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synced 2025-03-10 05:06:06 +00:00

This adds an is_canonic parameter to all sign functions. This is a callback that determines if a signature corresponds to some coin specific rules. It is used, e. g., by ethereum (where the recovery byte must be 0 or 1, and not 2 or 3) and or steem signatures (which require both r and s to be between 2^248 and 2^255). This also separates the initialization and the step function of the random number generator, making it easy to restart the signature process with the next random number.
402 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
402 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
import ctypes as c
import random
import ecdsa
import hashlib
import binascii
import os
import pytest
def bytes2num(s):
res = 0
for i, b in enumerate(reversed(bytearray(s))):
res += b << (i * 8)
return res
curves = {
'nist256p1': ecdsa.curves.NIST256p,
'secp256k1': ecdsa.curves.SECP256k1
class Point:
def __init__(self, name, x, y):
self.curve = name
self.x = x
self.y = y
points = [
Point('secp256k1', 0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798, 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8),
Point('secp256k1', 0x1, 0x4218f20ae6c646b363db68605822fb14264ca8d2587fdd6fbc750d587e76a7ee),
Point('secp256k1', 0x2, 0x66fbe727b2ba09e09f5a98d70a5efce8424c5fa425bbda1c511f860657b8535e),
Point('secp256k1', 0x1b,0x1adcea1cf831b0ad1653e769d1a229091d0cc68d4b0328691b9caacc76e37c90),
Point('nist256p1', 0x6b17d1f2e12c4247f8bce6e563a440f277037d812deb33a0f4a13945d898c296, 0x4fe342e2fe1a7f9b8ee7eb4a7c0f9e162bce33576b315ececbb6406837bf51f5),
Point('nist256p1', 0x0, 0x66485c780e2f83d72433bd5d84a06bb6541c2af31dae871728bf856a174f93f4),
Point('nist256p1', 0x0, 0x99b7a386f1d07c29dbcc42a27b5f9449abe3d50de25178e8d7407a95e8b06c0b),
Point('nist256p1', 0xaf8bbdfe8cdd5577acbf345b543d28cf402f4e94d3865b97ea0787f2d3aa5d22,0x35802b8b376b995265918b078bc109c21a535176585c40f519aca52d6afc147c),
Point('nist256p1', 0x80000, 0x580610071f440f0dcc14a22e2d5d5afc1224c0cd11a3b4b51b8ecd2224ee1ce2)
random_iters = int(os.environ.get('ITERS', 1))
lib = c.cdll.LoadLibrary('./libtrezor-crypto.so')
class curve_info(c.Structure):
_fields_ = [("bip32_name", c.c_char_p),
("params", c.c_void_p)]
lib.get_curve_by_name.restype = c.POINTER(curve_info)
BIGNUM = c.c_uint32 * 9
class Random(random.Random):
def randbytes(self, n):
buf = (c.c_uint8 * n)()
for i in range(n):
buf[i] = self.randrange(0, 256)
return buf
def randpoint(self, curve):
k = self.randrange(0, curve.order)
return k * curve.generator
def int2bn(x, bn_type=BIGNUM):
b = bn_type()
b._int = x
for i in range(len(b)):
b[i] = x % (1 << 30)
x = x >> 30
return b
def bn2int(b):
x = 0
for i in range(len(b)):
x += (b[i] << (30 * i))
return x
def r(request):
seed = request.param
return Random(seed + int(os.environ.get('SEED', 0)))
def curve(request):
name = request.param
curve_ptr = lib.get_curve_by_name(name).contents.params
assert curve_ptr, 'curve {} not found'.format(name)
curve_obj = curves[name]
curve_obj.ptr = c.c_void_p(curve_ptr)
curve_obj.p = curve_obj.curve.p() # shorthand
return curve_obj
def point(request):
name = request.param.curve
curve_ptr = lib.get_curve_by_name(name).contents.params
assert curve_ptr, 'curve {} not found'.format(name)
curve_obj = curves[name]
curve_obj.ptr = c.c_void_p(curve_ptr)
curve_obj.p = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(curve_obj.curve, request.param.x, request.param.y)
return curve_obj
def test_inverse(curve, r):
x = r.randrange(1, curve.p)
y = int2bn(x)
lib.bn_inverse(y, int2bn(curve.p))
y = bn2int(y)
y_ = ecdsa.numbertheory.inverse_mod(x, curve.p)
assert y == y_
def test_is_less(curve, r):
x = r.randrange(0, curve.p)
y = r.randrange(0, curve.p)
x_ = int2bn(x)
y_ = int2bn(y)
res = lib.bn_is_less(x_, y_)
assert res == (x < y)
res = lib.bn_is_less(y_, x_)
assert res == (y < x)
def test_is_equal(curve, r):
x = r.randrange(0, curve.p)
y = r.randrange(0, curve.p)
x_ = int2bn(x)
y_ = int2bn(y)
assert lib.bn_is_equal(x_, y_) == (x == y)
assert lib.bn_is_equal(x_, x_) == 1
assert lib.bn_is_equal(y_, y_) == 1
def test_is_zero(curve, r):
x = r.randrange(0, curve.p);
assert lib.bn_is_zero(int2bn(x)) == (not x)
def test_simple_comparisons():
assert lib.bn_is_zero(int2bn(0)) == 1
assert lib.bn_is_zero(int2bn(1)) == 0
assert lib.bn_is_less(int2bn(0), int2bn(0)) == 0
assert lib.bn_is_less(int2bn(1), int2bn(0)) == 0
assert lib.bn_is_less(int2bn(0), int2bn(1)) == 1
assert lib.bn_is_equal(int2bn(0), int2bn(0)) == 1
assert lib.bn_is_equal(int2bn(1), int2bn(0)) == 0
assert lib.bn_is_equal(int2bn(0), int2bn(1)) == 0
def test_mult_half(curve, r):
x = r.randrange(0, 2*curve.p)
y = int2bn(x)
lib.bn_mult_half(y, int2bn(curve.p))
y = bn2int(y)
if y >= curve.p:
y -= curve.p
half = ecdsa.numbertheory.inverse_mod(2, curve.p)
assert y == (x * half) % curve.p
def test_subtractmod(curve, r):
x = r.randrange(0, 2 ** 256)
y = r.randrange(0, 2 ** 256)
z = int2bn(0)
lib.bn_subtractmod(int2bn(x), int2bn(y), z, int2bn(curve.p))
z = bn2int(z)
z_ = x + 2*curve.p - y
assert z == z_
def test_subtract2(r):
x = r.randrange(0, 2 ** 256)
y = r.randrange(0, 2 ** 256)
x, y = max(x, y), min(x, y)
z = int2bn(0)
lib.bn_subtract(int2bn(x), int2bn(y), z)
z = bn2int(z)
z_ = x - y
assert z == z_
def test_add(curve, r):
x = r.randrange(0, 2 ** 256)
y = r.randrange(0, 2 ** 256)
z_ = x + y
z = int2bn(x)
lib.bn_add(z, int2bn(y))
z = bn2int(z)
assert z == z_
def test_addmod(curve, r):
x = r.randrange(0, 2 ** 256)
y = r.randrange(0, 2 ** 256)
z_ = (x + y) % curve.p
z = int2bn(x)
lib.bn_addmod(z, int2bn(y), int2bn(curve.p))
z = bn2int(z)
if z >= curve.p:
z = z - curve.p
assert z == z_
def test_multiply(curve, r):
k = r.randrange(0, 2 * curve.p)
x = r.randrange(0, 2 * curve.p)
z = (k * x) % curve.p
k = int2bn(k)
z_ = int2bn(x)
p_ = int2bn(curve.p)
lib.bn_multiply(k, z_, p_)
z_ = bn2int(z_)
assert z_ < 2*curve.p
if z_ >= curve.p:
z_ = z_ - curve.p
assert z_ == z
def test_multiply1(curve, r):
k = r.randrange(0, 2 * curve.p)
x = r.randrange(0, 2 * curve.p)
kx = k * x
res = int2bn(0, bn_type=(c.c_uint32 * 18))
lib.bn_multiply_long(int2bn(k), int2bn(x), res)
res = bn2int(res)
assert res == kx
def test_multiply2(curve, r):
x = int2bn(0)
s = r.randrange(0, 2 ** 526)
res = int2bn(s, bn_type=(c.c_uint32 * 18))
prime = int2bn(curve.p)
lib.bn_multiply_reduce(x, res, prime)
x = bn2int(x) % curve.p
x_ = s % curve.p
assert x == x_
def test_fast_mod(curve, r):
x = r.randrange(0, 128*curve.p)
y = int2bn(x)
lib.bn_fast_mod(y, int2bn(curve.p))
y = bn2int(y)
assert y < 2*curve.p
if y >= curve.p:
y -= curve.p
assert x % curve.p == y
def test_mod(curve, r):
x = r.randrange(0, 2*curve.p)
y = int2bn(x)
lib.bn_mod(y, int2bn(curve.p))
assert bn2int(y) == x % curve.p
def test_mod_specific(curve):
p = curve.p
for x in [0, 1, 2, p - 2, p - 1, p, p + 1, p + 2, 2*p - 2, 2*p - 1]:
y = int2bn(x)
lib.bn_mod(y, int2bn(curve.p))
assert bn2int(y) == x % p
to_POINT = lambda p: POINT(int2bn(p.x()), int2bn(p.y()))
from_POINT = lambda p: (bn2int(p[0]), bn2int(p[1]))
to_JACOBIAN = lambda jp: JACOBIAN(int2bn(jp[0]), int2bn(jp[1]), int2bn(jp[2]))
from_JACOBIAN = lambda p: (bn2int(p[0]), bn2int(p[1]), bn2int(p[2]))
def test_point_multiply(curve, r):
p = r.randpoint(curve)
k = r.randrange(0, 2 ** 256)
kp = k * p
res = POINT(int2bn(0), int2bn(0))
lib.point_multiply(curve.ptr, int2bn(k), to_POINT(p), res)
res = from_POINT(res)
assert res == (kp.x(), kp.y())
def test_point_add(curve, r):
p1 = r.randpoint(curve)
p2 = r.randpoint(curve)
#print '-' * 80
q = p1 + p2
q1 = to_POINT(p1)
q2 = to_POINT(p2)
lib.point_add(curve.ptr, q1, q2)
q_ = from_POINT(q2)
assert q_ == (q.x(), q.y())
def test_point_double(curve, r):
p = r.randpoint(curve)
q = p.double()
q_ = to_POINT(p)
lib.point_double(curve.ptr, q_)
q_ = from_POINT(q_)
assert q_ == (q.x(), q.y())
def test_point_to_jacobian(curve, r):
p = r.randpoint(curve)
lib.curve_to_jacobian(to_POINT(p), jp, int2bn(curve.p))
jx, jy, jz = from_JACOBIAN(jp)
assert jx % curve.p == (p.x() * jz ** 2) % curve.p
assert jy % curve.p == (p.y() * jz ** 3) % curve.p
q = POINT()
lib.jacobian_to_curve(jp, q, int2bn(curve.p))
q = from_POINT(q)
assert q == (p.x(), p.y())
def test_cond_negate(curve, r):
x = r.randrange(0, curve.p)
a = int2bn(x)
lib.conditional_negate(0, a, int2bn(curve.p))
assert bn2int(a) == x
lib.conditional_negate(-1, a, int2bn(curve.p))
assert bn2int(a) == 2*curve.p - x
def test_jacobian_add(curve, r):
p1 = r.randpoint(curve)
p2 = r.randpoint(curve)
prime = int2bn(curve.p)
q = POINT()
jp2 = JACOBIAN()
lib.curve_to_jacobian(to_POINT(p2), jp2, prime)
lib.point_jacobian_add(to_POINT(p1), jp2, curve.ptr)
lib.jacobian_to_curve(jp2, q, prime)
q = from_POINT(q)
p_ = p1 + p2
assert (p_.x(), p_.y()) == q
def test_jacobian_add_double(curve, r):
p1 = r.randpoint(curve)
p2 = p1
prime = int2bn(curve.p)
q = POINT()
jp2 = JACOBIAN()
lib.curve_to_jacobian(to_POINT(p2), jp2, prime)
lib.point_jacobian_add(to_POINT(p1), jp2, curve.ptr)
lib.jacobian_to_curve(jp2, q, prime)
q = from_POINT(q)
p_ = p1 + p2
assert (p_.x(), p_.y()) == q
def test_jacobian_double(curve, r):
p = r.randpoint(curve)
p2 = p.double()
prime = int2bn(curve.p)
q = POINT()
lib.curve_to_jacobian(to_POINT(p), jp, prime)
lib.point_jacobian_double(jp, curve.ptr)
lib.jacobian_to_curve(jp, q, prime)
q = from_POINT(q)
assert (p2.x(), p2.y()) == q
def sigdecode(sig, _):
return map(bytes2num, [sig[:32], sig[32:]])
def test_sign(curve, r):
priv = r.randbytes(32)
digest = r.randbytes(32)
sig = r.randbytes(64)
lib.ecdsa_sign_digest(curve.ptr, priv, digest, sig, c.c_void_p(0), c.c_void_p(0))
exp = bytes2num(priv)
sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(exp, curve,
vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
sig_ref = sk.sign_digest_deterministic(digest, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256, sigencode=ecdsa.util.sigencode_string_canonize)
assert binascii.hexlify(sig) == binascii.hexlify(sig_ref)
assert vk.verify_digest(sig, digest, sigdecode)
def test_validate_pubkey(curve, r):
p = r.randpoint(curve)
assert lib.ecdsa_validate_pubkey(curve.ptr, to_POINT(p))
def test_validate_pubkey_direct(point):
assert lib.ecdsa_validate_pubkey(point.ptr, to_POINT(point.p))