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53 lines
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from typing import Iterable
import storage.cache
from trezor import protobuf
from trezor.enums import MessageType
from trezor.utils import ensure
WIRE_TYPES: dict[int, tuple[int, ...]] = {
MessageType.AuthorizeCoinJoin: (MessageType.SignTx, MessageType.GetOwnershipProof),
def is_set() -> bool:
return bool(storage.cache.get(storage.cache.APP_COMMON_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE))
def set(auth_message: protobuf.MessageType) -> None:
buffer = protobuf.dump_message_buffer(auth_message)
# only wire-level messages can be stored as authorization
# (because only wire-level messages have wire_type, which we use as identifier)
ensure(auth_message.MESSAGE_WIRE_TYPE is not None)
assert auth_message.MESSAGE_WIRE_TYPE is not None # so that typechecker knows too
auth_message.MESSAGE_WIRE_TYPE.to_bytes(2, "big"),
storage.cache.set(storage.cache.APP_COMMON_AUTHORIZATION_DATA, buffer)
def get() -> protobuf.MessageType | None:
stored_auth_type = storage.cache.get(storage.cache.APP_COMMON_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE)
if not stored_auth_type:
return None
msg_wire_type = int.from_bytes(stored_auth_type, "big")
buffer = storage.cache.get(storage.cache.APP_COMMON_AUTHORIZATION_DATA, b"")
return protobuf.load_message_buffer(buffer, msg_wire_type)
def get_wire_types() -> Iterable[int]:
stored_auth_type = storage.cache.get(storage.cache.APP_COMMON_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE)
if stored_auth_type is None:
return ()
msg_wire_type = int.from_bytes(stored_auth_type, "big")
return WIRE_TYPES.get(msg_wire_type, ())
def clear() -> None: