You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

153 lines
5.2 KiB

import ustruct # pyright: ignore[reportMissingModuleSource]
from micropython import const # pyright: ignore[reportMissingModuleSource]
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING # pyright: ignore[reportShadowedImports]
from storage.cache_thp import BROADCAST_CHANNEL_ID
from trezor import io, log, loop, utils
from .protocol_common import MessageWithId
from .thp import ChannelState, checksum, thp_messages
from import MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN, REPORT_LENGTH, Channel, load_cached_channels
from .thp.checksum import CHECKSUM_LENGTH
from .thp.thp_messages import CHANNEL_ALLOCATION_REQ, CODEC_V1, InitHeader
from .thp.thp_session import ThpError
from .thp.writer import write_payload_to_wire
from trezorio import WireInterface # pyright: ignore[reportMissingImports]
_MAX_CID_REQ_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = const(12) # TODO set to reasonable value
_BUFFER: bytearray
CHANNELS: dict[int, Channel] = {}
def set_buffer(buffer):
global _BUFFER
_BUFFER = buffer
async def thp_main_loop(iface: WireInterface, is_debug_session=False):
global _BUFFER
CHANNELS = load_cached_channels(_BUFFER)
read = loop.wait(iface.iface_num() | io.POLL_READ)
while True:
if __debug__:
log.debug(__name__, "thp_main_loop")
packet = await read
ctrl_byte, cid = ustruct.unpack(">BH", packet)
if ctrl_byte == CODEC_V1:
# TODO add handling of (unsupported) codec_v1 packets
# possibly ignore continuation packets, i.e. if the
# following bytes are not "##"", do not respond
await _handle_broadcast(iface, ctrl_byte, packet)
if cid in CHANNELS:
channel = CHANNELS[cid]
if channel is None:
# TODO send error message to wire
raise ThpError("Invalid state of a channel")
if channel.iface is not iface:
# TODO send error message to wire
raise ThpError("Channel has different WireInterface")
if channel.get_channel_state() != ChannelState.UNALLOCATED:
await channel.receive_packet(packet)
await _handle_unallocated(iface, cid)
except ThpError as e:
if __debug__:
log.exception(__name__, e)
# TODO add cleaning sequence if no workflow/channel is active (or some condition like that)
async def _handle_broadcast(
iface: WireInterface, ctrl_byte, packet
) -> MessageWithId | None:
global _BUFFER
raise ThpError("Unexpected ctrl_byte in broadcast channel packet")
if __debug__:
log.debug(__name__, "Received valid message on broadcast channel ")
length, nonce = ustruct.unpack(">H8s", packet[3:])
header = InitHeader(ctrl_byte, BROADCAST_CHANNEL_ID, length)
payload = _get_buffer_for_payload(length, packet[5:], _MAX_CID_REQ_PAYLOAD_LENGTH)
if not checksum.is_valid(payload[-4:], header.to_bytes() + payload[:-4]):
raise ThpError("Checksum is not valid")
new_channel: Channel = Channel.create_new_channel(iface, _BUFFER)
cid = int.from_bytes(new_channel.channel_id, "big")
CHANNELS[cid] = new_channel
response_data = thp_messages.get_channel_allocation_response(
nonce, new_channel.channel_id
response_header = InitHeader.get_channel_allocation_response_header(
len(response_data) + CHECKSUM_LENGTH,
chksum = checksum.compute(response_header.to_bytes() + response_data)
if __debug__:
log.debug(__name__, "New channel allocated with id %d", cid)
await write_payload_to_wire(iface, response_header, response_data + chksum)
async def _handle_unallocated(iface, cid) -> MessageWithId | None:
data = thp_messages.get_error_unallocated_channel()
header = InitHeader.get_error_header(cid, len(data) + CHECKSUM_LENGTH)
chksum = checksum.compute(header.to_bytes() + data)
await write_payload_to_wire(iface, header, data + chksum)
def _get_buffer_for_payload(
payload_length: int, existing_buffer: utils.BufferType, max_length=MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN
) -> utils.BufferType:
if payload_length > max_length:
raise ThpError("Message too large")
if payload_length > len(existing_buffer):
return _try_allocate_new_buffer(payload_length)
return _reuse_existing_buffer(payload_length, existing_buffer)
def _try_allocate_new_buffer(payload_length: int) -> utils.BufferType:
payload: utils.BufferType = bytearray(payload_length)
except MemoryError:
payload = bytearray(REPORT_LENGTH)
raise ThpError("Message too large")
return payload
def _reuse_existing_buffer(
payload_length: int, existing_buffer: utils.BufferType
) -> utils.BufferType:
return memoryview(existing_buffer)[:payload_length]
async def deprecated_read_message(
iface: WireInterface, buffer: utils.BufferType
) -> MessageWithId:
return MessageWithId(-1, b"\x00")
async def deprecated_write_message(
iface: WireInterface, message: MessageWithId, is_retransmission: bool = False
) -> None: