You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
969 B

// This file is automatically generated from u2f_knownapps.h.mako
#ifndef __U2F_KNOWNAPPS_H__
#define __U2F_KNOWNAPPS_H__
#include <stdint.h>
#include "u2f/u2f.h"
typedef struct {
const uint8_t appid[U2F_APPID_SIZE];
const char *appname;
} U2FWellKnown;
from hashlib import sha256
def c_bytes(rp_id_hash):
return "{ " + ", ".join(["0x%02x" % x for x in rp_id_hash]) + " }"
fido_entries = []
for app in fido:
for u2f in app.u2f:
fido_entries.append((u2f["label"], bytes.fromhex(u2f["app_id"]), "U2F", app))
for origin in app.webauthn:
rp_id_hash = sha256(origin.encode()).digest()
fido_entries.append((origin, rp_id_hash, "WebAuthn", app))
// clang-format off
static const U2FWellKnown u2f_well_known[] = {
% for label, rp_id_hash, type, app in fido_entries:
// ${type} for ${}
% endfor
// clang-format on
#endif // __U2F_KNOWNAPPS_H__