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use core::ops::{Add, Div, Mul};
use num_traits::{float::FloatCore, AsPrimitive, Zero};
use crate::{Anim, AnimWithDur, Fun};
impl<F> AnimWithDur<F>
F: Fun<T = usize>,
pub fn fold<B, G>(&self, init: B, mut f: G) -> B
G: FnMut(B, F::V) -> B,
let mut b = init;
for t in 0..self.1 {
b = f(b, self.0.eval(t))
impl<F> AnimWithDur<F>
F: Fun<T = usize>,
F::V: Add<Output = F::V> + Zero,
pub fn sum(&self) -> F::V {
self.fold(Zero::zero(), |a, b| a + b)
impl<F> AnimWithDur<F>
F: Fun<T = usize>,
F::T: Clone,
F::V: 'static + Add<Output = F::V> + Div<Output = F::V> + Zero + Copy,
usize: AsPrimitive<F::V>,
pub fn mean(&self) -> F::V {
let len = self.1.clone().as_();
self.sum() / len
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Line<V> {
pub y_intercept: V,
pub slope: V,
impl<V> Fun for Line<V>
V: Add<Output = V> + Mul<Output = V> + Clone,
type T = V;
type V = V;
fn eval(&self, t: V) -> V {
self.y_intercept.clone() + self.slope.clone() * t
pub fn simple_linear_regression_with_slope<V, F, A>(slope: V, values: A) -> Anim<Line<V>>
V: 'static + FloatCore + Copy,
F: Fun<T = usize, V = (V, V)>,
A: Into<AnimWithDur<F>>,
usize: AsPrimitive<V>,
let values = values.into();
let (x, y) = values.unzip();
let x_mean = x.as_ref().mean();
let y_mean = y.as_ref().mean();
let y_intercept = y_mean - slope * x_mean;
Anim(Line { y_intercept, slope })
pub fn simple_linear_regression<V, F, A>(values: A) -> Anim<Line<V>>
V: 'static + FloatCore + Copy,
F: Fun<T = usize, V = (V, V)>,
A: Into<AnimWithDur<F>>,
usize: AsPrimitive<V>,
let values = values.into();
let (x, y) = values.unzip();
let x_mean = x.as_ref().mean();
let y_mean = y.as_ref().mean();
let numerator = values
.map(|(x, y)| (x - x_mean) * (y - y_mean))
let denominator = x.as_ref().map(|x| (x - x_mean) * (x - x_mean)).sum();
let slope = numerator / denominator;
let y_intercept = y_mean - slope * x_mean;
Anim(Line { y_intercept, slope })
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "alloc"))]
mod tests {
use assert_approx_eq::assert_approx_eq;
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::vec;
use super::simple_linear_regression;
fn test_perfect_regression() {
let straight_line = vec![(1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 2.0)];
let line = simple_linear_regression(straight_line.as_slice());
assert_approx_eq!(line.eval(1.0), 1.0f64);
assert_approx_eq!(line.eval(10.0), 10.0);
assert_approx_eq!(line.eval(-10.0), -10.0);
fn test_negative_perfect_regression() {
let straight_line = vec![(1.0, -1.0), (2.0, -2.0)];
let line = simple_linear_regression(straight_line.as_slice());
assert_approx_eq!(line.eval(1.0), -1.0f64);
assert_approx_eq!(line.eval(10.0), -10.0);
assert_approx_eq!(line.eval(-10.0), 10.0);