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from trezor import utils, wire
from trezor.crypto import bip32, hashlib, hmac
from apps.common.keychain import Keychain
from apps.common.readers import read_bitcoin_varint
from apps.common.writers import write_bitcoin_varint, write_bytes_fixed, write_uint8
from . import common
from .scripts import read_bip322_signature_proof, write_bip322_signature_proof
from .verification import SignatureVerifier
if False:
from trezor.enums import InputScriptType
from trezor.messages import MultisigRedeemScriptType
from apps.common.coininfo import CoinInfo
# This module implements the SLIP-0019 proof of ownership format, see
_VERSION_MAGIC = b"SL\x00\x19"
_OWNERSHIP_ID_KEY_PATH = [b"SLIP-0019", b"Ownership identification key"]
def generate_proof(
node: bip32.HDNode,
script_type: InputScriptType,
multisig: MultisigRedeemScriptType | None,
coin: CoinInfo,
user_confirmed: bool,
ownership_ids: list[bytes],
script_pubkey: bytes,
commitment_data: bytes,
) -> tuple[bytes, bytes]:
flags = 0
if user_confirmed:
proof = utils.empty_bytearray(4 + 1 + 1 + len(ownership_ids) * _OWNERSHIP_ID_LEN)
write_bytes_fixed(proof, _VERSION_MAGIC, 4)
write_uint8(proof, flags)
write_bitcoin_varint(proof, len(ownership_ids))
for ownership_id in ownership_ids:
write_bytes_fixed(proof, ownership_id, _OWNERSHIP_ID_LEN)
sighash = hashlib.sha256(proof)
signature = common.ecdsa_sign(node, sighash.digest())
public_key = node.public_key()
proof, script_type, multisig, coin, public_key, signature
return proof, signature
def verify_nonownership(
proof: bytes,
script_pubkey: bytes,
commitment_data: bytes | None,
keychain: Keychain,
coin: CoinInfo,
) -> bool:
r = utils.BufferReader(proof)
raise wire.DataError("Unknown format of proof of ownership")
flags = r.get()
if flags & 0b1111_1110:
raise wire.DataError("Unknown flags in proof of ownership")
# Determine whether our ownership ID appears in the proof.
id_count = read_bitcoin_varint(r)
ownership_id = get_identifier(script_pubkey, keychain)
not_owned = True
for _ in range(id_count):
if utils.consteq(ownership_id,
not_owned = False
# Verify the BIP-322 SignatureProof.
proof_body = proof[: r.offset]
sighash = hashlib.sha256(proof_body)
if commitment_data:
script_sig, witness = read_bip322_signature_proof(r)
# We don't call verifier.ensure_hash_type() to avoid possible compatibility
# issues between implementations, because the hash type doesn't influence
# the digest and the value to use is not defined in BIP-322.
verifier = SignatureVerifier(script_pubkey, script_sig, witness, coin)
except (ValueError, EOFError):
raise wire.DataError("Invalid proof of ownership")
return not_owned
def get_identifier(script_pubkey: bytes, keychain: Keychain) -> bytes:
# k = Key(m/"SLIP-0019"/"Ownership identification key")
node = keychain.derive_slip21(_OWNERSHIP_ID_KEY_PATH)
# id = HMAC-SHA256(key = k, msg = scriptPubKey)
return hmac(hmac.SHA256, node.key(), script_pubkey).digest()