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filecache is a decorator which saves the return value of functions even
after the interpreter dies. For example this is useful on functions that download
and parse webpages. All you need to do is specify how long
the return values should be cached (use seconds, like time.sleep).
from filecache import filecache
@filecache(24 * 60 * 60)
def time_consuming_function(args):
# etc
def another_function(args):
# etc
NOTE: All arguments of the decorated function and the return value need to be
picklable for this to work.
NOTE: The cache isn't automatically cleaned, it is only overwritten. If your
function can receive many different arguments that rarely repeat, your
cache may forever grow. One day I might add a feature that once in every
100 calls scans the db for outdated stuff and erases.
NOTE: This is less useful on methods of a class because the instance (self)
is cached, and if the instance isn't the same, the cache isn't used. This
makes sense because class methods are affected by changes in whatever
is attached to self.
Tested on python 2.7 and 3.1
License: BSD, do what you wish with this. Could be awesome to hear if you found
it useful and/or you have suggestions. ubershmekel at gmail
A trick to invalidate a single value:
def somefunc(x, y, z):
return x * y * z
del somefunc._db[filecache._args_key(somefunc, (1,2,3), {})]
# or just iterate of somefunc._db (it's a shelve, like a dict) to find the right key.
import collections as _collections
import datetime as _datetime
import functools as _functools
import inspect as _inspect
import os as _os
import pickle as _pickle
import shelve as _shelve
import sys as _sys
import time as _time
import traceback as _traceback
import types
_retval = _collections.namedtuple('_retval', 'timesig data')
_SRC_DIR = _os.path.dirname(_os.path.abspath(__file__))
DAY = 24 * HOUR
WEEK = 7 * DAY
MONTH = 30 * DAY
YEAR = 365 * DAY
OPEN_DBS = dict()
def _get_cache_name(function):
returns a name for the module's cache db.
module_name = _inspect.getfile(function)
module_name = _os.path.abspath(module_name)
cache_name = module_name
# fix for '<string>' or '<stdin>' in exec or interpreter usage.
cache_name = cache_name.replace('<', '_lt_')
cache_name = cache_name.replace('>', '_gt_')
tmpdir = _os.getenv('TMPDIR') or _os.getenv('TEMP') or _os.getenv('TMP')
if tmpdir:
cache_name = tmpdir + '/filecache_' + cache_name.replace(_os.sep, '@')
cache_name += '.cache'
return cache_name
def _log_error(error_str):
error_log_fname = _os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'filecache.err.log')
if _os.path.isfile(error_log_fname):
fhand = open(error_log_fname, 'a')
fhand = open(error_log_fname, 'w')
fhand.write('[%s] %s\r\n' % (_datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(), error_str))
except Exception:
def _args_key(function, args, kwargs):
arguments = (args, kwargs)
# Check if you have a valid, cached answer, and return it.
# Sadly this is python version dependant
if _sys.version_info[0] == 2:
arguments_pickle = _pickle.dumps(arguments)
# NOTE: protocol=0 so it's ascii, this is crucial for py3k
# because shelve only works with proper strings.
# Otherwise, we'd get an exception because
# function.__name__ is str but dumps returns bytes.
arguments_pickle = _pickle.dumps(arguments, protocol=0).decode('ascii')
key = function.__name__ + arguments_pickle
return key
def filecache(seconds_of_validity=None, fail_silently=False):
filecache is called and the decorator should be returned.
def filecache_decorator(function):
def function_with_cache(*args, **kwargs):
key = _args_key(function, args, kwargs)
if key in function._db:
rv = function._db[key]
if seconds_of_validity is None or _time.time() - rv.timesig < seconds_of_validity:
return rv.data
except Exception:
# in any case of failure, don't let filecache break the program
error_str = _traceback.format_exc()
if not fail_silently:
retval = function(*args, **kwargs)
# store in cache
# NOTE: no need to _db.sync() because there was no mutation
# NOTE: it's importatnt to do _db.sync() because otherwise the cache doesn't survive Ctrl-Break!
function._db[key] = _retval(_time.time(), retval)
except Exception:
# in any case of failure, don't let filecache break the program
error_str = _traceback.format_exc()
if not fail_silently:
return retval
# make sure cache is loaded
if not hasattr(function, '_db'):
cache_name = _get_cache_name(function)
if cache_name in OPEN_DBS:
function._db = OPEN_DBS[cache_name]
function._db = _shelve.open(cache_name)
OPEN_DBS[cache_name] = function._db
function_with_cache._db = function._db
return function_with_cache
if type(seconds_of_validity) == types.FunctionType:
# support for when people use '@filecache.filecache' instead of '@filecache.filecache()'
func = seconds_of_validity
return filecache_decorator(func)
return filecache_decorator