You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

89 lines
2.3 KiB

import gc
import sys
from trezorutils import halt, memcpy, model, set_mode_unprivileged, symbol # noqa: F401
def unimport_begin():
return set(sys.modules)
def unimport_end(mods):
for mod in sys.modules:
if mod not in mods:
# remove reference from sys.modules
del sys.modules[mod]
# remove reference from the parent module
i = mod.rfind(".")
if i < 0:
path = mod[:i]
name = mod[i + 1 :]
if path in sys.modules:
delattr(sys.modules[path], name)
# collect removed modules
def ensure(cond, msg=None):
if not cond:
if msg is None:
raise AssertionError()
raise AssertionError(msg)
def chunks(items, size):
for i in range(0, len(items), size):
yield items[i : i + size]
def split_words(sentence, width, metric=len):
line = []
for w in sentence.split(" "):
# empty word -> skip
if not w:
# new word will not fit -> break the line
if metric(" ".join(line + [w])) >= width:
yield " ".join(line)
line = []
# word is too wide -> split the word
while metric(w) >= width:
for i in range(1, len(w) + 1):
if metric(w[:-i]) < width:
yield w[:-i] + "-"
w = w[-i:]
yield " ".join(line)
def format_amount(amount, decimals):
d = pow(10, decimals)
amount = ("%d.%0*d" % (amount // d, decimals, amount % d)).rstrip("0")
if amount.endswith("."):
amount = amount[:-1]
return amount
def format_ordinal(number):
return str(number) + {1: "st", 2: "nd", 3: "rd"}.get(
4 if 10 <= number % 100 < 20 else number % 10, "th"
class HashWriter:
def __init__(self, hashfunc, *hashargs, **hashkwargs):
self.ctx = hashfunc(*hashargs, **hashkwargs)
self.buf = bytearray(1) # used in append()
def extend(self, buf: bytearray):
def append(self, b: int):
self.buf[0] = b
def get_digest(self) -> bytes:
return self.ctx.digest()