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use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
use crate::error::Error;
use super::{ffi, obj::Obj};
/// Raise a micropython exception via NLR jump.
/// Jumps directly out of the context without running any destructors,
/// finalizers, etc. This is very likely to break a lot of Rust's assumptions.
/// Should only be called in places where you really don't care anymore.
pub unsafe fn raise_exception(err: Error) -> ! {
unsafe {
// - argument must be an exception instance
// (err.to_obj() should return the right thing)
/// Execute `func` while catching MicroPython exceptions. Returns `Ok` in the
/// successful case, and `Err` with the caught `Obj` in case of a raise.
pub fn catch_exception<F, T>(mut func: F) -> Result<T, Error>
F: FnMut() -> T,
// Because MicroPython exceptions use `setjmp` and `longjmp`-like mechanism that
// doesn't play too well with Rust, we setup the non-local return pads in C, and
// execute `func` through a callback.
unsafe {
// First, we craft a wrapping closure that calls `func`. Because we are generic
// over the return type, we cannot pass the returned value over the FFI
// boundary, so we assign it explicitly in `wrapper`.
let mut result = MaybeUninit::zeroed();
let mut wrapper = || {
result = MaybeUninit::new(func());
// `wrapper` is a closure, and to pass it over the FFI, we split it into a
// function pointer, and a user-data pointer.
// `ffi::trezor_obj_call_protected` then calls the `callback` with the
// `argument`.
let (callback, argument) = split_func_into_callback_and_argument(&mut wrapper);
let exception = ffi::trezor_obj_call_protected(Some(callback), argument);
if exception == Obj::const_none() {
} else {
type ProtectedArgument = *mut cty::c_void;
type ProtectedCallback = unsafe extern "C" fn(ProtectedArgument);
fn split_func_into_callback_and_argument<F>(func: &mut F) -> (ProtectedCallback, ProtectedArgument)
F: FnMut(),
// Here we mono-morphize a version of `trampoline` for each type `F`, so it
// calls the correct `FnMut` impl, and cast `func` into its data part to use
// as the argument.
(trampoline::<F>, func as *mut _ as *mut _)
unsafe extern "C" fn trampoline<F>(arg: ProtectedArgument)
F: FnMut(),
// Synthesize a callable `*mut F` from the closure environment pointer `arg`,
// and call it.
let func = arg as *mut F;
unsafe {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn except_returns_ok_on_no_exception() {
let result = catch_exception(|| 1);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), 1);
fn except_catches_raised() {
let result = catch_exception(|| raise_exception(Error::TypeError));