You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54 lines
1.5 KiB

def int_to_bytes(x: int) -> bytes:
if x == 0:
return b""
r = bytearray()
while x:
r.append(x % 256)
x //= 256
return bytes(reversed(r))
def encode_length(l: int, is_list: bool) -> bytes:
offset = 0xC0 if is_list else 0x80
if l < 56:
return bytes([l + offset])
elif l < 256 ** 8:
bl = int_to_bytes(l)
return bytes([len(bl) + offset + 55]) + bl
raise ValueError("Input too long")
def encode(data, include_length=True) -> bytes:
if isinstance(data, int):
data = int_to_bytes(data)
if isinstance(data, bytearray):
data = bytes(data)
if isinstance(data, bytes):
if (len(data) == 1 and ord(data) < 128) or not include_length:
return data
return encode_length(len(data), is_list=False) + data
elif isinstance(data, list):
output = b""
for item in data:
output += encode(item)
if include_length:
return encode_length(len(output), is_list=True) + output
return output
raise TypeError("Invalid input of type " + str(type(data)))
def field_length(length: int, first_byte: bytearray) -> int:
if length == 1 and first_byte[0] <= 0x7f:
return 1
elif length <= 55:
return 1 + length
elif length <= 0xff:
return 2 + length
elif length <= 0xffff:
return 3 + length
return 4 + length