You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

87 lines
2.1 KiB

# Automatically generated by pb2py
from micropython import const
Address = const(30)
ApplyFlags = const(28)
ApplySettings = const(25)
BackupDevice = const(34)
ButtonAck = const(27)
ButtonRequest = const(26)
Cancel = const(20)
ChangePin = const(4)
CipherKeyValue = const(23)
CipheredKeyValue = const(48)
ClearSession = const(24)
CosiCommit = const(71)
CosiCommitment = const(72)
CosiSign = const(73)
CosiSignature = const(74)
DebugLinkDecision = const(100)
DebugLinkFlashErase = const(113)
DebugLinkGetState = const(101)
DebugLinkLog = const(104)
DebugLinkMemory = const(111)
DebugLinkMemoryRead = const(110)
DebugLinkMemoryWrite = const(112)
DebugLinkState = const(102)
DebugLinkStop = const(103)
DecryptMessage = const(51)
DecryptedMessage = const(52)
ECDHSessionKey = const(62)
EncryptMessage = const(49)
EncryptedMessage = const(50)
Entropy = const(10)
EntropyAck = const(36)
EntropyRequest = const(35)
EstimateTxSize = const(43)
EthereumAddress = const(57)
EthereumGetAddress = const(56)
EthereumMessageSignature = const(66)
EthereumSignMessage = const(64)
EthereumSignTx = const(58)
EthereumTxAck = const(60)
EthereumTxRequest = const(59)
EthereumVerifyMessage = const(65)
Failure = const(3)
Features = const(17)
FirmwareErase = const(6)
FirmwareRequest = const(8)
FirmwareUpload = const(7)
GetAddress = const(29)
GetECDHSessionKey = const(61)
GetEntropy = const(9)
GetFeatures = const(55)
GetPublicKey = const(11)
Initialize = const(0)
LoadDevice = const(13)
MessageSignature = const(40)
NEMAddress = const(68)
NEMDecryptMessage = const(75)
NEMDecryptedMessage = const(76)
NEMGetAddress = const(67)
NEMSignTx = const(69)
NEMSignedTx = const(70)
PassphraseAck = const(42)
PassphraseRequest = const(41)
PinMatrixAck = const(19)
PinMatrixRequest = const(18)
Ping = const(1)
PublicKey = const(12)
RecoveryDevice = const(45)
ResetDevice = const(14)
SelfTest = const(32)
SetU2FCounter = const(63)
SignIdentity = const(53)
SignMessage = const(38)
SignTx = const(15)
SignedIdentity = const(54)
SimpleSignTx = const(16)
Success = const(2)
TxAck = const(22)
TxRequest = const(21)
TxSize = const(44)
VerifyMessage = const(39)
WipeDevice = const(5)
WordAck = const(47)
WordRequest = const(46)