You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

62 lines
1.4 KiB

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from trezor import wire
import trezorui2
from . import _RustLayout
from typing import Iterable, Callable, Any
async def request_word_count(ctx: wire.GenericContext, dry_run: bool) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError
async def request_word(
ctx: wire.GenericContext, word_index: int, word_count: int, is_slip39: bool
) -> str:
if is_slip39:
keyboard: Any = _RustLayout(
prompt=f"Type word {word_index + 1} of {word_count}:"
keyboard = _RustLayout(
prompt=f"Type word {word_index + 1} of {word_count}:"
word: str = await ctx.wait(keyboard)
return word
async def show_remaining_shares(
ctx: wire.GenericContext,
groups: Iterable[tuple[int, tuple[str, ...]]], # remaining + list 3 words
shares_remaining: list[int],
group_threshold: int,
) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
async def show_group_share_success(
ctx: wire.GenericContext, share_index: int, group_index: int
) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
async def continue_recovery(
ctx: wire.GenericContext,
button_label: str,
text: str,
subtext: str | None,
info_func: Callable | None,
) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError