mirror of https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware.git synced 2024-10-19 22:40:58 +00:00
Alois Klink 5c4703c9bb fix(core,legacy): Fix domain-only ethTypedData
When doing Ethereum signTypedData, and the primaryType="EIP712Domain",
we completely ignore the "message" part and only sign the domain.

According to the community, this is technically allowed by the spec,
and may be used by ETH smart contracts to save on gas.

Test case generated by @MetaMask/eth-sig-util's library.

See: https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/eip-712-standards-clarification-primarytype-as-domaintype/3286
2022-01-14 14:22:46 +01:00

173 lines
6.5 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto2";
package hw.trezor.messages.ethereum;
// Sugar for easier handling in Java
option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageEthereum";
import "messages-common.proto";
* Request: Ask device for public key corresponding to address_n path
* @start
* @next EthereumPublicKey
* @next Failure
message EthereumGetPublicKey {
repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
optional bool show_display = 2; // optionally show on display before sending the result
* Response: Contains public key derived from device private seed
* @end
message EthereumPublicKey {
required hw.trezor.messages.common.HDNodeType node = 1; // BIP32 public node
required string xpub = 2; // serialized form of public node
* Request: Ask device for Ethereum address corresponding to address_n path
* @start
* @next EthereumAddress
* @next Failure
message EthereumGetAddress {
repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
optional bool show_display = 2; // optionally show on display before sending the result
* Response: Contains an Ethereum address derived from device private seed
* @end
message EthereumAddress {
optional bytes _old_address = 1 [deprecated=true]; // trezor <1.8.0, <2.1.0 - raw bytes of Ethereum address
optional string address = 2; // Ethereum address as hex-encoded string
* Request: Ask device to sign transaction
* gas_price, gas_limit and chain_id must be provided and non-zero.
* All other fields are optional and default to value `0` if missing.
* Note: the first at most 1024 bytes of data MUST be transmitted as part of this message.
* @start
* @next EthereumTxRequest
* @next Failure
message EthereumSignTx {
repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
optional bytes nonce = 2 [default='']; // <=256 bit unsigned big endian
required bytes gas_price = 3; // <=256 bit unsigned big endian (in wei)
required bytes gas_limit = 4; // <=256 bit unsigned big endian
optional string to = 11 [default='']; // recipient address
optional bytes value = 6 [default='']; // <=256 bit unsigned big endian (in wei)
optional bytes data_initial_chunk = 7 [default='']; // The initial data chunk (<= 1024 bytes)
optional uint32 data_length = 8 [default=0]; // Length of transaction payload
required uint64 chain_id = 9; // Chain Id for EIP 155
optional uint32 tx_type = 10; // Used for Wanchain
* Request: Ask device to sign EIP1559 transaction
* Note: the first at most 1024 bytes of data MUST be transmitted as part of this message.
* @start
* @next EthereumTxRequest
* @next Failure
message EthereumSignTxEIP1559 {
repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
required bytes nonce = 2; // <=256 bit unsigned big endian
required bytes max_gas_fee = 3; // <=256 bit unsigned big endian (in wei)
required bytes max_priority_fee = 4; // <=256 bit unsigned big endian (in wei)
required bytes gas_limit = 5; // <=256 bit unsigned big endian
optional string to = 6 [default='']; // recipient address
required bytes value = 7; // <=256 bit unsigned big endian (in wei)
optional bytes data_initial_chunk = 8 [default='']; // The initial data chunk (<= 1024 bytes)
required uint32 data_length = 9; // Length of transaction payload
required uint64 chain_id = 10; // Chain Id for EIP 155
repeated EthereumAccessList access_list = 11; // Access List
message EthereumAccessList {
required string address = 1;
repeated bytes storage_keys = 2;
* Response: Device asks for more data from transaction payload, or returns the signature.
* If data_length is set, device awaits that many more bytes of payload.
* Otherwise, the signature_* fields contain the computed transaction signature. All three fields will be present.
* @end
* @next EthereumTxAck
message EthereumTxRequest {
optional uint32 data_length = 1; // Number of bytes being requested (<= 1024)
optional uint32 signature_v = 2; // Computed signature (recovery parameter, limited to 27 or 28)
optional bytes signature_r = 3; // Computed signature R component (256 bit)
optional bytes signature_s = 4; // Computed signature S component (256 bit)
* Request: Transaction payload data.
* @next EthereumTxRequest
message EthereumTxAck {
required bytes data_chunk = 1; // Bytes from transaction payload (<= 1024 bytes)
* Request: Ask device to sign message
* @start
* @next EthereumMessageSignature
* @next Failure
message EthereumSignMessage {
repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
required bytes message = 2; // message to be signed
* Response: Signed message
* @end
message EthereumMessageSignature {
required bytes signature = 2; // signature of the message
required string address = 3; // address used to sign the message
* Request: Ask device to verify message
* @start
* @next Success
* @next Failure
message EthereumVerifyMessage {
required bytes signature = 2; // signature to verify
required bytes message = 3; // message to verify
required string address = 4; // address to verify
* Request: Ask device to sign hash of typed data
* @start
* @next EthereumTypedDataSignature
* @next Failure
message EthereumSignTypedHash {
repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
required bytes domain_separator_hash = 2; // Hash of domainSeparator of typed data to be signed
optional bytes message_hash = 3; // Hash of the data of typed data to be signed (empty if domain-only data)
* Response: Signed typed data
* @end
message EthereumTypedDataSignature {
required bytes signature = 1; // signature of the typed data
required string address = 2; // address used to sign the typed data