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from micropython import const
from trezor import wire
from trezor.messages.SignTx import SignTx
from trezor.messages.TxInputType import TxInputType
from trezor.messages.TxOutputType import TxOutputType
from apps.common import coininfo
from .. import addresses
from . import helpers, tx_weight
# An Approver object computes the transaction totals and either prompts the user
# to confirm transaction parameters (output addresses, amounts and fees) or uses
# an Authorization object to verify that the user authorized a transaction with
# these parameters to be executed.
class Approver:
def __init__(self, tx: SignTx, coin: coininfo.CoinInfo) -> None:
self.tx = tx
self.coin = coin
self.weight = tx_weight.TxWeightCalculator(tx.inputs_count, tx.outputs_count)
# amounts
self.total_in = 0 # sum of input amounts
self.external_in = 0 # sum of external input amounts
self.total_out = 0 # sum of output amounts
self.change_out = 0 # change output amount
async def add_internal_input(self, txi: TxInputType, amount: int) -> None:
self.total_in += amount
def add_external_input(self, txi: TxInputType) -> None:
self.total_in += txi.amount
self.external_in += txi.amount
def add_change_output(self, txo: TxOutputType, script_pubkey: bytes) -> None:
self.total_out += txo.amount
self.change_out += txo.amount
async def add_external_output(
self, txo: TxOutputType, script_pubkey: bytes
) -> None:
self.total_out += txo.amount
async def approve_tx(self) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
class BasicApprover(Approver):
# the maximum number of change-outputs allowed without user confirmation
def __init__(self, tx: SignTx, coin: coininfo.CoinInfo) -> None:
super().__init__(tx, coin)
self.change_count = 0 # the number of change-outputs
async def add_internal_input(self, txi: TxInputType, amount: int) -> None:
if not addresses.validate_full_path(txi.address_n, self.coin, txi.script_type):
await helpers.confirm_foreign_address(txi.address_n)
await super().add_internal_input(txi, amount)
def add_change_output(self, txo: TxOutputType, script_pubkey: bytes) -> None:
super().add_change_output(txo, script_pubkey)
self.change_count += 1
async def add_external_output(
self, txo: TxOutputType, script_pubkey: bytes
) -> None:
await super().add_external_output(txo, script_pubkey)
await helpers.confirm_output(txo, self.coin)
async def approve_tx(self) -> None:
fee = self.total_in - self.total_out
# some coins require negative fees for reward TX
if fee < 0 and not self.coin.negative_fee:
raise wire.NotEnoughFunds("Not enough funds")
total = self.total_in - self.change_out
spending = total - self.external_in
# fee > (coin.maxfee per byte * tx size)
if fee > (self.coin.maxfee_kb / 1000) * (self.weight.get_total() / 4):
await helpers.confirm_feeoverthreshold(fee, self.coin)
if self.change_count > self.MAX_SILENT_CHANGE_COUNT:
await helpers.confirm_change_count_over_threshold(self.change_count)
if self.tx.lock_time > 0:
await helpers.confirm_nondefault_locktime(self.tx.lock_time)
if not self.external_in:
await helpers.confirm_total(total, fee, self.coin)
await helpers.confirm_joint_total(spending, total, self.coin)