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from micropython import const
from trezor import config
if False:
from typing import Optional
# Namespaces:
# fmt: off
APP_DEVICE = const(0x01)
APP_RECOVERY = const(0x02)
APP_FIDO2 = const(0x04)
# fmt: on
_FALSE_BYTE = b"\x00"
_TRUE_BYTE = b"\x01"
STORAGE_VERSION_01 = b"\x01"
def set(app: int, key: int, data: bytes, public: bool = False) -> None:
config.set(app, key, data, public)
def get(app: int, key: int, public: bool = False) -> Optional[bytes]:
return config.get(app, key, public)
def delete(app: int, key: int) -> None:
config.delete(app, key)
def set_true_or_delete(app: int, key: int, value: bool) -> None:
if value:
set_bool(app, key, value)
delete(app, key)
def set_bool(app: int, key: int, value: bool, public: bool = False) -> None:
if value:
set(app, key, _TRUE_BYTE, public)
set(app, key, _FALSE_BYTE, public)
def get_bool(app: int, key: int, public: bool = False) -> bool:
return get(app, key, public) == _TRUE_BYTE
def set_uint8(app: int, key: int, val: int) -> None:
set(app, key, val.to_bytes(1, "big"))
def get_uint8(app: int, key: int) -> Optional[int]:
val = get(app, key)
if not val:
return None
return int.from_bytes(val, "big")
def set_uint16(app: int, key: int, val: int) -> None:
set(app, key, val.to_bytes(2, "big"))
def get_uint16(app: int, key: int) -> Optional[int]:
val = get(app, key)
if not val:
return None
return int.from_bytes(val, "big")
def next_counter(app: int, key: int, public: bool = False) -> Optional[int]:
return config.next_counter(app, key, public)
def set_counter(app: int, key: int, count: int, public: bool = False) -> None:
config.set_counter(app, key, count, public)