You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

182 lines
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from micropython import const
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from trezor import TR, translations
from trezor.wire import DataError
from typing import Callable
from trezor.messages import ChangeLanguage, Success
from trezor.ui.layouts.common import ProgressLayout
_CHUNK_SIZE = const(1024)
async def change_language(msg: ChangeLanguage) -> Success:
from trezor import utils, workflow
from trezor.messages import Success
from trezor.ui.layouts.progress import progress
loader: ProgressLayout | None = None
def report(value: int) -> None:
nonlocal loader
if loader is None:
loader = progress(TR.language__progress)
if msg.data_length == 0:
await do_unset_language(msg.show_display, report)
await do_change_language(
msg.data_length, msg.show_display, utils.VERSION, report
return Success(message="Language changed")
async def do_unset_language(
show_display: bool | None, report: Callable[[int], None]
) -> None:
current_header = translations.TranslationsHeader.load_from_flash()
silent_install = current_header is None
await _require_confirm_change_language(None, silent_install, show_display)
if current_header is not None:
# translations.init() would be a no-op here
await _show_success(silent_install, show_display)
async def do_change_language(
data_length: int,
show_display: bool | None,
expected_version: tuple[int, int, int, int],
report: Callable[[int], None],
) -> None:
import storage.device
from trezor import utils
if data_length > translations.area_bytesize():
raise DataError("Translations too long")
# Getting and parsing the header
header_data = await _get_data_chunk(data_length, 0)
header = translations.TranslationsHeader(header_data)
except (ValueError, EOFError):
raise DataError("Invalid translations data")
# Verifying header information
if header.total_len != data_length:
raise DataError("Invalid data length")
if header.version != expected_version:
raise DataError("Translations version mismatch")
current_header = translations.TranslationsHeader.load_from_flash()
if current_header is None:
# if no blob is present, but the device is set up, we consider the language
# being ""explicitly set"" to English
silent_install = not storage.device.is_initialized()
# if a blob is present, it can only be silently upgraded to expected_version
silent_install = (
current_header.language == header.language
and current_header.version != expected_version
# Confirm with user
await _require_confirm_change_language(header, silent_install, show_display)
# Initiate loader
# Loading all the data at once, so we can verify its fingerprint
# If we saved it gradually to the storage and only checked the fingerprint at the end
# (with the idea of deleting the data if the fingerprint does not match),
# attackers could still write some data into storage and then unplug the device.
blob = utils.empty_bytearray(translations.area_bytesize())
# Write the header
# Requesting the data in chunks and storing them in the blob
# Also checking the hash of the data for consistency
data_to_fetch = data_length - len(header_data)
data_left = data_to_fetch
offset = len(header_data)
while data_left > 0:
data_chunk = await _get_data_chunk(data_left, offset)
report(len(blob) * 1000 // data_length)
data_left -= len(data_chunk)
offset += len(data_chunk)
# When the data do not match the hash, do not write anything
except Exception:
raise DataError("Translation data verification failed.")
translations.write(blob, 0)
await _show_success(silent_install, show_display)
async def _get_data_chunk(data_left: int, offset: int) -> bytes:
from trezor.messages import TranslationDataAck, TranslationDataRequest
from trezor.wire.context import call
data_length = min(data_left, _CHUNK_SIZE)
req = TranslationDataRequest(data_length=data_length, data_offset=offset)
res = await call(req, TranslationDataAck)
return res.data_chunk
async def _require_confirm_change_language(
header: translations.TranslationsHeader | None,
silent_install: bool,
show_display: bool | None,
) -> None:
from trezor.enums import ButtonRequestType
from trezor.ui.layouts import confirm_action
lang = "en-US" if header is None else header.language
if not silent_install and show_display is False:
# host requested silent change but we cannot do it
raise DataError("Cannot change language without user prompt.")
if silent_install and show_display is not True:
# change can be silent and host didn't explicitly request confirmation
# showing confirmation in case (a) host explicitly requests it,
# or (b) installation is not silent
await confirm_action(
verb="OK", # going for an international word, so it does not need translations
async def _show_success(silent_install: bool, show_display: bool | None) -> None:
from trezor.ui.layouts import show_success
if silent_install and show_display is not True:
await show_success("change_language", TR.language__changed)