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use spin::{RwLock, RwLockReadGuard};
use crate::{error::Error, trezorhal::translations};
use super::blob::Translations;
static TRANSLATIONS_ON_FLASH: RwLock<Option<Translations>> = RwLock::new(None);
/// Erase translations blob from flash.
/// The blob must be deinitialized via `deinit()` before calling this function.
pub fn erase() -> Result<(), Error> {
// Write-lock is not necessary but it hints that nobody should call `erase()`
// while others are looking.
let blob = unwrap!(TRANSLATIONS_ON_FLASH.try_write());
if blob.is_some() {
return Err(value_error!("Translations blob already set"));
// SAFETY: The blob is not set, so there are no references to it.
unsafe { translations::erase() };
/// Write translations blob to flash.
/// The blob must be deinitialized via `deinit()` before calling this function.
pub fn write(data: &[u8], offset: usize) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Write-lock is not necessary but it hints that nobody should call `erase()`
// while others are looking.
let blob = unwrap!(TRANSLATIONS_ON_FLASH.try_write());
let result = {
if blob.is_some() {
return Err(value_error!("Translations blob already set"));
// SAFETY: The blob is not set, so there are no references to it.
unsafe { translations::write(data, offset) }
if result {
} else {
Err(value_error!("Failed to write translations blob"))
/// Load translations from flash, validate, and cache references to lookup
/// tables.
/// # Safety
/// Result depends on flash contents, see `translations::get_blob()`.
unsafe fn try_init<'a>() -> Result<Option<Translations<'a>>, Error> {
// load from flash
let flash_data = unsafe { translations::get_blob() };
// check if flash is empty
// TODO perhaps we should check the full area?
if flash_data[0..16] == [super::blob::EMPTY_BYTE; 16] {
return Ok(None);
// try to parse the data
/// Initialize translations subsystem with current data from flash
/// Will erase any data from the translations section if the blob is invalid. At
/// end, either the blob is available via `get()`, or there is a None value.
/// Does nothing if the data is already loaded. Call `deinit()` first to force
/// reload.
pub fn init() {
let blob = unwrap!(TRANSLATIONS_ON_FLASH.try_upgradeable_read());
if blob.is_some() {
let mut blob = blob.upgrade();
// SAFETY: try_init unconditionally loads the translations from flash.
// No other reference exists (TRANSLATIONS_ON_FLASH is None) so this is safe.
match unsafe { try_init() } {
Ok(Some(t)) => *blob = Some(t),
Ok(None) => {}
// SAFETY: No reference to flash data exists so it is OK to erase it.
Err(_) => unsafe { translations::erase() },
/// Deinitialize translations subsystem.
/// If the blob is locked by a reader, `deinit()` will return an error.
pub fn deinit() -> Result<(), Error> {
let Some(mut blob) = TRANSLATIONS_ON_FLASH.try_write() else {
return Err(value_error!("Translations are in use."));
*blob = None;
/// Get a reference to the translations blob.
/// # Safety
/// This function relies on `Translations` to Do The Right Thing™ by only
/// returning references whose lifetime is tied to the lifetime _of the
/// reference_, as opposed to the underlying data.
/// Due to us placing the `Translations` blob in a `static` variable, the
/// lifetime of its data must be `'static`. The true lifetime, however, is
/// "between init() and deinit()".
/// So instead we tie all references to the lifetime of the returned
/// `RwLockReadGuard`, through making sure that `Translations` only ever returns
/// references that live as long as the reference giving them out.
pub fn get() -> Result<RwLockReadGuard<'static, Option<Translations<'static>>>, Error> {
.ok_or_else(|| value_error!("Translations are in use."))