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from apps.common.display_address import show_address, show_qr
from apps.ethereum import networks
async def ethereum_get_address(ctx, msg):
from trezor.messages.EthereumAddress import EthereumAddress
from trezor.crypto.curve import secp256k1
from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha3_256
from apps.common import seed
address_n = msg.address_n or ()
node = await seed.derive_node(ctx, address_n)
seckey = node.private_key()
public_key = secp256k1.publickey(seckey, False) # uncompressed
address = sha3_256(public_key[1:]).digest(True)[12:] # Keccak
if msg.show_display:
network = networks.by_slip44(address_n[1] & 0x7fffffff)
hex_addr = _ethereum_address_hex(address, network)
while True:
if await show_address(ctx, hex_addr):
if await show_qr(ctx, hex_addr):
return EthereumAddress(address=address)
def _ethereum_address_hex(address, network=None):
from ubinascii import hexlify
from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha3_256
rskip60 = network is not None and network.rskip60
hx = hexlify(address).decode()
prefix = str(network.chain_id) + "0x" if rskip60 else ""
hs = sha3_256(prefix + hx).digest(True)
h = ""
for i in range(20):
l = hx[i * 2]
if hs[i] & 0x80 and l >= "a" and l <= "f":
l = l.upper()
h += l
l = hx[i * 2 + 1]
if hs[i] & 0x08 and l >= "a" and l <= "f":
l = l.upper()
h += l
return "0x" + h