token, account)
const web3instance = getState().web3.find(w3 => w3.coin === account.coin);
type: TOKEN.ADD,
payload: {
@ -171,7 +161,6 @@ export const selectToken = (token: any, account: any): any => {
// TODO: load token balance
const tokenBalance = await getTokenBalanceAsync(web3instance.erc20, token.address, account.address);
@ -185,6 +174,13 @@ export const selectToken = (token: any, account: any): any => {
export const removeToken = (token: any): any => {
return {
export const onTokenSearch = (search: string): any => {

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import { getTransactionHistory } from '../services/EtherscanService';
import { push } from 'react-router-redux';
import { init as initWeb3, getNonce, getBalanceAsync, getTokenBalanceAsync } from './Web3Actions';
import { init as initWeb3, getNonceAsync, getBalanceAsync, getTokenBalanceAsync } from './Web3Actions';
import type { Discovery } from '../reducers/DiscoveryReducer';
import { resolveAfter } from '../utils/promiseUtils';
@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ export const init = (): any => {
try {
await TrezorConnect.init({
transport_reconnect: true,
coins_src: './data/coins.json',
firmware_releases_src: './data/releases-1.json',
transport_config_src: './data/config_signed.bin',
latest_bridge_src: './data/latest.txt'
setTimeout(() => {
@ -116,12 +120,19 @@ export const postInit = (): any => {
export const initConnectedDevice = (device: any): any => {
return (dispatch, getState): void => {
//dispatch( onSelectDevice(device) );
const selected = findSelectedDevice(getState().connect);
if (device.unacquired && selected && selected.path !== device.path && !selected.connected) {
if (selected && selected.checksum) {
dispatch( onSelectDevice(device) );
} else if (!selected) {
dispatch( onSelectDevice(device) );
// if (device.unacquired && selected && selected.path !== device.path && !selected.connected) {
// dispatch( onSelectDevice(device) );
// } else if (!selected) {
// dispatch( onSelectDevice(device) );
// }
@ -235,47 +246,27 @@ export const getSelectedDeviceState = (): any => {
export const deviceDisconnect = (device: any): any => {
return async (dispatch, getState): Promise<void> => {
if (!device || !device.features) return null;
const selected = findSelectedDevice(getState().connect);
if (selected && selected.features.device_id === device.features.device_id) {
if (device && device.features) {
if (selected && selected.features.device_id === device.features.device_id) {
const affected = getState().connect.devices.filter(d => d.features && d.checksum && !d.remember && d.features.device_id === device.features.device_id);
if (affected.length > 0) {
allInstances: affected
const affected = getState().connect.devices.filter(d => d.features && d.checksum && !d.remember && d.features.device_id === device.features.device_id);
if (affected.length > 0) {
allInstances: affected
// if (selected && selected.checksum) {
// if (device.features && device.features.device_id === selected.features.device_id) {
// stopDiscoveryProcess(selected);
// }
// }
// // stop running discovery process on this device
// if (selected && selected.path === device.path){
// if (selected.checksum) {
// stopDiscoveryProcess(selected);
// }
// }
// // check if disconnected device was remembered before.
// // request modal if not
// const affected = getState().connect.devices.filter(d => d.path === device.path && d.checksum && !device.remember);
// check if reload is needed
if (!selected) {
dispatch( switchToFirstAvailableDevice() );
@ -397,7 +388,7 @@ export const beginDiscoveryProcess = (device: any, coin: string): any => {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
const { config } = getState().localStorage;
const coinToDiscover = config.coins.find(c => c.symbol === coin);
const coinToDiscover = config.coins.find(c => c.network === coin);
// TODO: validate device checksum
// const checksum = await __acquire(device.path, device.instance);
@ -455,7 +446,7 @@ export const beginDiscoveryProcess = (device: any, coin: string): any => {
// send data to reducer
coin: coinToDiscover.shortcut,
coin: coinToDiscover.network,
xpub: response.data.publicKey,
@ -574,7 +565,7 @@ export const discoverAddress = (device: any, discoveryProcess: Discovery): any =
const nonce = await getNonce(web3instance.web3, ethAddress);
const nonce = await getNonceAsync(web3instance.web3, ethAddress);
if (discoveryProcess.interrupted) return;

View File

@ -15,6 +15,41 @@ import { httpRequest } from '../utils/networkUtils';
type ActionMethod = (dispatch: any, getState: any) => Promise<any>;
type Web3Payload =
| {
name: string;
instance: Web3;
chainId: number;
erc20abi: any;
| {
network: string;
blockHash: string;
| {
network: string;
gasPrice: string;
| {
network: string;
address: string;
balance: string;
| {
network: string;
address: string;
nonce: string;
| {
network: string;
blockHash: string;
type Web3Action = {
type: string,
payload?: Web3Payload
export function init(web3: ?Web3, coinIndex: number = 0): ActionMethod {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
@ -30,7 +65,7 @@ export function init(web3: ?Web3, coinIndex: number = 0): ActionMethod {
const coinName = coin.shortcut;
const coinName = coin.network;
const urls = coin.backends[0].urls;
let web3host: string = urls[0];
@ -106,36 +141,42 @@ export function init(web3: ?Web3, coinIndex: number = 0): ActionMethod {
//const shh = instance.shh.newIdentity();
const latestBlockFilter = instance.eth.filter('latest');
latestBlockFilter.watch(async (error, blockHash) => {
const onBlockMined = async (error, blockHash) => {
if (error) {
console.warn("ERROR!", error);
// setInterval(() => {
// dispatch( getGasPrice(coinName) );
// }, 5000);
window.setTimeout(() => {
// try again
onBlockMined("manually_triggered_error", undefined);
}, 30000);
if (blockHash) {
name: coinName,
name: coinName,
// TODO: filter only current device
const accounts = getState().accounts.filter(a => a.coin === coinName);
for (const addr of accounts) {
dispatch( getBalance(addr) );
dispatch( getNonce(addr) );
dispatch( getGasPrice(coinName) );
// if (pendingTxs.length > 0) {
// for (const tx of pendingTxs) {
// dispatch( getTransactionReceipt(tx) );
// }
// }
const pending = getState().pending.filter(p => p.coin === coinName);
for (const tx of pending) {
dispatch( getTransactionReceipt(tx) );
// init next coin
dispatch( init(instance, coinIndex + 1) );
@ -238,18 +279,46 @@ export function getBalance(addr: Address): ActionMethod {
export function getTransactionReceipt(txid: string): any {
export function getNonce(addr: Address) {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
const { web3 } = getState().web3;
//web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(txid, (error, tx) => {
web3.eth.getTransaction(txid, (error, tx) => {
if (tx && tx.blockNumber) {
web3.eth.getBlock(tx.blockHash, (error, block) => {
console.log("---MAMM BLOCK", error, block, tx, tx.blockHash)
const web3instance = getState().web3.filter(w3 => w3.coin === addr.coin)[0];
const web3 = web3instance.web3;
web3.eth.getTransactionCount(addr.address, (error, result) => {
if (!error) {
if (addr.nonce !== result) {
address: addr.address,
nonce: result
export function getTransactionReceipt(tx: any): any {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
const web3instance = getState().web3.filter(w3 => w3.coin === tx.coin)[0];
const web3 = web3instance.web3;
//web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(txid, (error, tx) => {
web3.eth.getTransaction(tx.id, (error, receipt) => {
console.log("RECEIP", receipt)
if (receipt && receipt.blockNumber) {
web3.eth.getBlock(receipt.blockHash, (error, block) => {
console.log("---MAMM BLOCK", error, block, receipt, receipt.blockHash)
@ -306,7 +375,7 @@ export const getTokenBalanceAsync = (erc20: any, token: any, address: any): Prom
export function getNonce(web3, address) {
export function getNonceAsync(web3, address) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
web3.eth.getTransactionCount(address, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
@ -389,81 +458,6 @@ export function pushTx(web3, tx) {
export function composeTransaction() {
return async function (dispatch, getState) {
const { web3 } = getState().web3;
const { address, amount } = getState().sendForm;
const resp = await TrezorConnect.getPublicKey({ path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0", confirmation: false });
const hdk = new HDKey();
hdk.publicKey = new Buffer(resp.data.publicKey, 'hex');
hdk.chainCode = new Buffer(resp.data.chainCode, 'hex');
const derivedKey = hdk.derive("m/0");
const myAddress = EthereumjsUtil.publicToAddress(derivedKey.publicKey, true);
const txData = {
address_n: [
(44 | 0x80000000) >>> 0,
(60 | 0x80000000) >>> 0,
(0 | 0x80000000) >>> 0,
0, 0
to: address,
value: web3.toHex(web3.toWei(amount, 'ether')),
chainId: 3
console.log("NONCE", myAddress)
const nonce = await getNonce(web3, '0x' + myAddress.toString('hex') );
console.log("NONCE", nonce)
const gasOptions = {
to: txData.to,
data: txData.data
const gasLimit = await estimateGas(web3, gasOptions);
const gasPrice = await getGasPrice(web3);
txData.nonce = web3.toHex(nonce);
txData.gasLimit = web3.toHex(gasLimit);
txData.gasPrice = web3.toHex(gasPrice);
console.log("NONCE", nonce, gasLimit, gasPrice)
let signedTransaction = await TrezorConnect.ethereumSignTransaction({
//path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0",
address_n: txData.address_n,
nonce: strip(txData.nonce),
gas_price: strip(txData.gasPrice),
gas_limit: strip(txData.gasLimit),
to: strip(txData.to),
value: strip(txData.value),
data: txData.data,
chain_id: txData.chainId
txData.r = '0x' + signedTransaction.data.r;
txData.s = '0x' + signedTransaction.data.s;
txData.v = web3.toHex(signedTransaction.data.v);
const tx = new EthereumjsTx(txData);
const serializedTx = '0x' + tx.serialize().toString('hex');
const txid = await pushTx(web3, serializedTx);
type: 'tx_complete',
console.log("TXID", txid);

View File

@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ export const STOP: string = 'web3__stop';
export const CREATE: string = 'web3__create';
export const READY: string = 'web3__ready';
export const BLOCK_UPDATED: string = 'web3__block_updated';
export const GAS_PRICE_UPDATED: string = 'web3__gas_price_updated';
export const GAS_PRICE_UPDATED: string = 'web3__gas_price_updated';
export const PENDING_TX_RESOLVED: string = 'web3__pending_tx_resolved';

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ export const ON_GAS_PRICE_CHANGE: string = 'send__on_gas_price_change';
export const ON_GAS_LIMIT_CHANGE: string = 'send__on_gas_limit_change';
export const ON_TX_DATA_CHANGE: string = 'send__on_data_change';
export const ON_TX_SEND: string = 'send__on_send';
export const ON_TX_COMPLETE: string = 'send__on_tx_complete';
export const ON_GAS_PRICE_UPDATE: string = 'send__on_gas_price_update';

View File

@ -2,16 +2,31 @@
'use strict';
import React from 'react';
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import * as LogActions from '../../actions/LogActions';
const Footer = (props: any): any => {
return (
<span>© 2018</span>
<a href="http://satoshilabs.com" target="_blank" className="satoshi green">SatoshiLabs</a>
<a href="tos.pdf" target="_blank" className="green">Terms</a>
<a onClick={ props.showLog } className="green">Show Log</a>
<a href="http://satoshilabs.com" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" className="satoshi green">SatoshiLabs</a>
<a href="tos.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" className="green">Terms</a>
<a onClick={ props.toggle } className="green">Show Log</a>
export default Footer;
export default connect(
(state) => {
return {
(dispatch) => {
return {
toggle: bindActionCreators(LogActions.toggle, dispatch),

View File

@ -8,9 +8,26 @@ export default class Header extends Component {
return (
<div className="layout-wrapper">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 2567.5 722.3" width="100%" height="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"><path d="M1186 2932.6h46.2v147H1186v-147z"></path><path d="M249 0C149.9 0 69.7 80.2 69.7 179.3v67.2C34.9 252.8 0 261.2 0 272.1v350.7s0 9.7 10.9 14.3c39.5 16 194.9 71 230.6 83.6 4.6 1.7 5.9 1.7 7.1 1.7 1.7 0 2.5 0 7.1-1.7 35.7-12.6 191.5-67.6 231-83.6 10.1-4.2 10.5-13.9 10.5-13.9V272.1c0-10.9-34.4-19.7-69.3-25.6v-67.2C428.4 80.2 347.7 0 249 0zm0 85.7c58.4 0 93.7 35.3 93.7 93.7v58.4c-65.5-4.6-121.4-4.6-187.3 0v-58.4c0-58.5 35.3-93.7 93.6-93.7zm-.4 238.1c81.5 0 149.9 6.3 149.9 17.6v218.8c0 3.4-.4 3.8-3.4 5-2.9 1.3-139 50.4-139 50.4s-5.5 1.7-7.1 1.7c-1.7 0-7.1-2.1-7.1-2.1s-136.1-49.1-139-50.4-3.4-1.7-3.4-5V341c-.8-11.3 67.6-17.2 149.1-17.2z"></path><g transform="translate(91.363 -287.434) scale(.95575)"><path d="M666.6 890V639.3H575v-89.9h285.6v89.9h-90.7V890H666.6z"></path><path d="M1092 890l-47-107.1h-37.4V890H904.3V549.4h181.8c79.8 0 122.6 52.9 122.6 116.7 0 58.8-34 89.9-61.3 103.3l61.7 120.5H1092zm12.2-223.9c0-18.5-16.4-26.5-33.6-26.5h-63v53.8h63c17.2-.4 33.6-8.4 33.6-27.3z"></path><path d="M1262.9 890V549.4h258.3v89.9h-155.4v33.6h151.6v89.9h-151.6v37.4h155.4V890h-258.3z"></path><path d="M1574.9 890.4v-81.9l129.8-168.8h-129.8v-89.9h265.8v81.1l-130.2 169.7h134v89.9l-269.6-.1z"></path><path d="M1869.7 720.3c0-104.6 81.1-176.4 186.5-176.4 105 0 186.5 71.4 186.5 176.4 0 104.6-81.1 176-186.5 176s-186.5-71.4-186.5-176zm268 0c0-47.5-32.3-85.3-81.9-85.3-49.6 0-81.9 37.8-81.9 85.3s32.3 85.3 81.9 85.3c50 0 81.9-37.8 81.9-85.3z"></path><path d="M2473.6 890.4l-47-107.1h-37.4v107.1h-103.3V549.8h181.8c79.8 0 122.6 52.9 122.6 116.7 0 58.8-34 89.9-61.3 103.3l61.7 120.5h-117.1zm12.6-224.3c0-18.5-16.4-26.5-33.6-26.5h-63v53.8h63c17.3-.4 33.6-8.4 33.6-27.3z"></path></g></svg>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 163.7 41.9" width="100%" height="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet">
<polygon points="101.1,12.8 118.2,12.8 118.2,17.3 108.9,29.9 118.2,29.9 118.2,35.2 101.1,35.2 101.1,30.7 110.4,18.1 101.1,18.1"/>
<path d="M158.8,26.9c2.1-0.8,4.3-2.9,4.3-6.6c0-4.5-3.1-7.4-7.7-7.4h-10.5v22.3h5.8v-7.5h2.2l4.1,7.5h6.7L158.8,26.9z M154.7,22.5 h-4V18h4c1.5,0,2.5,0.9,2.5,2.2C157.2,21.6,156.2,22.5,154.7,22.5z"/>
<path d="M130.8,12.5c-6.8,0-11.6,4.9-11.6,11.5s4.9,11.5,11.6,11.5s11.7-4.9,11.7-11.5S137.6,12.5,130.8,12.5z M130.8,30.3 c-3.4,0-5.7-2.6-5.7-6.3c0-3.8,2.3-6.3,5.7-6.3c3.4,0,5.8,2.6,5.8,6.3C136.6,27.7,134.2,30.3,130.8,30.3z"/>
<polygon points="82.1,12.8 98.3,12.8 98.3,18 87.9,18 87.9,21.3 98,21.3 98,26.4 87.9,26.4 87.9,30 98.3,30 98.3,35.2 82.1,35.2 "/>
<path d="M24.6,9.7C24.6,4.4,20,0,14.4,0S4.2,4.4,4.2,9.7v3.1H0v22.3h0l14.4,6.7l14.4-6.7h0V12.9h-4.2V9.7z M9.4,9.7 c0-2.5,2.2-4.5,5-4.5s5,2,5,4.5v3.1H9.4V9.7z M23,31.5l-8.6,4l-8.6-4V18.1H23V31.5z"/>
<path d="M79.4,20.3c0-4.5-3.1-7.4-7.7-7.4H61.2v22.3H67v-7.5h2.2l4.1,7.5H80l-4.9-8.3C77.2,26.1,79.4,24,79.4,20.3z M71,22.5h-4V18 h4c1.5,0,2.5,0.9,2.5,2.2C73.5,21.6,72.5,22.5,71,22.5z"/>
<polygon points="40.5,12.8 58.6,12.8 58.6,18.1 52.4,18.1 52.4,35.2 46.6,35.2 46.6,18.1 40.5,18.1 "/>
<a href="https://trezor.io/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">TREZOR</a>
<a href="https://doc.satoshilabs.com/trezor-user/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Docs</a>
<a href="https://blog.trezor.io/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Blog</a>
<a href="https://trezor.io/support/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Support</a>

View File

@ -5,36 +5,32 @@ import React from 'react';
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import * as SendFormActions from '../../actions/SendFormActions';
import { getAddress } from '../../actions/TrezorConnectActions';
import * as LogActions from '../../actions/LogActions';
const Log = (props: any) => {
if (!props.log.opened)
return null;
return (
<details className="log">
<div className="log">
<button className="log-close transparent" onClick={ props.toggle }></button>
<p>Attention: The log contains your XPUBs. Anyone with your XPUBs can see your account history.</p>
function mapStateToProps(state, own) {
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
export default connect(
(state) => {
return {
accounts: state.accounts,
receive: state.receive
log: state.log
(dispatch) => {
return {
getAddress: bindActionCreators(getAddress, dispatch),
toggle: bindActionCreators(LogActions.toggle, dispatch),

View File

@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ export default (props: any): any => {
<span>Connect TREZOR to continue</span>
{/* <p>Don't have TREZOR? <a href="https://trezor.io/" target="_blank">Get one</a></p> */}
{/* <p>Don't have TREZOR? <a href="https://trezor.io/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Get one</a></p> */}
<div className="image"></div>
<p>Don't have TREZOR? <a href="https://trezor.io/" className="green" target="_blank">Get one</a></p>
<p>Don't have TREZOR? <a href="https://trezor.io/" className="green" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Get one</a></p>
<Footer />

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import LocalStorageError from './LocalStorageError';
import TrezorConnectError from './TrezorConnectError';
import Header from '../common/Header';
import Footer from '../common/Footer';
import Log from '../common/Log';
import { Notification } from '../common/Notification';
export default (props: any): any => {
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ export default (props: any): any => {
<div className="app connect-device">
<Header />
{ notification }
<Log />
<h2 className="claim">The private bank in your hands.</h2>
<p>TREZOR Wallet is an easy-to-use interface for your TREZOR.</p>
@ -59,10 +61,11 @@ export default (props: any): any => {
{/* <button>Add new device</button> */}
{/* <p>Don't have TREZOR? <a href="https://trezor.io/" target="_blank">Get one</a></p> */}
{/* <p>Don't have TREZOR? <a href="https://trezor.io/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Get one</a></p> */}
<div className="image">
<p>Don't have TREZOR? <a href="https://trezor.io/" className="green" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Get one</a></p>
<div className="image"></div>
<p>Don't have TREZOR? <a href="https://trezor.io/" className="green" target="_blank">Get one</a></p>
<Footer />

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import { findSelectedDevice } from '../../reducers/TrezorConnectReducer';
const ConfirmAddress = (props: any): any => {
const account = props.accounts.find(a => a.checksum === props.receive.checksum && a.index === props.receive.accountIndex && a.coin === props.receive.coin);
const { config } = props.localStorage;
const selectedCoin = config.coins.find(c => c.network === account.coin);
return (
<div className="confirm-address">
@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ const ConfirmAddress = (props: any): any => {
<div className="content">
<p>{ account.address }</p>
<label>{ account.coin.toUpperCase() } account #{ (account.index + 1) }</label>
<label>{ selectedCoin.symbol } account #{ (account.index + 1) }</label>

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ const Confirmation = (props): any => {
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ const Confirmation = (props): any => {
<div className="content">
<label>Send </label>
<p>{ `${amount} ${token.toUpperCase() }` }</p>
<p>{ `${amount} ${ coinSymbol }` }</p>
<p>{ address }</p>

View File

@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ const mapStateToProps = (state: any, own: any): any => {
devices: state.connect.devices,
sendForm: state.sendForm,
receive: state.receive,
localStorage: state.localStorage

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export default class PinModal extends Component {
constructor(props: any) {
console.warn("PROPZ", props)
// check if this device is already known
const isSavedDevice = props.devices.find(d => d.path === props.modal.device.path && d.remember);
this.state = {

View File

@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ export default class Pin extends Component {
<button type="button" data-value="3" onClick={ event => this.onPinAdd(3) }>&#8226;</button>
<div><button className="submit" type="button" onClick={ event => onPinSubmit(pin) }>Enter pin</button></div>
<p>Not sure how PIN works? <a className="green" href="http://doc.satoshilabs.com/trezor-user/enteringyourpin.html" target="_blank">Learn more</a></p>
<div><button className="submit" type="button" onClick={ event => onPinSubmit(pin) }>Enter PIN</button></div>
<p>Not sure how PIN works? <a className="green" href="http://doc.satoshilabs.com/trezor-user/enteringyourpin.html" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Learn more</a></p>

View File

@ -2,17 +2,36 @@
'use strict';
import React from 'react';
import { Notification } from '../common/Notification';
const Acquire = (props: any): any => {
const actions = [
label: 'Acquire device',
callback: () => {
return (
<section className="acquire">
<div className="warning">
title="Device is used in other window"
message="Do you want to use your device in this window?"
close={ () => {} }
{/* <div className="warning">
<h2>Device is used in other window</h2>
<p>Do you want to use your device in this window?</p>
<button onClick={ event => props.acquireDevice() }>Acquire device</button>
</div> */}

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ const History = (props): any => {
return (
<div key={i} className="history-pending-transaction">
<a href={ etherscanLink } target="_blank">Details</a>
<a href={ etherscanLink } target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Details</a>
<span className="address">{ tx.to }</span>

View File

@ -14,25 +14,6 @@ export default class AbstractAccount extends Component {
// shouldInitAccount(newProps: any): boolean {
// const locationChanged: boolean = newProps.location.pathname !== this.props.location.pathname;
// const accountNotLoaded: boolean = !newProps.detail.loaded && !this.props.detail.loaded;
// return (locationChanged || accountNotLoaded);
// }
// shouldUpdateAccount(newProps: any): boolean {
// const { detail } = this.props;
// const loaded: boolean = detail.loaded;
// if (detail.address === '') {
// const currentAccount = this.props.accounts.find(a => a.index === detail.addressIndex && a.coin === detail.coin && a.checksum === detail.checksum);
// }
// // return (loaded && );
// }
componentWillUnmount() {

View File

@ -1,9 +1,62 @@
/* @flow */
'use strict';
import React from 'react';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';
type State = {
style: any;
class Indicator extends Component {
state: State;
constructor(props: any) {
this.state = {
style: {
width: 0,
left: 0
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(newProps: any) {
reposition() {
const tabs = document.querySelector('.account-tabs');
const active = tabs.querySelector('.active');
const bounds = active.getBoundingClientRect();
const left = bounds.left - tabs.getBoundingClientRect().left;
if (this.state.style.left !== left) {
style: {
width: bounds.width,
left: left,
render() {
return (
<div className="indicator" style={ this.state.style }>{ this.props.pathname }</div>
const AccountTabs = (props: any): any => {
const urlParams = props.match.params;
@ -24,9 +77,10 @@ const AccountTabs = (props: any): any => {
<NavLink to={ `${basePath}/receive` }>
<NavLink to={ `${basePath}/signverify` }>
{/* <NavLink to={ `${basePath}/signverify` }>
Sign &amp; Verify
</NavLink> */}
<Indicator pathname={props.match.pathname } />

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
import { getAccounts } from '../../../utils/reducerUtils';
import { findSelectedDevice } from '../../../reducers/TrezorConnectReducer';
import Loader from '../../common/LoaderCircle';
import Tooltip from 'rc-tooltip';
const AccountSelection = (props: any): any => {
@ -17,7 +19,11 @@ const AccountSelection = (props: any): any => {
const { location } = props.router;
const accounts = props.accounts;
const baseUrl: string = `/device/${location.params.device}`;
const fiatRate = props.fiatRate || '1';
const { config } = props.localStorage;
const selectedCoin = config.coins.find(c => c.network === location.params.coin);
const fiatRate = props.fiat.find(f => f.network === selectedCoin.network);
// console.warn("AccountSelectionRender", selected, props);
@ -25,9 +31,18 @@ const AccountSelection = (props: any): any => {
let selectedAccounts = deviceAddresses.map((address, i) => {
// const url: string = `${baseUrl}/coin/${location.params.coin}/address/${i}`;
const url: string = location.pathname.replace(/address+\/([0-9]*)/, `address/${i}`);
const b = new BigNumber(address.balance);
const fiat = b.times(fiatRate).toFixed(2);
const balance = address.balance !== '' ? `${ address.balance } ${ location.params.coin.toUpperCase() } / $${ fiat }` : 'Loading...';
let balance: string = 'Loading...';
if (address.balance !== '') {
if (fiatRate) {
const accountBalance = new BigNumber(address.balance);
const fiat = accountBalance.times(fiatRate.value).toFixed(2);
balance = `${ address.balance } ${ selectedCoin.symbol } / $${ fiat }`;
} else {
balance = `${ address.balance } ${ selectedCoin.symbol }`;
return (
<NavLink key={i} activeClassName="selected" className="account" to={ url }>
{ `Address #${(address.index + 1 )}` }
@ -54,34 +69,54 @@ const AccountSelection = (props: any): any => {
if (discovery) {
if (discovery.completed) {
// TODO: add only if last one is not empty
discoveryStatus = (
<div className="add-address" onClick={ props.addAddress } >
Add address
//if (selectedAccounts.length > 0 && selectedAccounts[selectedAccounts.length - 1])
const lastAccount = deviceAddresses[deviceAddresses.length - 1];
if (lastAccount && new BigNumber(lastAccount.balance).greaterThan(0) || lastAccount.nonce > 0) {
discoveryStatus = (
<div className="add-address" onClick={ props.addAddress }>
Add address
} else {
const tooltip = (
<div className="aside-tooltip-wrapper">
To add a new address, last address must have some transactions.
discoveryStatus = (
arrowContent={<div className="rc-tooltip-arrow-inner"></div>}
overlay={ tooltip }
<div className="add-address disabled">
Add address
} else if (!selected.connected) {
discoveryStatus = (
<div className="discovery-status">
Addresses could not be loaded
<span>{ `Connect ${ selected.instanceLabel } device` }</span>
} else {
discoveryStatus = (
<div className="discovery-loading">
<Loader size="20" /> Loading accounts...
const { config } = props.localStorage;
const selectedCoin = config.coins.find(c => c.shortcut === location.params.coin);
let backButton = null;
if (selectedCoin) {
backButton = (
<NavLink to={ baseUrl } className={ `back ${ selectedCoin.shortcut }` }>
<span className={ selectedCoin.shortcut }>{ selectedCoin.name }</span>
<NavLink to={ baseUrl } className={ `back ${ selectedCoin.network }` }>
<span className={ selectedCoin.network }>{ selectedCoin.name }</span>
@ -89,7 +124,9 @@ const AccountSelection = (props: any): any => {
return (
{ backButton }
{ selectedAccounts }
{ selectedAccounts }
{ discoveryStatus }

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ const Aside = (props: any): any => {
// return (
// <aside>
// <div className="transition-container"></div>
// <a className="help" href="https://trezor.io/support/" target="_blank">
// <a className="help" href="https://trezor.io/support/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
// Need help?
// </a>
// </aside>
@ -66,14 +66,12 @@ const Aside = (props: any): any => {
console.warn("ASIDEE", props)
return (
<StickyContainer location={ location } devices={ props.deviceDropdownOpened.toString() }>
<DeviceSelect {...props} />
{ menu }
<div className="help">
<a href="https://trezor.io/support/" target="_blank">Need help?</a>
<a href="https://trezor.io/support/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Need help?</a>

View File

@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ const CoinSelection = (props: any): any => {
const { config } = props.localStorage;
const walletCoins = config.coins.map(item => {
const url = `${ location.pathname }/coin/${ item.shortcut }/address/0`;
const className = `coin ${ item.shortcut }`
const url = `${ location.pathname }/coin/${ item.network }/address/0`;
const className = `coin ${ item.network }`
return (
<NavLink key={ item.shortcut } to={ url } className={ className }>
<NavLink key={ item.network } to={ url } className={ className }>
{ item.name }

View File

@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ const Value = (props: any): any => {
<span className="label">{ device.instanceLabel }</span>
<span className="status">{ deviceStatus }</span>
{ deviceMenu }
<div className="device-menu">
{ deviceMenuButtons }

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ const AdvancedForm = (props: any): any => {
Gas Price is the amount you pay per unit of gas.<br/>
<span>TX fee = gas price * gas limit</span> &amp; is paid to miners for including your TX in a block.<br/>
Higher the gas price = faster transaction, but more expensive. Default is <span>{ gasPrice } GWEI.</span><br/>
<a className="green" href="https://myetherwallet.github.io/knowledge-base/gas/what-is-gas-ethereum.html" target="_blank">Read more</a>
<a className="green" href="https://myetherwallet.github.io/knowledge-base/gas/what-is-gas-ethereum.html" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Read more</a>
@ -123,8 +123,6 @@ const AdvancedForm = (props: any): any => {
{ props.children }
<ReactTooltip html={true} effect="solid" place="right" offset={{ bottom: 6, right: 24 }} />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
/* @flow */
'use strict';
import React from 'react';
import ColorHash from 'color-hash';
import ScaleText from 'react-scale-text';
const PendingTransactions = (props: any): any => {
const account = props.accounts.find(a => a.checksum === props.sendForm.checksum && a.index === props.sendForm.accountIndex && a.coin === props.sendForm.coin);
const pending = props.pending.filter(p => p.coin === account.coin && p.address === account.address);
if (pending.length < 1) return null;
const tokens = props.tokens.filter(t => t.ethAddress === account.address);
const bgColor = new ColorHash({lightness: 0.7});
const textColor = new ColorHash();
const pendings = pending.map((tx, i) => {
let iconColor, symbol, name;
if (tx.token !== tx.coin) {
const token = tokens.find(t => t.symbol === tx.token);
iconColor = {
color: textColor.hex(token.name),
background: bgColor.hex(token.name),
borderColor: bgColor.hex(token.name)
symbol = token.symbol.toUpperCase();
name = token.name;
} else {
iconColor = {
color: textColor.hex(tx.coin),
background: bgColor.hex(tx.coin),
borderColor: bgColor.hex(tx.coin)
symbol = props.selectedCoin.symbol;
name = props.selectedCoin.name;
return (
<div key={i} className="tx">
<div className="icon" style={ iconColor }>
<div className="icon-inner">
<ScaleText widthOnly><p>{ symbol }</p></ScaleText>
<div className="name">
<a href={ `${props.selectedCoin.explorer}/tx/${tx.id}`} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">{ name }</a>
<div className="amount">{ tx.amount } { symbol }</div>
return (
<div className="pending-transactions">
<h2>Pending transactions</h2>
{ pendings }
export default PendingTransactions;

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Select from 'react-select';
import AdvancedForm from './AdvancedForm';
import PendingTransactions from './PendingTransactions';
import { FeeSelectValue, FeeSelectOption } from './FeeSelect';
import { Notification } from '../../common/Notification';
import AbstractAccount from '../account/AbstractAccount';
@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ const _render = (props: any): any => {
@ -38,7 +40,6 @@ const _render = (props: any): any => {
} = props.sendForm;
const {
@ -51,11 +52,14 @@ const _render = (props: any): any => {
} = props.sendFormActions;
//const addressTokens = props.tokens.filter(t => t.ethAddress === currentAccount.address);
const { config } = props.localStorage;
const selectedCoin = config.coins.find(c => c.network === coin);
const fiatRate = props.fiat.find(f => f.network === selectedCoin.network);
const tokens = addressTokens.map(t => {
return { value: t.symbol, label: t.symbol };
tokens.unshift({ value: coin, label: coin.toUpperCase() });
tokens.unshift({ value: selectedCoin.network, label: selectedCoin.symbol });
const setMaxClassName: string = setMax ? 'set-max enabled' : 'set-max';
@ -75,12 +79,12 @@ const _render = (props: any): any => {
addressClassName = 'valid';
let buttonDisabled: boolean = Object.keys(errors).length > 0 || total === '0' || address.length === 0 || sending;
let buttonDisabled: boolean = Object.keys(errors).length > 0 || total === '0' || amount.length === 0 || address.length === 0 || sending;
let buttonLabel: string = 'Send';
if (coin !== token && amount.length > 0 && !errors.amount) {
buttonLabel += ` ${amount} ${ token.toUpperCase() }`
} else if (coin === token && total !== '0') {
buttonLabel += ` ${total} ${ token.toUpperCase() }`;
buttonLabel += ` ${total} ${ selectedCoin.symbol }`;
//const device = props.devices.find(d => d.checksum === currentAccount.checksum);
@ -90,13 +94,6 @@ const _render = (props: any): any => {
let notification = null;
// if (sendingStatus) {
// if (sendingStatus.success) {
// notification = (<Notification className="success" title="Transaction sent" message={ sendingStatus.message } />);
// } else {
// notification = (<Notification className="error" title="Transaction error" message={ sendingStatus.message } />);
// }
// }
return (
<section className="send-form">
@ -171,6 +168,8 @@ const _render = (props: any): any => {
<AdvancedForm { ...props}>
<button disabled={ buttonDisabled } onClick={ event => onSend() }>{ buttonLabel }</button>
<PendingTransactions {...props} selectedCoin={selectedCoin} />

View File

@ -31,42 +31,45 @@ const _render = (props: any): any => {
<Notification className="info" title={ `Device ${ device.instanceLabel } is disconnected` } />
) : null }
<h2 className={ props.summary.coin }>Address #{ parseInt(props.match.params.address) + 1 }</h2>
<h2 className={ `summary-header ${props.summary.coin}` }>Address #{ parseInt(props.match.params.address) + 1 }</h2>
summary={ props.summary }
balance={ account.balance }
coin={ props.summary.coin }
fiatRate={ props.fiatRate }
fiat={ props.fiat }
localStorage={ props.localStorage }
onToggle={ props.summaryActions.onDetailsToggle } />
{/* 0x58cda554935e4a1f2acbe15f8757400af275e084 */}
<div className="filter">
multi={ false }
autoload={ false }
ignoreCase={ true }
filterOptions= {
(opt, str, values) => {
console.log("TODO: filter already added", opt, str, values);
return opt;
(options, search, values) => {
return options.filter(o => {
return !tokens.find(t => t.symbol === o.symbol);
value={ props.summary.selectedToken }
onChange={ token => props.summaryActions.selectToken(token, account) }
placeholder="Search for token"
loadOptions={ props.summaryActions.loadTokens }
searchPromptText="Type token name or address"
noResultsText="Token not found"
loadOptions={ input => props.summaryActions.loadTokens(input, account) }
backspaceRemoves={true} />
<SummaryTokens tokens={ tokens } />
<SummaryTokens tokens={ tokens } removeToken={ props.summaryActions.removeToken } />

View File

@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ function mapStateToProps(state, own) {
discovery: state.discovery,
tokens: state.tokens,
summary: state.summary,
fiatRate: state.web3.fiatRate
fiat: state.fiat,
localStorage: state.localStorage

View File

@ -2,34 +2,60 @@
'use strict';
import React from 'react';
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
const SummaryDetails = (props: any): any => {
if (!props.summary.details) {
return (
<div className="summary-details closed">
<div className="toggle" onClick={ props.onToggle }></div>
if (!props.summary.details) return (
<div className="summary-details">
<div className="toggle" onClick={ props.onToggle }></div>
const { config } = props.localStorage;
const selectedCoin = config.coins.find(c => c.network === props.coin);
const fiatRate = props.fiat.find(f => f.network === selectedCoin.network);
let balanceColumn = null;
let rateColumn = null;
if (fiatRate) {
const accountBalance = new BigNumber(props.balance);
const fiatValue = new BigNumber(fiatRate.value);
const fiat = accountBalance.times(fiatValue).toFixed(2);
balanceColumn = (
<div className="column">
<div className="label">Balance</div>
<div className="fiat-value">${ fiat }</div>
<div className="value">{ props.balance } { selectedCoin.symbol }</div>
rateColumn = (
<div className="column">
<div className="label">Rate</div>
<div className="fiat-value">${ fiatValue.toFixed(2) }</div>
<div className="value">1.00 { selectedCoin.symbol }</div>
} else {
balanceColumn = (
<div className="column">
<div className="label">Balance</div>
<div className="fiat-value">{ props.balance } { selectedCoin.symbol }</div>
const fiatValue = "0";
return (
<div className="summary-details">
<div className="content">
<div className="column">
<div className="label">Balance</div>
<div className="fiat-value">${ fiatValue }</div>
<div className="value">{ props.balance } ETH</div>
<div className="column">
<div className="label">Rate</div>
<div className="fiat-value">${ props.fiatRate }</div>
<div className="value">1.00 ETH</div>
<div className="summary-details opened">
<div className="toggle" onClick={ props.onToggle }></div>
<div className="content">
{ balanceColumn }
{ rateColumn }

View File

@ -13,10 +13,6 @@ const SummaryTokens = (props: any): any => {
const textColor = new ColorHash();
const tokens = props.tokens.map((t, i) => {
// if (search.length > 0) {
// if (t.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) < 0 && t.shortcut.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) < 0) return null;
// }
let iconColor = {
color: textColor.hex(t.name),
background: bgColor.hex(t.name),
@ -30,7 +26,8 @@ const SummaryTokens = (props: any): any => {
<div className="name">{ t.name }</div>
<div className="balance">{ t.balance }</div>
<div className="balance">{ t.balance } { t.symbol }</div>
<button className="transparent" onClick={ event => props.removeToken(t) }></button>

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function mapStateToProps(state, own) {
accounts: state.accounts,
router: state.router,
deviceDropdownOpened: state.DOM.deviceDropdownOpened,
fiatRate: state.web3.fiatRate,
fiat: state.fiat,
localStorage: state.localStorage,
discovery: state.discovery

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Footer from '../components/common/Footer';
import AccountTabs from '../components/wallet/account/AccountTabs';
import * as TrezorConnectActions from '../actions/TrezorConnectActions';
import * as LogActions from '../actions/LogActions';
const Article = (props) => {
return (
@ -20,8 +21,8 @@ const Article = (props) => {
<Route path="/device/:device/coin/:coin/address/:address" component={ AccountTabs } />
{/* <Log /> */}
<Notifications />
<Log />
{ props.children }
<Footer />
@ -30,13 +31,13 @@ const Article = (props) => {
function mapStateToProps(state, own) {
return {
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import LandingPage from '../components/landing/LandingPage';
import * as LogActions from '../actions/LogActions';
function mapStateToProps(state, own) {
return {
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ function mapStateToProps(state, own) {
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {

View File

@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ function mapStateToProps(state, own) {
accounts: state.accounts,
discovery: state.discovery,
tokens: state.tokens,
pending: state.pending,
sendForm: state.sendForm,
fiatRate: state.web3.fiatRate
fiat: state.fiat,
localStorage: state.localStorage

src/js/flowtype/index.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
/* @flow */
'use strict';
export type Dispatch = (action: Action | ThunkAction | PromiseAction) => any;
export type GetState = () => State;
export type ThunkAction = (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => any;
export type PromiseAction = Promise<Action>;

View File

@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ import store from './store';
import router from './router';
import { onResize, onBeforeUnload } from './actions/AppActions';
import Raven from 'raven-js';
import styles from '../styles/index.less';
// handle resize event and pass it to DOM reducer
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
store.dispatch( onResize() );
window.onbeforeunload = () => {
store.dispatch( onBeforeUnload() );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
/* @flow */
'use strict';
export type Fiat = {
+network: string;
value: string;
export const initialState: Array<Fiat> = [];
const update = (state: Array<Fiat>, action: any): Array<Fiat> => {
const newState: Array<Fiat> = [ ...state ];
const exists: ?Fiat = newState.find(f => f.network === action.network);
if (exists) {
exists.value = action.rate.price_usd;
} else {
network: action.network,
value: action.rate.price_usd
return newState;
export default (state: Array<Fiat> = initialState, action: any): Array<Fiat> => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'rate__update' :
return update(state, action);
return state;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
/* @flow */
'use strict';
type LogEntry = {
time: number;
type: string;
messgage: string;
export type State = {
opened: boolean;
entries: Array<LogEntry>;
export const initialState: State = {
opened: false,
entries: [],
export default (state: State = initialState, action: any): State => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'log__open':
return {
opened: true
case 'log__close':
return {
opened: false
case 'log__add':
return {
return state;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
/* @flow */
'use strict';
import * as SEND from '../actions/constants/SendForm';
import * as WEB3 from '../actions/constants/Web3';
export type PendingTx = {
+id: string;
+coin: string;
+token: string;
+amount: string;
+address: string;
const initialState: Array<PendingTx> = [];
const add = (state: Array<PendingTx>, action: any) => {
const newState = [ ...state ];
id: action.txid,
coin: action.address.coin,
token: action.token,
amount: action.amount,
address: action.address.address,
return newState;
const remove = (state: Array<PendingTx>, action: any) => {
return state.filter(tx => tx.id !== action.tx.id);
const fromStorage = (state: Array<PendingTx>, action: any) => {
return state.filter(tx => tx.id !== action.tx.id);
export default function pending(state: Array<PendingTx> = initialState, action: any): any {
switch (action.type) {
return add(state, action);
return remove(state, action);
return action.payload;
return state;

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ export type State = {
+checksum: ?string;
+accountIndex: number;
+coin: string;
+coinSymbol: string;
token: string;
location: string;
@ -36,7 +37,6 @@ export type State = {
nonce: string;
total: string;
sending: boolean;
sendingStatus: ?SendStatus;
errors: {[k: string]: string};
warnings: {[k: string]: string};
infos: {[k: string]: string};
@ -48,15 +48,12 @@ export type FeeLevel = {
value: string;
type SendStatus = {
success: boolean;
message: string;
export const initialState: State = {
checksum: null,
accountIndex: 0,
coin: '',
coinSymbol: '',
token: '',
location: '',
@ -64,8 +61,8 @@ export const initialState: State = {
untouched: true,
touched: {},
balanceNeedUpdate: false,
//address: '',
address: '0x574BbB36871bA6b78E27f4B4dCFb76eA0091880B',
address: '',
//address: '0x574BbB36871bA6b78E27f4B4dCFb76eA0091880B',
amount: '',
setMax: false,
feeLevels: [],
@ -78,7 +75,6 @@ export const initialState: State = {
nonce: '0',
total: '0',
sending: false,
sendingStatus: null,
errors: {},
warnings: {},
infos: {},
@ -166,26 +162,32 @@ export default (state: State = initialState, action: any): State => {
return {
sending: true,
sendingStatus: null,
return {
sending: false,
sendingStatus: {
success: true,
message: action.txid
touched: {},
address: '',
amount: '',
setMax: false,
gasPriceNeedsUpdate: false,
gasLimit: state.gasLimit,
gasPrice: state.recommendedGasPrice,
data: '',
nonce: '0',
total: '0',
errors: {},
warnings: {},
infos: {},
return {
sending: false,
sendingStatus: {
success: false,
message: action.response

View File

@ -47,6 +47,12 @@ const forget = (state: Array<Token>, action: any): Array<Token> => {
return state.filter(t => t.checksum !== action.device.checksum);
const remove = (state: Array<Token>, action: any): Array<Token> => {
return state.filter(t => {
return !(t.ethAddress === action.token.ethAddress && t.address === action.token.address);
export default (state: Array<Token> = initialState, action: any): Array<Token> => {
switch (action.type) {
@ -54,6 +60,9 @@ export default (state: Array<Token> = initialState, action: any): Array<Token> =
case TOKEN.ADD :
return create(state, action.payload);
return remove(state, action);
return setBalance(state, action.payload);

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import { TRANSPORT, DEVICE } from 'trezor-connect';
import * as CONNECT from '../actions/constants/TrezorConnect';
export type TrezorDevice = {
initialized: boolean;
remember: boolean;
connected: boolean;
path: string;
@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ export type TrezorDevice = {
export type SelectedDevice = {
id: string;
id: string; // could be device path if unacquired or features.device_id
instance: ?number;
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@ const mergeDevices = (current: TrezorDevice, upcoming: Object): TrezorDevice =>
// ...current,
// make sure that instance specific variables will not be overridden
initialized: current.initialized,
connected: typeof upcoming.connected === 'boolean' ? upcoming.connected : current.connected,
remember: typeof upcoming.remember === 'boolean' ? upcoming.remember : current.remember,
instance: current.instance,
@ -106,12 +104,11 @@ const addDevice = (state: State, device: Object): State => {
let affectedDevices: Array<TrezorDevice> = [];
let otherDevices: Array<TrezorDevice> = [];
if (device.unacquired) {
// connected device is unacquired, but it was already merged with saved devices
// when DEVICE.CHANGE event occurs
// ignore this event
// check if connected device is unacquired, but it was already merged with saved device(s) after DEVICE.CHANGE action
affectedDevices = newState.devices.filter(d => d.path === device.path);
const diff = newState.devices.filter(d => affectedDevices.indexOf(d) === -1);
// if so, ignore this action
if (affectedDevices.length > 0) {
return state;
@ -129,13 +126,11 @@ const addDevice = (state: State, device: Object): State => {
const newDevice: TrezorDevice = {
initialized: false,
acquiring: false,
remember: false,
connected: true,
path: device.path,
label: device.label,
id: 'ABCD',
checksum: null,
// instance: 0,
instanceLabel: device.label,
@ -158,7 +153,6 @@ const setDeviceState = (state: State, action: any): State => {
if (index > -1) {
const changedDevice: TrezorDevice = {
initialized: true,
checksum: action.checksum
newState.devices[index] = changedDevice;
@ -251,7 +245,8 @@ const forgetDevice = (state: State, action: any): State => {
newState.devices.splice(newState.devices.indexOf(action.device), 1);
} else {
// remove all instances after disconnect (remember request declined)
newState.devices = state.devices.filter(d => d.path !== action.device.path);
//newState.devices = state.devices.filter(d => d.path !== action.device.path);
newState.devices = state.devices.filter(d => (d.features && d.features.device_id !== action.device.features.device_id) || (!d.features && d.path !== action.device.path));
return newState;
@ -277,13 +272,11 @@ const duplicate = (state: State, device: any): State => {
// if (affectedDevices.length > 0) {
const newDevice: TrezorDevice = {
initialized: false,
checksum: null,
remember: device.remember,
connected: device.connected,
path: device.path,
label: device.label,
id: 'ABCD',
instance: new Date().getTime(),
instanceLabel: device.instanceLabel,
ts: 0,

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { routerReducer } from 'react-router-redux';
import DOM from './AppReducer.js';
import log from './LogReducer.js';
import localStorage from './LocalStorageReducer.js';
import connect from './TrezorConnectReducer.js';
import notifications from './NotificationReducer.js';
@ -17,10 +18,13 @@ import receive from './ReceiveReducer.js';
import summary from './SummaryReducer.js';
import tokens from './TokensReducer.js';
import discovery from './DiscoveryReducer.js';
import pending from './PendingTxReducer.js';
import fiat from './FiatRateReducer.js';
export default combineReducers({
router: routerReducer,
@ -32,5 +36,7 @@ export default combineReducers({

View File

@ -7,13 +7,17 @@ import { resolveAfter } from '../utils/promiseUtils';
const loadRateAction = (): any => {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
const config = getState().localStorage.config;
try {
const rate = await httpRequest('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/ethereum/?convert=USD', 'json');
type: 'rate__update',
rate: rate[0]
for (let i = 0; i < config.fiatValueTickers.length; i++) {
const rate = await httpRequest(`${config.fiatValueTickers[i].url}?convert=USD`, 'json');
type: 'rate__update',
network: config.fiatValueTickers[i].network,
rate: rate[0]
} catch(error) {
@ -29,11 +33,12 @@ const loadRateAction = (): any => {
const LocalStorageService = (store: any) => (next: any) => (action: any) => {
if (action.type === LOCATION_CHANGE && !store.getState().router.location) {
//if (action.type === LOCATION_CHANGE && !store.getState().router.location) {
if (action.type === 'storage__ready') {
export default LocalStorageService;

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import * as MODAL from '../actions/constants/Modal';
import * as TOKEN from '../actions/constants/Token';
import * as ADDRESS from '../actions/constants/Address';
import * as DISCOVERY from '../actions/constants/Discovery';
import * as SEND from '../actions/constants/SendForm';
import * as WEB3 from '../actions/constants/Web3';
// https://github.com/STRML/react-localstorage/blob/master/react-localstorage.js
@ -34,10 +36,17 @@ const findDiscovery = (devices, discovery) => {
}, []);
const findPendingTxs = (accounts, pending) => {
return accounts.reduce((arr, account) => {
return arr.concat(pending.filter(a => a.address === account.address));
}, []);
const save = (dispatch, getState) => {
const devices = getState().connect.devices.filter(d => d.remember === true && !d.unacquired);
const accounts = findAccounts(devices, getState().accounts);
const tokens = findTokens(accounts, getState().tokens);
const pending = findPendingTxs(accounts, getState().pending);
const discovery = findDiscovery(devices, getState().discovery);
// save devices
@ -51,6 +60,9 @@ const save = (dispatch, getState) => {
// tokens
dispatch( LocalStorageActions.save('tokens', JSON.stringify( tokens ) ) );
// pending transactions
dispatch( LocalStorageActions.save('pending', JSON.stringify( pending ) ) );
@ -74,6 +86,7 @@ const LocalStorageService = (store: any) => (next: any) => (action: any) => {
case TOKEN.ADD :
save(store.dispatch, store.getState);
// store.dispatch( LocalStorageActions.save('tokens', JSON.stringify( tokens ) ) );
@ -103,6 +116,11 @@ const LocalStorageService = (store: any) => (next: any) => (action: any) => {
// store.dispatch( LocalStorageActions.save('selectedDevice', JSON.stringify( store.getState().connect.selectedDevice ) ) );
save(store.dispatch, store.getState);

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ const validation = (store: any, params: UrlParams): boolean => {
if (params.hasOwnProperty('device')) {
const { devices } = store.getState().connect;
let device; // = devices.find(d => d.path === params.device || d.features.device_id === params.device);
let device;
if (params.hasOwnProperty('deviceInstance')) {
device = devices.find(d => d.features && d.features.device_id === params.device && d.instance === params.deviceInstance );
} else {
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ const validation = (store: any, params: UrlParams): boolean => {
if (params.hasOwnProperty('coin')) {
const { config } = store.getState().localStorage;
const coin = config.coins.find(c => c.symbol === params.coin);
const coin = config.coins.find(c => c.network === params.coin);
if (!coin) return false;
if (!params.address) return false;

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import * as ACTIONS from '../actions';
const TrezorConnectService = (store: any) => (next: any) => (action: any) => {
const prevState = store.getState().connect;
const prevModalState = store.getState().connect;
const prevModalState = store.getState().modal;
@ -32,6 +32,22 @@ const TrezorConnectService = (store: any) => (next: any) => (action: any) => {
} else if (action.type === DEVICE.DISCONNECT) {
store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.deviceDisconnect(action.device) );
} else if (action.type === CONNECT.REMEMBER_REQUEST) {
// TODO:
if (prevModalState.opened && prevModalState.windowType === CONNECT.REMEMBER_REQUEST) {
device: store.getState().modal.device
device: prevModalState.device
} else if (action.type === CONNECT.FORGET) {
//store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.forgetDevice(action.device) );
store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.switchToFirstAvailableDevice() );
@ -62,6 +78,7 @@ const TrezorConnectService = (store: any) => (next: any) => (action: any) => {
// interrupt process of remembering device (force forget)
// TODO: the same for disconnect more than 1 device at once
// TODO: move it to modal actions
const { modal } = store.getState();
if (modal.opened && modal.windowType === CONNECT.REMEMBER_REQUEST) {
if (action.device.features && modal.device.features.device_id === action.device.features.device_id) {

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import reducers from '../reducers';
import services from '../services';
import { Middleware } from 'redux';
import { GenericStoreEnhancer } from 'redux';
import RavenMiddleware from 'redux-raven-middleware';
export const history = createHistory( { queryKey: false } );
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ const initialState: any = {};
const enhancers = [];
const middleware = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
pragma solidity ^0.4.4;
contract Token {
/// @return total amount of tokens
function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 supply) {}
/// @param _owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved
/// @return The balance
function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) {}
/// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `msg.sender`
/// @param _to The address of the recipient
/// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred
/// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {}
/// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `_from` on the condition it is approved by `_from`
/// @param _from The address of the sender
/// @param _to The address of the recipient
/// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred
/// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {}
/// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_addr` to spend `_value` tokens
/// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens
/// @param _value The amount of wei to be approved for transfer
/// @return Whether the approval was successful or not
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {}
/// @param _owner The address of the account owning tokens
/// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens
/// @return Amount of remaining tokens allowed to spent
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining) {}
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
contract StandardToken is Token {
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
//Default assumes totalSupply can't be over max (2^256 - 1).
//If your token leaves out totalSupply and can issue more tokens as time goes on, you need to check if it doesn't wrap.
//Replace the if with this one instead.
//if (balances[msg.sender] >= _value && balances[_to] + _value > balances[_to]) {
if (balances[msg.sender] >= _value && _value > 0) {
balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
balances[_to] += _value;
Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
return true;
} else { return false; }
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
//same as above. Replace this line with the following if you want to protect against wrapping uints.
//if (balances[_from] >= _value && allowed[_from][msg.sender] >= _value && balances[_to] + _value > balances[_to]) {
if (balances[_from] >= _value && allowed[_from][msg.sender] >= _value && _value > 0) {
balances[_to] += _value;
balances[_from] -= _value;
allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value;
Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
return true;
} else { return false; }
function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance) {
return balances[_owner];
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success) {
allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
return true;
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining) {
return allowed[_owner][_spender];
mapping (address => uint256) balances;
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;
uint256 public totalSupply;
//name this contract whatever you'd like
contract DariaCoin is StandardToken {
function () {
//if ether is sent to this address, send it back.
/* Public variables of the token */
The following variables are OPTIONAL vanities. One does not have to include them.
They allow one to customise the token contract & in no way influences the core functionality.
Some wallets/interfaces might not even bother to look at this information.
string public name; //fancy name: eg Simon Bucks
uint8 public decimals; //How many decimals to show. ie. There could 1000 base units with 3 decimals. Meaning 0.980 SBX = 980 base units. It's like comparing 1 wei to 1 ether.
string public symbol; //An identifier: eg SBX
string public version = 'H1.0'; //human 0.1 standard. Just an arbitrary versioning scheme.
//make sure this function name matches the contract name above. So if you're token is called TutorialToken, make sure the //contract name above is also TutorialToken instead of ERC20Token
function DariaCoin(
) {
balances[msg.sender] = 666; // Give the creator all initial tokens (100000 for example)
totalSupply = 666; // Update total supply (100000 for example)
name = "Daria Coin :)"; // Set the name for display purposes
decimals = 2; // Amount of decimals for display purposes
symbol = "DC!"; // Set the symbol for display purposes
/* Approves and then calls the receiving contract */
function approveAndCall(address _spender, uint256 _value, bytes _extraData) returns (bool success) {
allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
//call the receiveApproval function on the contract you want to be notified. This crafts the function signature manually so one doesn't have to include a contract in here just for this.
//receiveApproval(address _from, uint256 _value, address _tokenContract, bytes _extraData)
//it is assumed that when does this that the call *should* succeed, otherwise one would use vanilla approve instead.
if(!_spender.call(bytes4(bytes32(sha3("receiveApproval(address,uint256,address,bytes)"))), msg.sender, _value, this, _extraData)) { throw; }
return true;

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ aside {
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background-image: url('../images/btc-logo.png');
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&.zec:before {
background-image: url('../images/zec-logo.png');
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@ -387,7 +415,7 @@ aside {
.add-address {
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View File

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View File

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/// new!!!
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View File

@ -12,11 +12,12 @@ article {
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View File

@ -19,15 +19,6 @@
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@ -52,74 +38,6 @@
// background: @color_info_secondary;
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@ -140,16 +58,16 @@
content: "\e902";
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content: "\e904";
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content: "\e905";
@ -175,37 +93,27 @@
content: "\e909";
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content: "\e913";
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content: "\e90a";
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content: "\e90b";
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content: "\e90c";
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content: "\e90d";
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.icomoon-arrow-right {
content: "\e90e";
@ -216,6 +124,24 @@
.icomoon-eye-error {
content: "\e911";
.icomoon-T1 {
content: "\e912";
.icomoon-arrow-left {
content: "\e91a";
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content: "\e91b";
@ -235,3 +161,8 @@
content: "\e91e";
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content: "\e91f";

View File

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View File

@ -26,3 +26,4 @@
@import './inputs.less';
@import './loader.less';
@import './log.less';

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ input {
&.warning {
border-color: @color_warning_primary;
&:focus {
box-shadow: 0 1px 4px 0 rgba(1, 183, 87, 0.25);
box-shadow: 0 1px 4px 0 rgba(235, 138, 0, 0.25);
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View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
text-align: center;
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h2.claim {
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@ -67,6 +68,7 @@
.image {
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width: 100%;
height: calc(100vh - 143px);
min-height: 500px;
@ -75,6 +77,13 @@
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p {
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img {

src/styles/log.less Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
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color: @color_info_primary;
background: @color_info_secondary;
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display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
text-align: left;
.log-close {
position: absolute;
top: 8px;
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padding: 12px;
color: inherit;
transition: opacity 0.3s;
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&:hover {
opacity: 0.6;
color: inherit;
h2 {
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padding: 0px;
p {
padding: 0px;
margin: 2px 0px;
font-size: 12px;
color: inherit;
textarea {
width: 100%;
height: 200px;
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&:focus {
box-shadow: none;

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
border-radius: 4px;
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// overflow: hidden;
h3 {
@ -157,6 +157,8 @@
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font-weight: 600;
color: @color_text_primary;
border: 1px solid @color_divider;
background: @color_white;
@ -186,10 +188,10 @@
input {
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font-size: 18px;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 32px;
height: auto;
padding: 0px 34px;
padding: 0px 31px;
color: @color_text_primary;
background: transparent;
@ -202,7 +204,7 @@
margin: auto 0;
padding: 0;
&:after {

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
p {
padding: 0px;
margin-bottom: 8px 0px;
margin: 8px 0px;
color: inherit;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
.aside-tooltip-wrapper {
width: 260px;
font-size: 10px;
.rc-tooltip {
position: absolute;
z-index: 1070;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// https://github.com/JedWatson/react-select/blob/master/less/select.less
@import '~react-select/less/select';
@import '~react-select/less/select.less';
// override predefined colors
@select-primary-color: @color_white;
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
@select-item-border-radius: 0px;
@select-input-border-color: transparent;
@select-input-border-focus: @color_divider;
// @select-input-bg: transparent;
// @select-input-bg-focus: transparent;
.Select-focus-state(@color) {
// do nothing
@ -67,7 +69,13 @@
.Select-noresults {
color: @color_text_secondary;
font-family: @font-default;
.Select-placeholder {
color: @color_text_secondary;
font-family: @font-default;
.Select-value-label {
@ -90,240 +98,3 @@
/*@select-input-height: 34px;
@select-primary-color: #fff;
@select-input-bg-focus: #ff0000;
@select-input-border-radius: 0px;
@select-input-border-focus: @select-input-border-color;
.Select {
width: 240px;
height: 34px;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
&.is-focused:not(.is-open) > .Select-control {
border-color: @select-input-border-color;
box-shadow: none;
.Select-control {
&:hover {
box-shadow: none;
.Select-menu-outer {
border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
box-shadow: 0 6px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.175);
.Select-option {
&:last-child {
border-radius: 0px;
.fee-label {
display: inline-block;
width: 70%;
.fee-size {
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
.CurrencySelect {
width: 70px;
vertical-align: top;
.CoinSelect {
width: 290px;
height: 64px;
.Select-control {
height: 63px;
border: 0px;
border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 0px;
border-right: 1px solid @color_divider;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
.Select-input {
background: transparent;
//display: none !important;
&:hover {
background: #F2F2F2;
.Select-arrow {
&:after {
color: #494949;
.Select-value {
padding: 0px;
.Select-value-label {
display: inline-block;
height: 63px;
padding-top: 20px;
padding-left: 50px;
font-size: 1.15em;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 26px;
color: #494949;
&:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
display: block;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
z-index: 2;
left: 20px;
top: 21px;
background-image: url(../images/eth-logo.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
background-size: auto 20px;
.Select-menu-outer {
position: relative;
top: 0;
border: 0px;
border-top: 1px solid rgba(218, 218, 218, 0.5);
border-right: 1px solid rgba(218, 218, 218, 0.5);
box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04);
max-height: none;
.Select-menu {
max-height: none;
overflow-x: none;
.Select-option {
width: 290px;
height: 64px;
padding-top: 20px;
padding-left: 60px;
position: relative;
transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
span {
height: 63px;
font-size: 1.15em;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 26px;
color: #494949;
&:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
display: block;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
z-index: 2;
left: 20px;
top: 21px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
background-size: 20px 20px;
&.btc:before {
background-image: url('../images/btc-logo.png');
&.ltc:before {
background-image: url('../images/ltc-logo.png');
&.btg:before {
background-image: url('../images/btg-logo.png');
&.bch:before {
background-image: url('../images/bch-logo.png');
&.dash:before {
background-image: url('../images/dash-logo.png');
&.zec:before {
background-image: url('../images/zec-logo.png');
&.eth:before {
background-image: url('../images/eth-logo.png');
background-size: auto 20px;
&.etc:before {
background-image: url('../images/etc-logo.png');
background-size: auto 20px;
&:hover {
background: #F2F2F2;
&.is-selected {
background: yellow;
.Select-arrow-zone {
width: 28px;
.Select-arrow {
border: 0px;
width: 28px;
&:after {
color: #B3B3B3;
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
top: -8px;
transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
&.is-open {
.Select-arrow {
top: 0px;
&:after {
// /*
// */

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
.send-form {
padding-bottom: 24px;
.Select {
width: 98px;
@ -27,6 +26,15 @@
&.is-disabled {
.Select-control {
cursor: default;
.Select-arrow {
visibility: hidden;
.fee-option {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
@ -53,7 +61,7 @@
padding-bottom: 24px;
.info {
position: absolute;
left: 48px;
@ -65,7 +73,7 @@
.error {
color: @color_error_primary;
.warning {
.warning:not(input) {
color: @color_warning_primary;
.info {
@ -184,6 +192,8 @@
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 0px 48px;
padding-bottom: 24px;
button {
width: 50%;
@ -283,4 +293,58 @@
resize: none;
height: 80px;
.pending-transactions {
border-top: 1px solid @color_divider;
.tx {
border-bottom: 1px solid @color_divider;
padding: 14px 48px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
&:last-child {
border-bottom: 0px;
.icon {
width: 36px;
height: 36px;
//border: 8px solid white;
border-radius: 50%;
margin-right: 10px;
line-height: 30px;
text-transform: uppercase;
user-select: none;
text-align: center;
padding: 6px;
p {
line-height: 24px;
padding: 0px;
color: inherit;
.name {
flex: 1;
a, a:visited {
color: @color_text_secondary;
&:hover, &:active {
color: @color_text_primary;
.balance {
color: @color_text_primary;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,27 @@
.summary {
h2 {
//padding: 35px 50px 0px 50px;
color: red;
.summary-header {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
&:before {
content: '';
display: inline-block;
width: 32px;
height: 22px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 20px 20px;
&.eth:before {
background-image: url('../images/eth-logo.png');
background-size: auto 20px;
&.etc:before {
background-image: url('../images/etc-logo.png');
background-size: auto 20px;
.token-select {
@ -36,25 +55,26 @@
.summary-details {
position: relative;
padding: 35px 50px 0px 50px;
padding: 0px 48px;
border-bottom: 1px solid @color_divider;
.content {
display: flex;
padding-bottom: 32px;
.column {
display: inline-block;
width: 25%;
padding-bottom: 30px;
margin-right: 48px;
.label {
color: #A9A9A9;
font-weight: 600;
.label, .value {
color: @color_text_secondary;
font-size: 12px;
.fiat-value {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 18px;
margin: 7px 0 6px 0;
color: #494949;
color: @color_text_primary;
@ -69,45 +89,38 @@
height: 40px;
//line-height: 30px;
background: @color_white;
color: #B3B3B3;
color: @color_text_secondary;
box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04);
border-radius: 50%;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
transition: all 0.3s;
&:hover {
background: #F2F2F2;
&:before {
color: #494949;
background: @color_divider;
color: @color_text_primary;
&:before {
color: #B3B3B3;
transition: transform 0.3s;
transform-origin: 50% 50%;
position: absolute;
left: 14px;
top: 16px;
transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
left: 8px;
top: 10px;
&.closed {
.content {
display: none;
.toggle {
&:before {
top: 18px;
&.opened {
.toggle:before {
transform: rotate(180deg);
top: 8px;
.filter {
background: @color_main;
padding: 30px 48px 10px 48px;
//background: @color_main;
padding: 0px 48px 32px 48px;
// text-align: right;
// input {
@ -115,78 +128,30 @@
// }
.add-token-form {
position: relative;
.toggle {
cursor: pointer;
padding: 15px 50px;
.token-select {
.Select-control {
cursor: text;
.content {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
padding: 15px 50px;
.column {
padding-right: 10px;
label {
display: block;
color: #A9A9A9;
font-weight: 600;
.Select-option {
&.is-focused {
background: @color_gray_light;
input {
&.token-address {
width: 230px;
&.token-name {
width: 160px;
&.token-shortcut {
width: 80px;
&.token-decimal {
width: 80px;
button {
&:after {
color: #B3B3B3;
position: absolute;
right: 50px;
top: 21px;
transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
&:hover {
&:after {
color: #494949;
&.closed {
&:after {
&.is-selected {
background: @color_divider;
.token {
border-top: 1px solid @color_divider;
padding: 15px 50px;
padding: 14px 48px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
position: relative;
.icon {
width: 36px;
@ -208,24 +173,27 @@
.name {
flex: 1;
line-height: 30px;
color: @color_text_secondary;
.balance {
color: red;
line-height: 30px;
button {
position: absolute;
right: 12px;
padding: 0px;
padding-top: 3px;
&:after {
&:last-child {
// border-bottom: 1px solid @color_divider;
.token-select {
.Select-control {
cursor: text;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES, SRC, PORT } from './constants';
import path from 'path';
import webpack from 'webpack';
import HtmlWebpackPlugin from 'html-webpack-plugin';
@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ module.exports = {
inject: true
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}coins.json` },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}releases.json` },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}latest.txt` },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}config_signed.bin` },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}coins.json`, to: './data/coins.json' },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}releases-1.json`, to: './data/releases-1.json' },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}latest.txt`, to: './data/latest.txt' },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}config_signed.bin`, to: './data/config_signed.bin' },
// { from: `${SRC}images/favicon.png` },
// { from: `${SRC}images` },

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { SRC, BUILD, TREZOR_LIBRARY, TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES } from './constants';
import webpack from 'webpack';
import HtmlWebpackPlugin from 'html-webpack-plugin';
import ExtractTextPlugin from 'extract-text-webpack-plugin';
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ const extractLess = new ExtractTextPlugin({
module.exports = {
entry: {
index: ['whatwg-fetch', `${SRC}js/index.js`],
'trezor-library': `${TREZOR_LIBRARY}.js`
//'trezor-library': `${TREZOR_LIBRARY}.js`
output: {
filename: 'js/[name].[hash].js',
@ -47,17 +47,26 @@ module.exports = {
test: /\.(png|gif|jpg)$/,
loader: 'file-loader?name=../images/[name].[ext]'
loader: 'file-loader',
query: {
publicPath: '../',
name: 'images/[name].[hash].[ext]',
test: /\.(ttf|eot|svg|woff|woff2)$/,
loader: 'file-loader?publicPath=../&name=fonts/[name].[ext]',
// loader: 'file-loader?publicPath=../&name=fonts/[name].[hash].[ext]',
loader: 'file-loader',
query: {
publicPath: '../',
name: 'fonts/[name].[hash].[ext]',
test: /\.(wasm)$/,
loader: 'file-loader',
query: {
name: 'js/[name].[ext]',
name: 'js/[name].[hash].[ext]',
@ -88,8 +97,11 @@ module.exports = {
//{from: `${SRC}/app/robots.txt`},
//{ from: `${SRC}js/vendor`, to: `${BUILD}js/vendor` },
//{ from: `${SRC}config.json` },
{ from: `${SRC}images`, to: `${BUILD}images` },
{ from: `${SRC}data`, to: `${BUILD}data` },
//{ from: `${SRC}images/favicon.png`, to: `${BUILD}favicon.png` },
{ from: `${SRC}images/favicon.ico`, to: `${BUILD}favicon.ico` },
{ from: `${SRC}images/favicon.png`, to: `${BUILD}favicon.png` },
{ from: `${SRC}images/dashboard.png`, to: `${BUILD}images/dashboard.png` },
{ from: `${SRC}data`, to: `${BUILD}data`, cache: false },
new webpack.optimize.OccurrenceOrderPlugin(),
new webpack.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin(),
@ -99,10 +111,11 @@ module.exports = {
// }
// }),
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}coins.json` },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}releases.json` },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}latest.txt` },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}config_signed.bin` },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}coins.json`, to: `${BUILD}/data/coins.json` },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}releases-1.json`, to: `${BUILD}/data/releases-1.json` },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}releases-2.json`, to: `${BUILD}/data/releases-2.json` },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}latest.txt`, to: `${BUILD}/data/latest.txt` },
{ from: `${TREZOR_CONNECT_FILES}config_signed.bin`, to: `${BUILD}/data/config_signed.bin` },
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production'),


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff