You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

40 lines
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from trezor import ui
from trezor.messages import ButtonRequestType
from trezor.strings import format_amount
from import Text
from apps.common.confirm import require_confirm, require_hold_to_confirm
from .helpers import NEM_MAX_DIVISIBILITY
async def require_confirm_text(ctx, action: str):
text = Text("Confirm action", ui.ICON_SEND, ui.GREEN, new_lines=False)
await require_confirm(ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.ConfirmOutput)
async def require_confirm_fee(ctx, action: str, fee: int):
content = (
"%s XEM" % format_amount(fee, NEM_MAX_DIVISIBILITY),
await require_confirm_content(ctx, "Confirm fee", content)
async def require_confirm_content(ctx, headline: str, content: list):
text = Text(headline, ui.ICON_SEND, ui.GREEN)
await require_confirm(ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.ConfirmOutput)
async def require_confirm_final(ctx, fee: int):
text = Text("Final confirm", ui.ICON_SEND, ui.GREEN)
text.normal("Sign this transaction")
text.bold("and pay %s XEM" % format_amount(fee, NEM_MAX_DIVISIBILITY))
text.normal("for network fee?")
# we use SignTx, not ConfirmOutput, for compatibility with T1
await require_hold_to_confirm(ctx, text, ButtonRequestType.SignTx)