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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from trezor import utils
from trezor.enums import MessageType
from trezor.wire import Handler, Msg
from trezorio import WireInterface
workflow_handlers: dict[int, Handler] = {}
def register(wire_type: int, handler: Handler[Msg]) -> None:
"""Register `handler` to get scheduled after `wire_type` message is received."""
workflow_handlers[wire_type] = handler
def find_message_handler_module(msg_type: int) -> str:
"""Statically find the appropriate workflow handler.
For now, new messages must be registered by hand in the if-elif manner below.
The reason for this is memory fragmentation optimization:
- using a dict would mean that the whole thing stays in RAM, whereas an if-elif
sequence is run from flash
- collecting everything as strings instead of importing directly means that we don't
need to load any of the modules into memory until we actually need them
# debug
if __debug__ and msg_type == MessageType.LoadDevice:
return "apps.debug.load_device"
# management
if msg_type == MessageType.ResetDevice:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.BackupDevice:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.WipeDevice:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.RecoveryDevice:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.ApplySettings:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.ApplyFlags:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.ChangePin:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.ChangeWipeCode:
return ""
elif msg_type == MessageType.GetNonce:
return ""
if utils.MODEL == "T" and msg_type == MessageType.SdProtect:
return ""
# bitcoin
if msg_type == MessageType.AuthorizeCoinJoin:
return "apps.bitcoin.authorize_coinjoin"
if msg_type == MessageType.GetPublicKey:
return "apps.bitcoin.get_public_key"
if msg_type == MessageType.GetAddress:
return "apps.bitcoin.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.GetOwnershipId:
return "apps.bitcoin.get_ownership_id"
if msg_type == MessageType.GetOwnershipProof:
return "apps.bitcoin.get_ownership_proof"
if msg_type == MessageType.SignTx:
return "apps.bitcoin.sign_tx"
if msg_type == MessageType.SignMessage:
return "apps.bitcoin.sign_message"
if msg_type == MessageType.VerifyMessage:
return "apps.bitcoin.verify_message"
# misc
if msg_type == MessageType.GetEntropy:
return "apps.misc.get_entropy"
if msg_type == MessageType.SignIdentity:
return "apps.misc.sign_identity"
if msg_type == MessageType.GetECDHSessionKey:
return "apps.misc.get_ecdh_session_key"
if msg_type == MessageType.CipherKeyValue:
return "apps.misc.cipher_key_value"
if msg_type == MessageType.GetFirmwareHash:
return "apps.misc.get_firmware_hash"
if not utils.BITCOIN_ONLY:
if msg_type == MessageType.SetU2FCounter:
return ""
if msg_type == MessageType.GetNextU2FCounter:
return ""
# webauthn
if msg_type == MessageType.WebAuthnListResidentCredentials:
return "apps.webauthn.list_resident_credentials"
if msg_type == MessageType.WebAuthnAddResidentCredential:
return "apps.webauthn.add_resident_credential"
if msg_type == MessageType.WebAuthnRemoveResidentCredential:
return "apps.webauthn.remove_resident_credential"
# ethereum
if msg_type == MessageType.EthereumGetAddress:
return "apps.ethereum.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.EthereumGetPublicKey:
return "apps.ethereum.get_public_key"
if msg_type == MessageType.EthereumSignTx:
return "apps.ethereum.sign_tx"
if msg_type == MessageType.EthereumSignTxEIP1559:
return "apps.ethereum.sign_tx_eip1559"
if msg_type == MessageType.EthereumSignMessage:
return "apps.ethereum.sign_message"
if msg_type == MessageType.EthereumVerifyMessage:
return "apps.ethereum.verify_message"
if msg_type == MessageType.EthereumSignTypedData:
return "apps.ethereum.sign_typed_data"
# monero
if msg_type == MessageType.MoneroGetAddress:
return "apps.monero.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.MoneroGetWatchKey:
return "apps.monero.get_watch_only"
if msg_type == MessageType.MoneroTransactionInitRequest:
return "apps.monero.sign_tx"
if msg_type == MessageType.MoneroKeyImageExportInitRequest:
return "apps.monero.key_image_sync"
if msg_type == MessageType.MoneroGetTxKeyRequest:
return "apps.monero.get_tx_keys"
if msg_type == MessageType.MoneroLiveRefreshStartRequest:
return "apps.monero.live_refresh"
if __debug__ and msg_type == MessageType.DebugMoneroDiagRequest:
return "apps.monero.diag"
# nem
if msg_type == MessageType.NEMGetAddress:
return "apps.nem.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.NEMSignTx:
return "apps.nem.sign_tx"
# stellar
if msg_type == MessageType.StellarGetAddress:
return "apps.stellar.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.StellarSignTx:
return "apps.stellar.sign_tx"
# ripple
if msg_type == MessageType.RippleGetAddress:
return "apps.ripple.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.RippleSignTx:
return "apps.ripple.sign_tx"
# cardano
if msg_type == MessageType.CardanoGetAddress:
return "apps.cardano.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.CardanoGetPublicKey:
return "apps.cardano.get_public_key"
if msg_type == MessageType.CardanoSignTxInit:
return "apps.cardano.sign_tx"
if msg_type == MessageType.CardanoGetNativeScriptHash:
return "apps.cardano.get_native_script_hash"
# tezos
if msg_type == MessageType.TezosGetAddress:
return "apps.tezos.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.TezosSignTx:
return "apps.tezos.sign_tx"
if msg_type == MessageType.TezosGetPublicKey:
return "apps.tezos.get_public_key"
# eos
if msg_type == MessageType.EosGetPublicKey:
return "apps.eos.get_public_key"
if msg_type == MessageType.EosSignTx:
return "apps.eos.sign_tx"
# binance
if msg_type == MessageType.BinanceGetAddress:
return "apps.binance.get_address"
if msg_type == MessageType.BinanceGetPublicKey:
return "apps.binance.get_public_key"
if msg_type == MessageType.BinanceSignTx:
return "apps.binance.sign_tx"
raise ValueError
def find_registered_handler(iface: WireInterface, msg_type: int) -> Handler | None:
if msg_type in workflow_handlers:
# Message has a handler available, return it directly.
return workflow_handlers[msg_type]
modname = find_message_handler_module(msg_type)
handler_name = modname[modname.rfind(".") + 1 :]
module = __import__(modname, None, None, (handler_name,), 0)
return getattr(module, handler_name)
except ValueError:
return None