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Final message, signatures were already returned in the previous step.
Here we return private tx keys in encrypted form using transaction specific key,
derived from tx hash and the private spend key. The key is deterministic,
so we can recover it just from the transaction and the spend key.
The private tx keys are used in other numerous Monero features.
from trezor.messages import MoneroTransactionFinalAck
from apps.monero import misc
from apps.monero.xmr import crypto
from apps.monero.xmr.crypto import chacha_poly
from .state import State
if False:
from apps.monero.xmr.types import Sc25519
def final_msg(state: State) -> MoneroTransactionFinalAck:
if state.last_step != state.STEP_SIGN:
raise ValueError("Invalid state transition")
if state.current_input_index != state.input_count - 1:
raise ValueError("Invalid input count")
tx_key, salt, rand_mult = _compute_tx_key(
state.creds.spend_key_private, state.tx_prefix_hash
key_buff = crypto.encodeint(state.tx_priv) + b"".join(
[crypto.encodeint(x) for x in state.additional_tx_private_keys]
tx_enc_keys = chacha_poly.encrypt_pack(tx_key, key_buff)
state.last_step = None
return MoneroTransactionFinalAck(
def _compute_tx_key(
spend_key_private: Sc25519, tx_prefix_hash: bytes
) -> tuple[bytes, bytes, bytes]:
salt = crypto.random_bytes(32)
rand_mult_num = crypto.random_scalar()
rand_mult = crypto.encodeint(rand_mult_num)
tx_key = misc.compute_tx_key(spend_key_private, tx_prefix_hash, salt, rand_mult_num)
return tx_key, salt, rand_mult