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351 lines
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Executable File
# !/usr/bin/python3
# pyright: off
import asyncio
import io
import logging
import dbus_next
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def unwrap_properties(properties):
return {k: v.value for k, v in properties.items()}
class TealBlue:
async def create(cls):
self = cls()
self._bus = await dbus_next.aio.MessageBus(
bus_type=dbus_next.constants.BusType.SYSTEM, negotiate_unix_fd=True
obj = await self.get_object("org.bluez", "/")
self._bluez = obj.get_interface("org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager")
return self
async def find_adapter(self, mac_filter=""):
"""Find the first adapter matching mac_filter."""
objects = await self._bluez.call_get_managed_objects()
for path in sorted(objects.keys()):
interfaces = objects[path]
if "org.bluez.Adapter1" not in interfaces:
properties = unwrap_properties(interfaces["org.bluez.Adapter1"])
if mac_filter not in properties["Address"]:
return await Adapter.create(self, path, properties)
raise Exception("No adapter found")
async def get_object(self, name, path):
introspection = await self._bus.introspect(name, path)
obj = self._bus.get_proxy_object(name, path, introspection)
return obj
class Adapter:
async def create(cls, teal, path, properties):
self = cls()
self._teal = teal
self._path = path
self._properties = properties
obj = await self._teal.get_object("org.bluez", path)
self._object = obj.get_interface("org.bluez.Adapter1")
return self
def __repr__(self):
return "<tealblue.Adapter address=%s>" % (self._properties["Address"])
async def devices(self):
Returns the devices that BlueZ has discovered.
objects = await self._teal._bluez.call_get_managed_objects()
devices = []
for path in sorted(objects.keys()):
interfaces = objects[path]
if "org.bluez.Device1" not in interfaces:
properties = unwrap_properties(interfaces["org.bluez.Device1"])
devices.append(await Device.create(self._teal, path, properties))
return devices
async def scan(self, timeout_s):
return await Scanner.create(self._teal, self, await self.devices(), timeout_s)
class Scanner:
async def create(cls, teal, adapter, initial_devices, timeout_s):
self = cls()
self._teal = teal
self._adapter = adapter
self._was_discovering = adapter._properties[
] # TODO get current value, or watch property changes
self._queue = asyncio.Queue()
self.timeout_s = timeout_s
for device in initial_devices:
self._queue.put_nowait((device._path, device._properties))
if not self._was_discovering:
await self._adapter._object.call_start_discovery()
return self
def _on_iface_added(self, path, interfaces):
if "org.bluez.Device1" not in interfaces:
if not path.startswith(self._adapter._path + "/"):
properties = unwrap_properties(interfaces["org.bluez.Device1"])
self._queue.put_nowait((path, properties))
async def __aenter__(self):
return self
async def __aexit__(self, type, value, traceback):
if not self._was_discovering:
await self._adapter._object.call_stop_discovery()
def __aiter__(self):
return self
async def __anext__(self):
(path, properties) = await asyncio.wait_for(
self._queue.get(), self.timeout_s
return await Device.create(self._teal, path, properties)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise StopAsyncIteration
class Device:
async def create(cls, teal, path, properties):
self = cls()
self._teal = teal
self._path = path
self._properties = properties
self._services_resolved = asyncio.Event()
self._services = None
if properties["ServicesResolved"]:
# Listen to device events (connect, disconnect, ServicesResolved, ...)
obj = await self._teal.get_object("org.bluez", path)
self._device = obj.get_interface("org.bluez.Device1")
obj = await self._teal.get_object("org.bluez", path)
self._device_props = obj.get_interface("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")
return self
def __del__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return "<tealblue.Device address=%s name=%r>" % (self.address, self.name)
def _on_prop_changed(self, _interface, changed_props, invalidated_props):
changed_props = unwrap_properties(changed_props)
f"prop changed: device {self._path} {changed_props.keys()} {invalidated_props}"
for key, value in changed_props.items():
self._properties[key] = value
for key in invalidated_props:
del self._properties[key]
if "ServicesResolved" in changed_props:
if changed_props["ServicesResolved"]:
async def connect(self):
await self._device.call_connect()
async def disconnect(self):
await self._device.call_disconnect()
async def services(self):
await self._services_resolved.wait()
if self._services is None:
self._services = {}
objects = await self._teal._bluez.call_get_managed_objects()
for path in sorted(objects.keys()):
if not path.startswith(self._path + "/"):
if "org.bluez.GattService1" in objects[path]:
properties = unwrap_properties(
service = Service(self._teal, self, path, properties)
self._services[service.uuid] = service
elif "org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1" in objects[path]:
properties = unwrap_properties(
characterstic = await Characteristic.create(
self._teal, self, path, properties
for service in self._services.values():
if properties["Service"] == service._path:
service.characteristics[characterstic.uuid] = characterstic
return self._services
def connected(self):
return bool(self._properties["Connected"])
def services_resolved(self):
return bool(self._properties["ServicesResolved"])
def UUIDs(self):
return [str(s) for s in self._properties["UUIDs"]]
def address(self):
return str(self._properties["Address"])
def name(self):
if "Name" not in self._properties:
return None
return str(self._properties["Name"])
def alias(self):
if "Alias" not in self._properties:
return None
return str(self._properties["Alias"])
class Service:
def __init__(self, teal, device, path, properties):
self._device = device
self._teal = teal
self._path = path
self._properties = properties
self.characteristics = {}
def __repr__(self):
return "<tealblue.Service device=%s uuid=%s>" % (
def uuid(self):
return str(self._properties["UUID"])
class Characteristic:
def __init__(self):
self._properties = {}
async def create(cls, teal, device, path, properties):
self = cls()
self._device = device
self._teal = teal
self._path = path
self._properties = properties
self._values = asyncio.Queue()
obj = await self._teal.get_object("org.bluez", path)
self._char = obj.get_interface("org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1")
self._props = obj.get_interface("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")
return self
def __repr__(self):
return "<tealblue.Characteristic device=%s uuid=%s>" % (
def __del__(self):
def _on_prop_changed(self, _interface, changed_props, invalidated_props):
changed_props = unwrap_properties(changed_props)
f"prop changed: characteristic {changed_props.keys()} {invalidated_props}"
for key, value in changed_props.items():
self._properties[key] = bytes(value)
for key in invalidated_props:
del self._properties[key]
if "Value" in changed_props:
async def acquire(self, write: bool = False) -> tuple[io.FileIO, int]:
if write:
fd, mtu = await self._char.call_acquire_write({})
mode = "w"
fd, mtu = await self._char.call_acquire_notify({})
mode = "r"
f = io.FileIO(fd, mode)
LOG.debug(f"acquired {self.uuid} ({mode})")
return f, mtu
async def read(self) -> bytes:
return bytes(await self._values.get())
async def write(self, value, command=True):
ty = "command" if command else "request"
await self._char.call_write_value(value, {"type": dbus_next.Variant("s", ty)})
# async def write(self, value, command=True):
# start = time.time()
# try:
# if command:
# await self._char.call_write_value(value, {"type": "command"})
# else:
# await self._char.call_write_value(value, {"type": "request"})
# except dbus_next.DBusError as e:
# if (
# e.type == "org.bluez.Error.Failed"
# and e.text == "Not connected"
# ):
# raise NotConnectedError()
# else:
# raise # some other error
# # Workaround: if the write took very long, it is possible the connection
# # broke (without causing an exception). So check whether we are still
# # connected.
# # I think this is a bug in BlueZ.
# if time.time() - start > 0.5:
# if not self._device._device_props.call_get("org.bluez.Device1", "Connected"):
# raise NotConnectedError()
async def start_notify(self):
await self._char.call_start_notify()
async def stop_notify(self):
await self._char.call_stop_notify()
def uuid(self):
return str(self._properties["UUID"])