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# This file is part of the Trezor project.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2018 SatoshiLabs and contributors
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the License along with this library.
# If not, see <>.
import functools
import os
import pytest
from trezorlib.transport import get_transport
from trezorlib.client import TrezorClient, TrezorClientDebugLink
from trezorlib import log, coins
def get_device():
path = os.environ.get('TREZOR_PATH')
return get_transport(path)
def device_version():
device = get_device()
if not device:
raise RuntimeError()
client = TrezorClient(device)
if client.features.model == "T":
return 2
return 1
TREZOR_VERSION = device_version()
def client():
wirelink = get_device()
debuglink = wirelink.find_debug()
client = TrezorClientDebugLink(wirelink)
yield client
# XXX debuglink session must also be closed
# client.close accomplishes that for now; going forward, there should
# also be proper session handling for debuglink
def setup_client(mnemonic=None, pin='', passphrase=False):
if mnemonic is None:
mnemonic = ' '.join(['all'] * 12)
if pin is True:
pin = '1234'
def client_decorator(function):
def wrapper(client, *args, **kwargs):
client.load_device_by_mnemonic(mnemonic=mnemonic, pin=pin, passphrase_protection=passphrase, label='test', language='english')
return function(client, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return client_decorator
def pytest_configure(config):
if config.getoption('verbose'):
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addini("run_xfail", "List of markers that will run even if marked as xfail", "args", [])
def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
Called for each test item (class, individual tests).
Performs custom processing, mainly useful for trezor CI testing:
* 'skip_t2' tests are skipped on T2 and 'skip_t1' tests are skipped on T1.
* no test should have both skips at the same time
* allows to 'runxfail' tests specified by 'run_xfail' in pytest.ini
if item.get_marker("skip_t1") and item.get_marker("skip_t2"):"Don't skip tests for both trezors!")
if item.get_marker("skip_t2") and TREZOR_VERSION == 2:
pytest.skip("Test excluded on Trezor T")
if item.get_marker("skip_t1") and TREZOR_VERSION == 1:
pytest.skip("Test excluded on Trezor 1")
xfail = item.get_marker("xfail")
run_xfail = any(item.get_marker(marker) for marker in item.config.getini("run_xfail"))
if xfail and run_xfail:
# Deep hack: pytest's private _evalxfail helper determines whether the test should xfail or not.
# The helper caches its result even before this hook runs.
# Here we force-set the result to False, meaning "test does NOT xfail, run as normal"
# IOW, this is basically per-item "--runxfail"
item._evalxfail.result = False