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use crate::ui::geometry::Rect;
#[cfg(feature = "bootloader")]
use crate::{trezorhal::secbool::secbool, ui::display::Color};
pub trait UIFeaturesCommon {
fn fadein() {}
fn fadeout() {}
fn backlight_on() {}
const SCREEN: Rect;
fn screen_fatal_error(title: &str, msg: &str, footer: &str);
fn screen_boot_stage_2();
#[cfg(feature = "bootloader")]
pub trait UIFeaturesBootloader {
fn screen_welcome();
fn bld_continue_label(bg_color: Color);
fn screen_install_success(restart_seconds: u8, initial_setup: bool, complete_draw: bool);
fn screen_install_fail();
fn screen_install_confirm(
vendor: &str,
version: &str,
fingerprint: &str,
should_keep_seed: bool,
is_newvendor: bool,
version_cmp: i32,
) -> u32;
fn screen_wipe_confirm() -> u32;
fn screen_unlock_bootloader_confirm() -> u32;
fn screen_unlock_bootloader_success();
fn screen_menu(firmware_present: secbool) -> u32;
fn screen_intro(bld_version: &str, vendor: &str, version: &str, fw_ok: bool) -> u32;
fn screen_boot_stage_1(fading: bool);
fn screen_wipe_progress(progress: u16, initialize: bool);
fn screen_install_progress(progress: u16, initialize: bool, initial_setup: bool);
fn screen_connect(initial_setup: bool);
fn screen_wipe_success();
fn screen_wipe_fail();
#[cfg(feature = "new_rendering")]
fn screen_boot(
warning: bool,
vendor_str: Option<&str>,
version: u32,
vendor_img: &[u8],
wait: i32,
feature = "model_mercury",
not(feature = "model_tr"),
not(feature = "model_tt")
pub type ModelUI = crate::ui::model_mercury::ModelMercuryFeatures;
#[cfg(all(feature = "model_tr", not(feature = "model_tt")))]
pub type ModelUI = crate::ui::model_tr::ModelTRFeatures;
#[cfg(feature = "model_tt")]
pub type ModelUI = crate::ui::model_tt::ModelTTFeatures;