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import bitkey_pb2 as proto
map_type_to_class = {
0: proto.Initialize,
1: proto.Ping,
2: proto.Success,
3: proto.Failure,
4: proto.GetUUID,
5: proto.UUID,
6: proto.OtpRequest,
7: proto.OtpAck,
8: proto.OtpCancel,
9: proto.GetEntropy,
10: proto.Entropy,
11: proto.GetMasterPublicKey,
12: proto.MasterPublicKey,
13: proto.LoadDevice,
14: proto.ResetDevice,
15: proto.SignTx,
16: proto.SignedTx,
17: proto.Features,
18: proto.PinRequest,
19: proto.PinAck,
20: proto.PinCancel,
21: proto.SignInput,
22: proto.SignedInput,
23: proto.TxInput,
24: proto.TxOutput,
25: proto.SetMaxFeeKb,
map_class_to_type = {}
def get_type(msg):
return map_class_to_type[msg.__class__]
def get_class(t):
return map_type_to_class[t]
def build_index():
for k, v in map_type_to_class.items():
map_class_to_type[v] = k
def check_missing():
from google.protobuf import reflection
types = [ proto.__dict__[item] for item in dir(proto)
if issubclass(proto.__dict__[item].__class__, reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType) ]
missing = list(set(types) - set(map_type_to_class.values()))
if len(missing):
raise Exception("Following protobuf messages are not defined in mapping: %s" % missing)