You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

139 lines
3.9 KiB

import ustruct
from micropython import const
from trezor import io, loop, utils
if False:
from typing import Any
from trezorio import WireInterface
_REP_LEN = const(64)
_REP_MARKER = const(63) # ord('?')
_REP_MAGIC = const(35) # org('#')
_REP_INIT = ">BBBHL" # marker, magic, magic, wire type, data length
_REP_INIT_DATA = const(9) # offset of data in the initial report
_REP_CONT_DATA = const(1) # offset of data in the continuation report
SESSION_ID = const(0)
INVALID_TYPE = const(-1)
# The wire buffer is shared between the main wire interface and debuglink
# (see There's no obvious guarantee that both interfaces won't
# use it at the same time, thus we check this at runtime in debug builds.
if __debug__:
class BufferLock(object):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.in_use = False
def __enter__(self) -> None:
assert not self.in_use, "global buffer already used by another context"
self.in_use = True
def __exit__(self, type: Any, value: Any, traceback: Any) -> None:
self.in_use = False
class BufferLock(object): # type: ignore
def __enter__(self) -> None:
def __exit__(self, type: Any, value: Any, traceback: Any) -> None:
buffer_lock = BufferLock()
class CodecError(Exception):
class Message:
def __init__(self, mtype: int, mdata: bytes) -> None:
self.type = mtype = mdata
async def read_message(iface: WireInterface, buffer: utils.BufferType) -> Message:
read = loop.wait(iface.iface_num() | io.POLL_READ)
# wait for initial report
report = await read
if report[0] != _REP_MARKER:
raise CodecError("Invalid magic")
_, magic1, magic2, mtype, msize = ustruct.unpack(_REP_INIT, report)
if magic1 != _REP_MAGIC or magic2 != _REP_MAGIC:
raise CodecError("Invalid magic")
read_and_throw_away = False
with buffer_lock:
if msize > len(buffer):
# allocate a new buffer to fit the message
mdata: utils.BufferType = bytearray(msize)
except MemoryError:
mdata = bytearray(_REP_LEN)
read_and_throw_away = True
# reuse a part of the supplied buffer
mdata = memoryview(buffer)[:msize]
# buffer the initial data
nread = utils.memcpy(mdata, 0, report, _REP_INIT_DATA)
while nread < msize:
# wait for continuation report
report = await read
if report[0] != _REP_MARKER:
raise CodecError("Invalid magic")
# buffer the continuation data
if read_and_throw_away:
nread += len(report) - 1
nread += utils.memcpy(mdata, nread, report, _REP_CONT_DATA)
if read_and_throw_away:
raise CodecError("Message too large")
return Message(mtype, mdata)
async def write_message(iface: WireInterface, mtype: int, mdata: bytes) -> None:
write = loop.wait(iface.iface_num() | io.POLL_WRITE)
with buffer_lock:
# gather data from msg
msize = len(mdata)
# prepare the report buffer with header data
report = bytearray(_REP_LEN)
repofs = _REP_INIT_DATA
_REP_INIT, report, 0, _REP_MARKER, _REP_MAGIC, _REP_MAGIC, mtype, msize
nwritten = 0
while True:
# copy as much as possible to the report buffer
nwritten += utils.memcpy(report, repofs, mdata, nwritten)
# write the report
while True:
await write
n = iface.write(report)
if n == len(report):
# if we have more data to write, use continuation reports for it
if nwritten < msize:
repofs = _REP_CONT_DATA