mirror of https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware.git synced 2024-10-14 11:59:11 +00:00
Dusan Klinec 43d718f9d6
xmr: live refresh and get_tx_key added
- get_tx_key supports retrieval of private tx keys - required by users to check the transaction or when resolving disputes with the decipient
- get_tx_key supports to return transaction derivations = private tx key * public view key. This enables to compute tx_proof for outgoing transactions which is also a nice tool when resolving disputes, provides better protection as tx private key is hidden.
- live refresh enables computation of key images on the fly during the refresh. This helps to completely avoid key image sync and enables to use the Trezor with untrusted node.
2018-12-19 13:51:30 +01:00

496 lines
14 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto2";
package hw.trezor.messages.monero;
// Sugar for easier handling in Java
option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageMonero";
* Structure representing Monero transaction source entry, UTXO
* @embed
message MoneroTransactionSourceEntry {
repeated MoneroOutputEntry outputs = 1; // all outputs including decoys (forms the ring)
optional uint64 real_output = 2; // index denoting which item in `outputs` is our real output (not a decoy)
optional bytes real_out_tx_key = 3; // tx key located in the real output's tx
repeated bytes real_out_additional_tx_keys = 4; // additional tx keys if applicable
optional uint64 real_output_in_tx_index = 5; // index of our real output in the tx (aka which output was it in the transaction)
optional uint64 amount = 6;
optional bool rct = 7; // is RingCT used (true for newer UTXOs)
optional bytes mask = 8;
optional MoneroMultisigKLRki multisig_kLRki = 9;
message MoneroOutputEntry {
optional uint64 idx = 1;
optional MoneroRctKeyPublic key = 2;
message MoneroRctKeyPublic {
optional bytes dest = 1;
optional bytes commitment = 2;
message MoneroMultisigKLRki {
optional bytes K = 1;
optional bytes L = 2;
optional bytes R = 3;
optional bytes ki = 4;
* Structure representing Monero transaction destination entry
* @embed
message MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry {
optional uint64 amount = 1;
optional MoneroAccountPublicAddress addr = 2;
optional bool is_subaddress = 3;
* Structure representing Monero public address
message MoneroAccountPublicAddress {
optional bytes spend_public_key = 1;
optional bytes view_public_key = 2;
* Range sig parameters / data.
* @embed
message MoneroTransactionRsigData {
optional uint32 rsig_type = 1; // range signature (aka proof) type
optional uint32 offload_type = 2;
repeated uint64 grouping = 3; // aggregation scheme for BP
optional bytes mask = 4; // mask vector
optional bytes rsig = 5; // range sig data, all of it or partial (based on rsig_parts)
repeated bytes rsig_parts = 6;
* Request: Ask device for public address derived from seed and address_n
* @start
* @next MoneroAddress
* @next Failure
message MoneroGetAddress {
repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
optional bool show_display = 2; // Optionally show on display before sending the result
optional uint32 network_type = 3; // Main-net / testnet / stagenet
optional uint32 account = 4; // Major subaddr index
optional uint32 minor = 5; // Minor subaddr index
* Response: Contains Monero watch-only credentials derived from device private seed
* @end
message MoneroAddress {
optional bytes address = 1;
* Request: Ask device for watch only credentials
* @start
* @next MoneroWatchKey
* @next Failure
message MoneroGetWatchKey {
repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
optional uint32 network_type = 2; // Main-net / testnet / stagenet
* Response: Contains Monero watch-only credentials derived from device private seed
* @end
message MoneroWatchKey {
optional bytes watch_key = 1;
optional bytes address = 2;
* Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Initializes transaction signing.
* @start
* @next MoneroTransactionInitAck
message MoneroTransactionInitRequest {
optional uint32 version = 1;
repeated uint32 address_n = 2;
optional uint32 network_type = 3; // Main-net / testnet / stagenet
optional MoneroTransactionData tsx_data = 4;
* Structure representing Monero initial transaction information
message MoneroTransactionData {
optional uint32 version = 1;
optional bytes payment_id = 2;
optional uint64 unlock_time = 3;
repeated MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry outputs = 4;
optional MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry change_dts = 5;
optional uint32 num_inputs = 6;
optional uint32 mixin = 7;
optional uint64 fee = 8;
optional uint32 account = 9;
repeated uint32 minor_indices = 10;
optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 11;
repeated uint32 integrated_indices = 12;
* Response: Response to transaction signing initialization.
* @next MoneroTransactionSetInputRequest
message MoneroTransactionInitAck {
repeated bytes hmacs = 1;
optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 2;
* Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sends one UTXO to device
* @next MoneroTransactionSetInputAck
message MoneroTransactionSetInputRequest {
optional MoneroTransactionSourceEntry src_entr = 1;
* Response: Response to setting UTXO for signature. Contains sealed values needed for further protocol steps.
* @next MoneroTransactionSetInputAck
* @next MoneroTransactionInputsPermutationRequest
message MoneroTransactionSetInputAck {
optional bytes vini = 1; // xmrtypes.TxinToKey
optional bytes vini_hmac = 2;
optional bytes pseudo_out = 3;
optional bytes pseudo_out_hmac = 4;
optional bytes pseudo_out_alpha = 5;
optional bytes spend_key = 6;
* Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Permutation on key images.
* @next MoneroTransactionInputsPermutationAck
message MoneroTransactionInputsPermutationRequest {
repeated uint32 perm = 1;
* Response: Response to setting permutation on key images
* @next MoneroTransactionInputViniRequest
message MoneroTransactionInputsPermutationAck {
* Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sends one UTXO to device together with sealed values.
* @next MoneroTransactionInputViniAck
message MoneroTransactionInputViniRequest {
optional MoneroTransactionSourceEntry src_entr = 1;
optional bytes vini = 2; // xmrtypes.TxinToKey
optional bytes vini_hmac = 3;
optional bytes pseudo_out = 4;
optional bytes pseudo_out_hmac = 5;
* Response: Response to setting UTXO to the device
* @next MoneroTransactionInputViniRequest
* @next MoneroTransactionAllInputsSetRequest
message MoneroTransactionInputViniAck {
* Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sent after all inputs have been sent. Useful for rangeisg offloading.
* @next MoneroTransactionAllInputsSetAck
message MoneroTransactionAllInputsSetRequest {
* Response: Response to after all inputs have been set.
* @next MoneroTransactionSetOutputRequest
message MoneroTransactionAllInputsSetAck {
optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 1;
* Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sends one transaction destination to device (HMACed)
* @next MoneroTransactionSetOutputAck
message MoneroTransactionSetOutputRequest {
optional MoneroTransactionDestinationEntry dst_entr = 1;
optional bytes dst_entr_hmac = 2;
optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 3;
* Response: Response to setting transaction destination. Contains sealed values needed for further protocol steps.
* @next MoneroTransactionSetOutputRequest
* @next MoneroTransactionAllOutSetRequest
message MoneroTransactionSetOutputAck {
optional bytes tx_out = 1; // xmrtypes.TxOut
optional bytes vouti_hmac = 2;
optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 3;
optional bytes out_pk = 4;
optional bytes ecdh_info = 5;
* Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sent after all outputs are sent.
* @next MoneroTransactionAllOutSetAck
message MoneroTransactionAllOutSetRequest {
optional MoneroTransactionRsigData rsig_data = 1;
* Response: After all outputs are sent the initial RCT signature fields are sent.
* @next MoneroTransactionSignInputRequest
message MoneroTransactionAllOutSetAck {
optional bytes extra = 1;
optional bytes tx_prefix_hash = 2;
optional MoneroRingCtSig rv = 4; // xmrtypes.RctSig
optional bytes full_message_hash = 5;
* Structure represents initial fields of the Monero RCT signature
message MoneroRingCtSig {
optional uint64 txn_fee = 1;
optional bytes message = 2;
optional uint32 rv_type = 3;
* Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Sends UTXO for the signing.
* @next MoneroTransactionSignInputAck
message MoneroTransactionSignInputRequest {
optional MoneroTransactionSourceEntry src_entr = 1;
optional bytes vini = 2; // xmrtypes.TxinToKey
optional bytes vini_hmac = 3;
optional bytes pseudo_out = 4;
optional bytes pseudo_out_hmac = 5;
optional bytes pseudo_out_alpha = 6;
optional bytes spend_key = 7;
* Response: Contains full MG signature of the UTXO + multisig data if applicable.
* @next MoneroTransactionSignInputRequest
* @next MoneroTransactionFinalRequest
message MoneroTransactionSignInputAck {
optional bytes signature = 1;
* Request: Sub request of MoneroTransactionSign. Final message of the procol after all UTXOs are signed
* @next MoneroTransactionFinalAck
message MoneroTransactionFinalRequest {
* Response: Contains transaction metadata and encryption keys needed for further transaction operations (e.g. multisig, send proof).
* @end
message MoneroTransactionFinalAck {
optional bytes cout_key = 1;
optional bytes salt = 2;
optional bytes rand_mult = 3;
optional bytes tx_enc_keys = 4;
* Request: Sub request of MoneroKeyImageSync. Initializing key image sync.
* @start
* @next MoneroKeyImageExportInitAck
message MoneroKeyImageExportInitRequest {
optional uint64 num = 1;
optional bytes hash = 2;
repeated uint32 address_n = 3; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
optional uint32 network_type = 4; // Main-net / testnet / stagenet
repeated MoneroSubAddressIndicesList subs = 5;
* Structure representing Monero list of sub-addresses
message MoneroSubAddressIndicesList {
optional uint32 account = 1;
repeated uint32 minor_indices = 2;
* Response: Response to key image sync initialization.
* @next MoneroKeyImageSyncStepRequest
message MoneroKeyImageExportInitAck {
* Request: Sub request of MoneroKeyImageSync. Contains batch of the UTXO to export key image for.
* @next MoneroKeyImageSyncStepAck
message MoneroKeyImageSyncStepRequest {
repeated MoneroTransferDetails tdis = 1;
* Structure representing Monero UTXO for key image sync
message MoneroTransferDetails {
optional bytes out_key = 1;
optional bytes tx_pub_key = 2;
repeated bytes additional_tx_pub_keys = 3;
optional uint64 internal_output_index = 4;
* Response: Response to key image sync step. Contains encrypted exported key image.
* @next MoneroKeyImageSyncStepRequest
* @next MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalRequest
message MoneroKeyImageSyncStepAck {
repeated MoneroExportedKeyImage kis = 1;
* Structure representing Monero encrypted exported key image
message MoneroExportedKeyImage {
optional bytes iv = 1;
optional bytes blob = 3;
* Request: Sub request of MoneroKeyImageSync. Final message of the sync protocol.
* @next MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalAck
message MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalRequest {
* Response: Response to key image sync step. Contains encryption keys for exported key images.
* @end
message MoneroKeyImageSyncFinalAck {
optional bytes enc_key = 1;
* Request: Decrypt tx private keys blob
* @next MoneroGetTxKeyAck
message MoneroGetTxKeyRequest {
repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
optional uint32 network_type = 2; // Main-net / testnet / stagenet
optional bytes salt1 = 3;
optional bytes salt2 = 4;
optional bytes tx_enc_keys = 5;
optional bytes tx_prefix_hash = 6;
optional uint32 reason = 7; // reason to display for user. e.g., tx_proof
optional bytes view_public_key = 8; // addr for derivation
* Response: Response with the re-encrypted private keys and derivations blob under view key
* @end
message MoneroGetTxKeyAck {
optional bytes salt = 1;
optional bytes tx_keys = 2;
optional bytes tx_derivations = 3;
* Request: Starts live refresh flow. Asks user permission, switches state
* @next MoneroLiveRefreshStartAck
message MoneroLiveRefreshStartRequest {
repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
optional uint32 network_type = 2; // Main-net / testnet / stagenet
* Response after user gave permission
* @next MoneroLiveRefreshStepRequest
* @next MoneroLiveRefreshFinalRequest
message MoneroLiveRefreshStartAck {
* Request: Request to compute a single key image during live sync
* @next MoneroLiveRefreshStepAck
message MoneroLiveRefreshStepRequest {
optional bytes out_key = 1;
optional bytes recv_deriv = 2;
optional uint64 real_out_idx = 3;
optional uint32 sub_addr_major = 4;
optional uint32 sub_addr_minor = 5;
* Response: Response with the encrypted key image + signature
* @next MoneroLiveRefreshStepRequest
* @next MoneroLiveRefreshFinishedRequest
message MoneroLiveRefreshStepAck {
optional bytes salt = 1;
optional bytes key_image = 2;
* Request: Request terminating live refresh mode.
* @next MoneroLiveRefreshFinishedAck
message MoneroLiveRefreshFinalRequest {
* Response: Response on termination of live refresh mode.
* @end
message MoneroLiveRefreshFinalAck {
* Request: Universal Monero protocol implementation diagnosis request.
* @start
* @next DebugMoneroDiagAck
message DebugMoneroDiagRequest {
optional uint64 ins = 1;
optional uint64 p1 = 2;
optional uint64 p2 = 3;
repeated uint64 pd = 4;
optional bytes data1 = 5;
optional bytes data2 = 6;
* Response: Response to Monero diagnosis protocol.
* @end
message DebugMoneroDiagAck {
optional uint64 ins = 1;
optional uint64 p1 = 2;
optional uint64 p2 = 3;
repeated uint64 pd = 4;
optional bytes data1 = 5;
optional bytes data2 = 6;