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from trezor import utils
from apps.monero.xmr import crypto
if False:
from apps.monero.xmr.types import *
BUILD_KEY_BUFFER = bytearray(32 + 12 + 4) # key + disc + index
def _build_key(
secret, discriminator=None, index: int = None, out: bytes = None
) -> bytes:
Creates an unique-purpose key
key_buff = BUILD_KEY_BUFFER # bytearray(32 + 12 + 4) # key + disc + index
utils.ensure(len(secret) == 32, "Invalid key length")
utils.ensure(len(discriminator) <= 12, "Disc too long")
offset = 32
utils.memcpy(key_buff, 0, secret, 0, 32)
for i in range(32, len(key_buff)):
key_buff[i] = 0
if discriminator is not None:
utils.memcpy(key_buff, offset, discriminator, 0, len(discriminator))
offset += len(discriminator)
if index is not None:
# dump_uvarint_b_into, saving import
shifted = True
while shifted:
shifted = index >> 7
key_buff[offset] = (index & 0x7F) | (0x80 if shifted else 0x00)
offset += 1
index = shifted
return crypto.keccak_2hash(key_buff, out)
def hmac_key_txin(key_hmac, idx: int) -> bytes:
(TxSourceEntry[i] ||[i]) hmac key
return _build_key(key_hmac, b"txin", idx)
def hmac_key_txin_comm(key_hmac, idx: int) -> bytes:
pseudo_outputs[i] hmac key. Pedersen commitment for inputs.
return _build_key(key_hmac, b"txin-comm", idx)
def hmac_key_txdst(key_hmac, idx: int) -> bytes:
TxDestinationEntry[i] hmac key
return _build_key(key_hmac, b"txdest", idx)
def hmac_key_txout(key_hmac, idx: int) -> bytes:
(TxDestinationEntry[i] || tx.vout[i]) hmac key
return _build_key(key_hmac, b"txout", idx)
def hmac_key_txout_asig(key_hmac, idx: int) -> bytes:
rsig[i] hmac key. Range signature HMAC
return _build_key(key_hmac, b"txout-asig", idx)
def enc_key_txin_alpha(key_enc, idx: int) -> bytes:
Chacha20Poly1305 encryption key for alpha[i] used in Pedersen commitment in pseudo_outs[i]
return _build_key(key_enc, b"txin-alpha", idx)
def enc_key_spend(key_enc, idx: int) -> bytes:
Chacha20Poly1305 encryption key for alpha[i] used in Pedersen commitment in pseudo_outs[i]
return _build_key(key_enc, b"txin-spend", idx)
def enc_key_cout(key_enc, idx: int = None) -> bytes:
Chacha20Poly1305 encryption key for multisig C values from MLASG.
return _build_key(key_enc, b"cout", idx)
def det_comm_masks(key_enc, idx: int) -> Sc25519:
Deterministic output commitment masks
return crypto.decodeint(_build_key(key_enc, b"out-mask", idx))
async def gen_hmac_vini(key, src_entr, vini_bin, idx: int) -> bytes:
Computes hmac (TxSourceEntry[i] ||[i])
import protobuf
from apps.monero.xmr.keccak_hasher import get_keccak_writer
kwriter = get_keccak_writer()
await protobuf.dump_message(kwriter, src_entr)
hmac_key_vini = hmac_key_txin(key, idx)
hmac_vini = crypto.compute_hmac(hmac_key_vini, kwriter.get_digest())
return hmac_vini
async def gen_hmac_vouti(key, dst_entr, tx_out_bin, idx: int) -> bytes:
Generates HMAC for (TxDestinationEntry[i] || tx.vout[i])
import protobuf
from apps.monero.xmr.keccak_hasher import get_keccak_writer
kwriter = get_keccak_writer()
await protobuf.dump_message(kwriter, dst_entr)
hmac_key_vouti = hmac_key_txout(key, idx)
hmac_vouti = crypto.compute_hmac(hmac_key_vouti, kwriter.get_digest())
return hmac_vouti
async def gen_hmac_tsxdest(key, dst_entr, idx: int) -> bytes:
Generates HMAC for TxDestinationEntry[i]
import protobuf
from apps.monero.xmr.keccak_hasher import get_keccak_writer
kwriter = get_keccak_writer()
await protobuf.dump_message(kwriter, dst_entr)
hmac_key = hmac_key_txdst(key, idx)
hmac_tsxdest = crypto.compute_hmac(hmac_key, kwriter.get_digest())
return hmac_tsxdest