mirror of https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware.git synced 2025-02-22 20:42:03 +00:00
grdddj 7f1a5ac4c1 WIP - firmware translations
WIP - refactor and extend font generation for non-ascii characters

WIP - add czech characters mapping between UTF8 value and index

WIP - regenerate font files with czech characters

WIP - shorten czech button text, it was causing SHUTDOWN for some reason

WIP - support UTF8 characters in fonts.c

WIP - account for translation in tests

WIP - small fixes

WIP - fix last test

WIP - support UTF8 also in Rust font operations

WIP - add a script to find non-translated english strings in micropython code

WIP - add a validator script for checking missing micropython translations

WIP - translate remaining altcoins and other apps in core (fido, sdcard, TT layouts, ...)

WIP - generate czech glyphs for TT fonts

WIP - modify gen_font.py to account for negative bearing czech characters

WIP - extend translation validation scripts, move them into core/tools

WIP - translate TT layouts in Rust

WIP - fix tests

WIP - fix inverse coloring of nonprintable glyph

WIP - add build and test pipelines for Czech language

WIP - merge both JSON files together

WIP - run new isort

WIP - unify all the translation in Rust, expose to micropython

TEMP - leave en_merged.json file, so it is accessible by translators with old link

WIP - fixes

WIP - add french characters and translation via Google Translator

WIP - skip rustfmt in mako-created files

WIP - revert all the font height changes causing false-positive UI diff

WIP - fixes after rebase

WIP - fix broken translations

WIP - revert some wording changes causing UI diff

WIP - improve validation and translate scripts, translate missing strings

WIP - sort all keys alphabetically

WIP - remove any usage of translation in bootloader

WIP - add newline at the end of JSON file

WIP - fix bitcoin-only strings check

WIP - fix python support check

WIP - add some missing translations

WIP - fix SD card device test

WIP - fix pystyle

WIP - fix rust unittests

WIP - fix click tests

WIP - flag errors in french translations

WIP - add script transferring translations data into a byte blob

WIP - regenerate fr.rs

WIP - store and read language translations from flash

WIP - storing language name in storage

WIP - sending language_data in apply_settings protobuf message

WIP - separate protobuf message for translations, fixes

WIP - set up translations area for TT as well

WIP - get rid of TREZOR_LANG env variable during build

WIP - make the firmware buildable for TT

WIP - add basic device tests

WIP - set language for tests

WIP - counting with language when writing fixtures

WIP - add todos

WIP - fix CI

WIP - unify translations, make titles CAPITAL

WIP - translate missing english

WIP - skip translations messages for T1

WIP - not changing tests names for english

WIP - fix flake8

WIP - no test language setting for T1

WIP - clippy lint about complex data type

WIP - fix some english UI diff for TR

WIP - fix cstyle

WIP - minimize the usage of #[cfg(feature = "micropython")] outside translations module

WIP - minimize TT's UI diff

WIP - fix ruststyle

WIP - fix TR build

WIP - advanced Shamir text change

WIP - storing the language name as the first item in the translation data

WIP - modify and extend tests after storing language name

WIP - modify checklist sentence

WIP - add TEST_LANG into Makefile for all the emu tests

WIP - default arguments

WIP - reimplement default arguments

remove unneeded pub from get_info function

WIP - Rust handling of object attributes lookups from upy - thanks Matejcik!

WIP - generate mock interface for attribute-based translations lookups

WIP - change function calls to object attributes

WIP - symbolic link for unix/translations.c

WIP - fix and improve the reading of translations - thanks Matejcik!

WIP - add support for multiple languages in removing missing tests

WIP - fix multiple-accounts warning in tests

WIP - fix encoding of newlines in translations

WIP - fix czech tutorial text

WIP - fix czech click tests

WIP - do not translate wire error messages

WIP - add language options to click tests as well

WIP - setup czech device tests in CI

WIP - setup czech click tests in CI

WIP - record czech device tests for TR

WIP - record czech click tests for TR

WIP - record czech device tests for TT

WIP - record czech click tests for TT

WIP - pystyle

WIP - cstyle

WIP - fix Rust micropython import dependency

WIP - fix czech recordings

WIP - support french translations in tests

WIP - shorten some french words to fix the tests

WIP - fix micropython cfg compilation

WIP - record french click tests for TR

WIP - record french device tests for TR

WIP - record french device tests for TT

WIP - record french click tests for TT

WIP - fix french translations - shorten them

WIP - translate missing french words

WIP - fix click tests

WIP - add french tests into CI

WIP - pystyle

WIP - allow for czech/french tests in update script

WIP - update czech fixtures

WIP - update french fixtures

WIP - ruststyle

WIP - disallow MPU to run it on hardware

WIP - cstyle

WIP - change translations delimiter from * to \x00

WIP - change translations protobufs

WIP - remove language handling from storage

WIP - add header into JSON files

WIP - count with header in translations blob

WIP - yml style fixes

WIP - fix proto gen

WIP - verify version and data hash

WIP - fix loading test translations

feat(core): allow access to translations area in firmware

[no changelog]

WIP - fixes after rebase

WIP - increase the TT's translations area to 3 sectors

WIP - dynamically read the maximum translations size

WIP - record non-english tests from CI

WIP - loading font data from translations blob

WIP - bump translations version

WIP - include czech and french glyph data

WIP - whitelist another negative-bearing glyph

WIP - remove czech/french glyphs from common font files

WIP - fix language tests

WIP - specific fonts for specific models

WIP - revert the non-ascii font hardcoding

WIP - include missing BIG font into nonprintable logic

WIP - minor Rust code improvements

WIP - include newlines at the end of json files

WIP - move glyph Rust function to librust_fonts.h

WIP - add all fonts into translations file

WIP - move fonts into its own dir

WIP - reflect separate dir for fonts

WIP - not putting translations trezorhal into bootloader

WIP - write and read multiple fonts into translations data

WIP - silence pyright issue/notissue

WIP - delete no more used translations/*.py imports

WIP - fix bootloader builds by introducing translations feature and TRANSLATIONS flag

WIP - fix TT's bootloader Rust build

WIP - fix tests in non-english languages

WIP - not search for UTF-8 when there are no translations data

WIP - add colons to strings where missing

WIP - fix language loading in tests

WIP - fix signmessage input flow to work in all languages

WIP - create offset table for translation strings

WIP - code improvements

WIP - record foreign language fixtures + sync with main in english

WIP - do alignment check before reading u16 data

WIP - allocate blob in RAM for translations data

WIP - add TODO for blob generation

WIP - record non-english device tests

WIP - use bytes.align_to instead of messing with pointers

WIP - fixtures

WIP - remove unused import

WIP - add order.py

WIP - add order.json

WIP - take order.json into account in creating general.rs

WIP - take order.json into account in generating the blob

WIP - style

WIP - sort the language files

WIP - remove unused file

WIP - code improvements

WIP - add TODO for homescreen notification

WIP - translate plural forms

WIP - translate time intervals

WIP - sign translations with dev keys, validate signatures, improve robustness

WIP - improve tests for translations

WIP - add `trezorctl utils sign-translations` for production signing of the blob

WIP - pyright fix

WIP - changing TR progress loader offset - it was colliding with title

WIP - show indeterminate loader when loading translations data

WIP - record new and updated language tests

WIP - show the change language title/prompt in the target language

WIP - sort keys

WIP - add crowdin-cli into shell.nix

WIP - add crowdin sync script
2024-01-02 14:55:16 +01:00

150 lines
4.6 KiB

## help commands:
help: ## show this help
@awk -f ./tools/help.awk $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
## style commands:
PY_FILES = $(shell find . -type f -name '*.py' | sed 'sO^\./OO' | grep -f ./tools/style.py.include | grep -v -f ./tools/style.py.exclude )
C_FILES = $(shell find . -type f -name '*.[ch]' | grep -f ./tools/style.c.include | grep -v -f ./tools/style.c.exclude )
style_check: pystyle_check ruststyle_check cstyle_check changelog_check yaml_check editor_check ## run all style checks
style: pystyle ruststyle cstyle ## apply all code styles (C+Rust+Py)
pystyle_check: ## run code style check on application sources and tests
flake8 --version
isort --version | awk '/VERSION/{print $$2}'
black --version
pylint --version
pyright --version
@make -C core typecheck
@echo [FLAKE8]
@flake8 $(PY_FILES)
@echo [ISORT]
@isort --check-only $(PY_FILES)
@echo [BLACK]
@black --check $(PY_FILES)
@echo [PYLINT]
@pylint $(PY_FILES)
@echo [PYTHON]
make -C python style_check
pystyle_quick_check: ## run the basic style checks, suitable for a quick git hook
@isort --check-only $(PY_FILES)
@black --check $(PY_FILES)
make -C python style_quick_check
pystyle: ## apply code style on application sources and tests
@echo [ISORT]
@isort $(PY_FILES)
@echo [BLACK]
@black $(PY_FILES)
@make -C core typecheck
@echo [FLAKE8]
@flake8 $(PY_FILES)
@echo [PYLINT]
@pylint $(PY_FILES)
@echo [PYTHON]
make -C python style
changelog_check: ## check changelog format
./tools/generate-changelog.py --check core
./tools/generate-changelog.py --check core/embed/boardloader
./tools/generate-changelog.py --check core/embed/bootloader
./tools/generate-changelog.py --check core/embed/bootloader_ci
./tools/generate-changelog.py --check legacy/bootloader
./tools/generate-changelog.py --check legacy/firmware
./tools/generate-changelog.py --check legacy/intermediate_fw
./tools/generate-changelog.py --check python
yaml_check: ## check yaml formatting
yamllint .
editor_check: ## check editorconfig formatting
editorconfig-checker -exclude '.*\.(so|dat|toif|der)'
cstyle_check: ## run code style check on low-level C code
clang-format --version
@./tools/clang-format-check $(C_FILES)
cstyle: ## apply code style on low-level C code
@clang-format -i $(C_FILES)
defs_check: ## check validity of coin definitions and protobuf files
jsonlint common/defs/*.json common/defs/*/*.json
python3 common/tools/cointool.py check
python3 common/tools/support.py check
python3 common/protob/check.py
python3 common/protob/graph.py common/protob/*.proto
@echo [RUSTFMT]
@cd core/embed/rust ; cargo fmt
@cd rust/trezor-client ; cargo fmt
rustfmt --version
@echo [RUSTFMT]
@cd core/embed/rust ; cargo fmt -- --check
@cd rust/trezor-client ; cargo fmt -- --check
## code generation commands:
mocks: ## generate mock python headers from C modules
mocks_check: ## check validity of mock python headers
./core/tools/build_mocks --check
flake8 core/mocks/generated
templates: icons ## rebuild coin lists from definitions in common
templates_check: ## check that coin lists are up to date
./core/tools/build_templates --check
solana_templates: ## rebuild Solana instruction template file
solana_templates_check: ## check that Solana instruction template file is up to date
./core/tools/build_solana_templates --check
icons: ## generate FIDO service icons
python3 core/tools/build_icons.py
icons_check: ## generate FIDO service icons
python3 core/tools/build_icons.py --check
protobuf: ## generate python and rust protobuf headers
protobuf_check: ## check that generated protobuf headers are up to date
./tools/build_protobuf --check
./rust/trezor-client/scripts/build_protos --check
ci_docs: ## generate CI documentation
ci_docs_check: ## check that generated CI documentation is up to date
./tools/generate_ci_docs.py --check
vendorheader: ## generate vendor header
./core/embed/vendorheader/generate.sh --quiet
vendorheader_check: ## check that vendor header is up to date
./core/embed/vendorheader/generate.sh --quiet --check
gen: templates mocks icons protobuf ci_docs vendorheader solana ## regenerate auto-generated files from sources
gen_check: templates_check mocks_check icons_check protobuf_check ci_docs_check vendorheader_check solana_templates_check ## check validity of auto-generated files