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from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha256
from trezor.messages.SignTx import SignTx
from trezor.messages import InputScriptType, FailureType
from trezor.utils import HashWriter
from apps.wallet.sign_tx.writers import *
from apps.wallet.sign_tx.scripts import output_script_p2pkh, output_script_multisig
from apps.wallet.sign_tx.multisig import multisig_get_pubkeys
class Bip143Error(ValueError):
class Bip143:
def __init__(self):
self.h_prevouts = HashWriter(sha256)
self.h_sequence = HashWriter(sha256)
self.h_outputs = HashWriter(sha256)
def add_prevouts(self, txi: TxInputType):
write_bytes_rev(self.h_prevouts, txi.prev_hash)
write_uint32(self.h_prevouts, txi.prev_index)
def add_sequence(self, txi: TxInputType):
write_uint32(self.h_sequence, txi.sequence)
def add_output(self, txo_bin: TxOutputBinType):
write_tx_output(self.h_outputs, txo_bin)
def get_prevouts_hash(self) -> bytes:
return get_tx_hash(self.h_prevouts, True)
def get_sequence_hash(self) -> bytes:
return get_tx_hash(self.h_sequence, True)
def get_outputs_hash(self) -> bytes:
return get_tx_hash(self.h_outputs, True)
def preimage_hash(self, tx: SignTx, txi: TxInputType, pubkeyhash: bytes, sighash: int) -> bytes:
h_preimage = HashWriter(sha256)
write_uint32(h_preimage, tx.version) # nVersion
write_bytes(h_preimage, bytearray(self.get_prevouts_hash())) # hashPrevouts
write_bytes(h_preimage, bytearray(self.get_sequence_hash())) # hashSequence
write_bytes_rev(h_preimage, txi.prev_hash) # outpoint
write_uint32(h_preimage, txi.prev_index) # outpoint
script_code = self.derive_script_code(txi, pubkeyhash)
write_varint(h_preimage, len(script_code)) # scriptCode length
write_bytes(h_preimage, script_code) # scriptCode
write_uint64(h_preimage, txi.amount) # amount
write_uint32(h_preimage, txi.sequence) # nSequence
write_bytes(h_preimage, bytearray(self.get_outputs_hash())) # hashOutputs
write_uint32(h_preimage, tx.lock_time) # nLockTime
write_uint32(h_preimage, sighash) # nHashType
return get_tx_hash(h_preimage, True)
# see
# item 5 for details
def derive_script_code(self, txi: TxInputType, pubkeyhash: bytes) -> bytearray:
if txi.multisig:
return output_script_multisig(multisig_get_pubkeys(txi.multisig), txi.multisig.m)
p2pkh = (txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS or
txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS or
txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS)
if p2pkh:
# for p2wpkh in p2sh or native p2wpkh
# the scriptCode is a classic p2pkh
return output_script_p2pkh(pubkeyhash)
raise Bip143Error(FailureType.DataError,
'Unknown input script type for bip143 script code')