You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1120 lines
33 KiB

pub mod loader;
#[cfg(feature = "jpeg")]
pub mod tjpgd;
pub mod toif;
use super::{
geometry::{Offset, Point, Rect},
#[cfg(feature = "dma2d")]
use crate::trezorhal::{
buffers::{get_buffer_16bpp, get_buffer_4bpp},
dma2d_setup_4bpp_over_16bpp, dma2d_setup_4bpp_over_4bpp, dma2d_start_blend,
#[cfg(not(feature = "dma2d"))]
use crate::ui::geometry::TOP_LEFT;
use crate::{
trezorhal::{buffers::get_text_buffer, display, qr, time, uzlib::UzlibContext},
ui::{component::image::Image, lerp::Lerp},
use core::slice;
pub use crate::ui::display::toif::Icon;
#[cfg(any(feature = "model_tt", feature = "model_tr"))]
pub use loader::{loader, loader_indeterminate, LOADER_MAX, LOADER_MIN};
pub fn backlight() -> i32 {
pub fn set_backlight(val: i32) {
pub fn fade_backlight(target: i32) {
const BACKLIGHT_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_millis(14);
const BACKLIGHT_STEP: usize = 15;
let current = backlight();
if current < target {
for val in ( {
} else {
for val in (target..current).rev().step_by(BACKLIGHT_STEP) {
pub fn rect_fill(r: Rect, fg_color: Color) {
display::bar(r.x0, r.y0, r.width(), r.height(), fg_color.into());
pub fn rect_stroke(r: Rect, fg_color: Color) {
display::bar(r.x0, r.y0, r.width(), 1, fg_color.into());
display::bar(r.x0, r.y0 + r.height() - 1, r.width(), 1, fg_color.into());
display::bar(r.x0, r.y0, 1, r.height(), fg_color.into());
display::bar(r.x0 + r.width() - 1, r.y0, 1, r.height(), fg_color.into());
pub fn rect_fill_rounded(r: Rect, fg_color: Color, bg_color: Color, radius: u8) {
assert!([2, 4, 8, 16].iter().any(|allowed| radius == *allowed));
// Used on T1 only.
pub fn rect_fill_rounded1(r: Rect, fg_color: Color, bg_color: Color) {
display::bar(r.x0, r.y0, r.width(), r.height(), fg_color.into());
let corners = [
r.top_right() - Offset::x(1),
r.bottom_right() - Offset::uniform(1),
r.bottom_left() - Offset::y(1),
for p in corners.iter() {
display::bar(p.x, p.y, 1, 1, bg_color.into());
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TextOverlay<'a> {
area: Rect,
text: &'a str,
font: Font,
impl<'a> TextOverlay<'a> {
pub fn new(text: &'a str, font: Font) -> Self {
let area = Rect::zero();
Self { area, text, font }
pub fn place(&mut self, baseline: Point) {
let text_width = self.font.text_width(self.text);
let text_height = self.font.text_height();
let text_area_start = baseline + Offset::new(-(text_width / 2), -text_height);
let text_area_end = baseline + Offset::new(text_width / 2, 0);
let area = Rect::new(text_area_start, text_area_end);
self.area = area;
pub fn get_pixel(&self, underlying: Color, fg: Color, p: Point) -> Color {
if !self.area.contains(p) {
return underlying;
let mut tot_adv = 0;
let p_rel = Point::new(p.x - self.area.x0, p.y - self.area.y0);
for g in self.text.bytes().filter_map(|c| self.font.get_glyph(c)) {
let char_area = Rect::new(
Point::new(tot_adv + g.bearing_x, g.height - g.bearing_y),
Point::new(tot_adv + g.bearing_x + g.width, g.bearing_y),
tot_adv += g.adv;
if !char_area.contains(p_rel) {
let p_inner = p_rel - char_area.top_left();
let overlay_data = g.get_pixel_data(p_inner);
return Color::lerp(underlying, fg, overlay_data as f32 / 15_f32);
/// Performs a conversion from `angle` (in degrees) to a vector (`Point`)
/// (polar to cartesian transformation)
/// Suitable for cases where we don't care about distance, it is assumed 1000
/// The implementation could be replaced by (cos(`angle`), sin(`angle`)),
/// if we allow trigonometric functions.
/// In the meantime, approximate this with predefined octagon
fn get_vector(angle: i16) -> Point {
//octagon vertices
let v = [
Point::new(0, 1000),
Point::new(707, 707),
Point::new(1000, 0),
Point::new(707, -707),
Point::new(0, -1000),
Point::new(-707, -707),
Point::new(-1000, 0),
Point::new(-707, 707),
let angle = angle % 360;
let vertices = v.len() as i16;
let sector_length = 360 / vertices; // only works if 360 is divisible by vertices
let sector = angle / sector_length;
let sector_angle = (angle % sector_length) as f32;
let v1 = v[sector as usize];
let v2 = v[((sector + 1) % vertices) as usize];
Point::lerp(v1, v2, sector_angle / sector_length as f32)
/// Find whether vector `v2` is clockwise to another vector v1
/// `n_v1` is counter clockwise normal vector to v1
/// ( if v1=(x1,y1), then the counter-clockwise normal is n_v1=(-y1,x1)
fn is_clockwise_or_equal(n_v1: Point, v2: Point) -> bool {
let psize = v2.x as i32 * n_v1.x as i32 + v2.y as i32 * n_v1.y as i32;
psize < 0
/// Find whether vector v2 is clockwise or equal to another vector v1
/// `n_v1` is counter clockwise normal vector to v1
/// ( if v1=(x1,y1), then the counter-clockwise normal is n_v1=(-y1,x1)
fn is_clockwise_or_equal_inc(n_v1: Point, v2: Point) -> bool {
let psize = v2.x as i32 * n_v1.x as i32 + v2.y as i32 * n_v1.y as i32;
psize <= 0
/// Draw a rounded rectangle with corner radius 2
/// Draws only a part (sector of a corresponding circle)
/// of the rectangle according to `show_percent` argument,
/// and optionally draw an `icon` inside
pub fn rect_rounded2_partial(
area: Rect,
fg_color: Color,
bg_color: Color,
show_percent: i16,
icon: Option<(Icon, Color)>,
) {
const MAX_ICON_SIZE: i16 = 64;
let r = area.translate(get_offset());
let clamped = r.clamp(constant::screen());
let center =;
let colortable = get_color_table(fg_color, bg_color);
let mut icon_colortable = colortable;
let mut use_icon = false;
let mut icon_area = Rect::zero();
let mut icon_area_clamped = Rect::zero();
let mut icon_data = [0_u8; ((MAX_ICON_SIZE * MAX_ICON_SIZE) / 2) as usize];
let mut icon_width = 0;
if let Some((icon, icon_color)) = icon {
let icon_size = icon.toif.size();
if icon_size.x <= MAX_ICON_SIZE && icon_size.y <= MAX_ICON_SIZE {
icon_area = Rect::from_center_and_size(center, icon_size);
icon_area_clamped = icon_area.clamp(constant::screen());
icon.toif.uncompress(&mut icon_data);
icon_colortable = get_color_table(icon_color, bg_color);
icon_width = icon.toif.width();
use_icon = true;
let start = 0;
let end = (start + (360 * show_percent as u32) / 100) % 360;
let start_vector;
let end_vector;
let mut show_all = false;
let mut inverted = false;
if show_percent >= 100 {
show_all = true;
start_vector = Point::zero();
end_vector = Point::zero();
} else if show_percent > 50 {
inverted = true;
start_vector = get_vector(end as _);
end_vector = get_vector(start as _);
} else {
start_vector = get_vector(start as _);
end_vector = get_vector(end as _);
let n_start = Point::new(-start_vector.y, start_vector.x);
for y_c in r.y0..r.y1 {
for x_c in r.x0..r.x1 {
let p = Point::new(x_c, y_c);
let mut icon_pixel = false;
if use_icon && icon_area_clamped.contains(p) {
let x_i = p.x - icon_area.x0;
let y_i = p.y - icon_area.y0;
let data = icon_data[(((x_i & 0xFE) + (y_i * icon_width)) / 2) as usize];
if (x_i & 0x01) == 0 {
pixeldata(icon_colortable[(data & 0xF) as usize]);
} else {
pixeldata(icon_colortable[(data >> 4) as usize]);
icon_pixel = true;
if !clamped.contains(p) || icon_pixel {
let y_p = -(p.y - center.y);
let x_p = p.x - center.x;
let vx = Point::new(x_p, y_p);
let n_vx = Point::new(-y_p, x_p);
let is_past_start = is_clockwise_or_equal(n_start, vx);
let is_before_end = is_clockwise_or_equal_inc(n_vx, end_vector);
if show_all
|| (!inverted && (is_past_start && is_before_end))
|| (inverted && !(is_past_start && is_before_end))
let p_b = p - r.top_left();
let c = rect_rounded2_get_pixel(p_b, r.size(), colortable, false, 2);
} else {
/// Shifts position of pixel data in `src_buffer` horizontally by `offset_x`
/// pixels and places the result into `dest_buffer`. Or in another words,
/// `src_buffer[n]` is copied into `dest_buffer[n+offset_x]`, if it fits the
/// `dest_buffer`.
/// Buffers hold one line of pixels on the screen, the copying is limited to
/// respect the size of screen.
/// `buffer_bpp` determines size of pixel data
/// `data_width` sets the width of valid data in the `src_buffer`
pub(crate) fn position_buffer(
dest_buffer: &mut [u8],
src_buffer: &[u8],
buffer_bpp: usize,
offset_x: i16,
data_width: i16,
) {
let data_width_even = if buffer_bpp == 4 && data_width % 2 != 0 {
data_width + 1
} else {
let mut start: usize = (offset_x).clamp(0, constant::WIDTH) as usize;
let mut end: usize = (offset_x + data_width_even).clamp(0, constant::WIDTH) as usize;
if buffer_bpp == 4 {
start &= !0x01;
end &= !0x01;
let width = end - start;
// if the offset is negative, need to skip beginning of uncompressed data
let x_sh = if offset_x < 0 {
(-offset_x).clamp(0, constant::WIDTH - width as i16) as usize
} else {
dest_buffer[((start * buffer_bpp) / 8)..((start + width) * buffer_bpp) / 8].copy_from_slice(
&src_buffer[((x_sh * buffer_bpp) / 8) as usize..((x_sh as usize + width) * buffer_bpp) / 8],
/// Performs decompression of one line of pixels,
/// vertically positions the line against the display area (current position of
/// which is described by `display_area_y`) by skipping relevant number of lines
/// and finally horizontally positions the line against the display area
/// by calling `position_buffer`.
/// Number of already decompressed lines is stored in `decompressed_lines` to
/// keep track of how many need to be skipped.
/// Signals to the caller whether some data should be drawn on this line.
fn process_buffer(
display_area_y: i16,
img_area: Rect,
offset: Offset,
ctx: &mut UzlibContext,
buffer: &mut [u8],
decompressed_lines: &mut i16,
buffer_bpp: usize,
) -> bool {
let mut not_empty = false;
let uncomp_buffer =
&mut [0u8; (constant::WIDTH * 2) as usize][..((constant::WIDTH as usize) * buffer_bpp) / 8];
if display_area_y >= img_area.y0 && display_area_y < img_area.y1 {
let img_line_idx = display_area_y - img_area.y0;
while *decompressed_lines < img_line_idx {
//compensate uncompressed unused lines
&mut uncomp_buffer[0..((img_area.width() * buffer_bpp as i16) / 8) as usize]
"Decompression failed"
(*decompressed_lines) += 1;
// decompress whole line
&mut uncomp_buffer[0..((img_area.width() * buffer_bpp as i16) / 8) as usize]
"Decompression failed"
(*decompressed_lines) += 1;
not_empty = true;
/// Renders text over image background
/// If `bg_area` is given, it is filled with its color in places where there are
/// neither text or image Positioning also depends on whether `bg_area` is
/// provided:
/// - if it is, text and image are positioned relative to the `bg_area` top left
/// corner, using respective offsets. Nothing is drawn outside the `bg_area`.
/// - if it is not, text is positioned relative to the images top left corner
/// using `offset_text` and image is positioned on the screen using
/// `offset_img`. Nothing is drawn outside the image.
/// `offset_text` is interpreted as baseline, so using (0,0) will position most
/// of the text outside the drawing area in either case.
/// The drawing area is coerced to even width, which is due to dma2d limitation
/// when using 4bpp
#[cfg(feature = "dma2d")]
pub fn text_over_image(
bg_area: Option<(Rect, Color)>,
image: Image,
text: &str,
font: Font,
offset_img: Offset,
offset_text: Offset,
text_color: Color,
) {
let text_buffer = unsafe { get_text_buffer(0, true) };
let img1 = unsafe { get_buffer_16bpp(0, true) };
let img2 = unsafe { get_buffer_16bpp(1, true) };
let empty_img = unsafe { get_buffer_16bpp(2, true) };
let t1 = unsafe { get_buffer_4bpp(0, true) };
let t2 = unsafe { get_buffer_4bpp(1, true) };
let empty_t = unsafe { get_buffer_4bpp(2, true) };
let r_img;
let area;
let offset_img_final;
if let Some((a, color)) = bg_area {
let hi = color.hi_byte();
let lo = color.lo_byte();
//prefill image/bg buffers with the bg color
for i in 0..(constant::WIDTH) as usize {
img1.buffer[2 * i] = lo;
img1.buffer[2 * i + 1] = hi;
area = a;
r_img = Rect::from_top_left_and_size(a.top_left() + offset_img, image.toif.size());
offset_img_final = offset_img;
} else {
area = Rect::from_top_left_and_size(offset_img.into(), image.toif.size());
r_img = area;
offset_img_final = Offset::zero();
let clamped = area.clamp(constant::screen()).ensure_even_width();
let text_width = display::text_width(text, font.into());
let font_max_height = display::text_max_height(font.into());
let font_baseline = display::text_baseline(font.into());
let text_width_clamped = text_width.clamp(0, clamped.width());
let text_top = area.y0 + offset_text.y - font_max_height + font_baseline;
let text_bottom = area.y0 + offset_text.y + font_baseline;
let text_left = area.x0 + offset_text.x;
let text_right = area.x0 + offset_text.x + text_width_clamped;
let text_area = Rect::new(
Point::new(text_left, text_top),
Point::new(text_right, text_bottom),
display::text_into_buffer(text, font.into(), text_buffer, 0);
let mut window = [0; UZLIB_WINDOW_SIZE];
let mut ctx = image.toif.decompression_context(Some(&mut window));
let mut i = 0;
for y in clamped.y0..clamped.y1 {
let mut img_buffer = &mut *empty_img;
let mut t_buffer = &mut *empty_t;
let img_buffer_used;
let t_buffer_used;
if y % 2 == 0 {
t_buffer_used = &mut *t1;
img_buffer_used = &mut *img1;
} else {
t_buffer_used = &mut *t2;
img_buffer_used = &mut *img2;
let using_img = process_buffer(
&mut ctx,
&mut img_buffer_used.buffer,
&mut i,
if y >= text_area.y0 && y < text_area.y1 {
let y_pos = y - text_area.y0;
&mut t_buffer_used.buffer,
&text_buffer.buffer[(y_pos * constant::WIDTH / 2) as usize
..((y_pos + 1) * constant::WIDTH / 2) as usize],
t_buffer = t_buffer_used;
if using_img {
img_buffer = img_buffer_used;
dma2d_start_blend(&t_buffer.buffer, &img_buffer.buffer, clamped.width());
/// Renders text over image background
/// If `bg_area` is given, it is filled with its color in places where there is
/// neither icon. Positioning also depends on whether `bg_area` is provided:
/// - if it is, icons are positioned relative to the `bg_area` top left corner,
/// using respective offsets. Nothing is drawn outside the `bg_area`.
/// - if it is not, `fg` icon is positioned relative to the `bg` icons top left
/// corner using its offset and `fg` icon is positioned on the screen using
/// its offset. Nothing is drawn outside the `bg` icon.
/// The drawing area is coerced to even width, which is due to dma2d limitation
/// when using 4bpp
#[cfg(feature = "dma2d")]
pub fn icon_over_icon(
bg_area: Option<Rect>,
bg: (Icon, Offset, Color),
fg: (Icon, Offset, Color),
bg_color: Color,
) {
let bg1 = unsafe { get_buffer_16bpp(0, true) };
let bg2 = unsafe { get_buffer_16bpp(1, true) };
let empty1 = unsafe { get_buffer_16bpp(2, true) };
let fg1 = unsafe { get_buffer_4bpp(0, true) };
let fg2 = unsafe { get_buffer_4bpp(1, true) };
let empty2 = unsafe { get_buffer_4bpp(2, true) };
let (icon_bg, offset_bg, color_icon_bg) = bg;
let (icon_fg, offset_fg, color_icon_fg) = fg;
assert!(icon_bg.toif.width() <= constant::WIDTH);
assert_eq!(icon_bg.toif.width() % 2, 0);
assert!(icon_fg.toif.width() <= constant::WIDTH);
assert_eq!(icon_fg.toif.width() % 2, 0);
let area;
let r_bg;
let final_offset_bg;
if let Some(a) = bg_area {
area = a;
r_bg = Rect::from_top_left_and_size(a.top_left() + offset_bg, icon_bg.toif.size());
final_offset_bg = offset_bg;
} else {
r_bg =
Rect::from_top_left_and_size(Point::new(offset_bg.x, offset_bg.y), icon_bg.toif.size());
area = r_bg;
final_offset_bg = Offset::zero();
let r_fg = Rect::from_top_left_and_size(area.top_left() + offset_fg, icon_fg.toif.size());
let clamped = area.clamp(constant::screen()).ensure_even_width();
let mut window_bg = [0; UZLIB_WINDOW_SIZE];
let mut ctx_bg = UzlibContext::new(icon_bg.toif.zdata(), Some(&mut window_bg));
let mut window_fg = [0; UZLIB_WINDOW_SIZE];
let mut ctx_fg = UzlibContext::new(icon_fg.toif.zdata(), Some(&mut window_fg));
dma2d_setup_4bpp_over_4bpp(color_icon_bg.into(), bg_color.into(), color_icon_fg.into());
let mut fg_i = 0;
let mut bg_i = 0;
for y in clamped.y0..clamped.y1 {
let mut fg_buffer = &mut *empty2;
let mut bg_buffer = &mut *empty1;
let fg_buffer_used;
let bg_buffer_used;
if y % 2 == 0 {
fg_buffer_used = &mut *fg1;
bg_buffer_used = &mut *bg1;
} else {
fg_buffer_used = &mut *fg2;
bg_buffer_used = &mut *bg2;
const BUFFER_BPP: usize = 4;
let using_fg = process_buffer(
&mut ctx_fg,
&mut fg_buffer_used.buffer,
&mut fg_i,
let using_bg = process_buffer(
&mut ctx_bg,
&mut bg_buffer_used.buffer,
&mut bg_i,
if using_fg {
fg_buffer = fg_buffer_used;
if using_bg {
bg_buffer = bg_buffer_used;
dma2d_start_blend(&fg_buffer.buffer, &bg_buffer.buffer, clamped.width());
#[cfg(not(feature = "dma2d"))]
pub fn icon_over_icon(
bg_area: Option<Rect>,
bg: (Icon, Offset, Color),
fg: (Icon, Offset, Color),
bg_color: Color,
) {
let (icon_bg, offset_bg, color_icon_bg) = bg;
let (icon_fg, offset_fg, color_icon_fg) = fg;
let pos_bg = if let Some(area) = bg_area {
rect_fill(area, bg_color);
area.top_left() + offset_bg
} else {
icon_bg.draw(pos_bg, TOP_LEFT, color_icon_bg, bg_color);
icon_fg.draw(pos_bg + offset_fg, TOP_LEFT, color_icon_fg, color_icon_bg);
/// Gets a color of a pixel on `p` coordinates of rounded rectangle with corner
/// radius 2
fn rect_rounded2_get_pixel(
p: Offset,
size: Offset,
colortable: [Color; 16],
fill: bool,
line_width: i16,
) -> Color {
let border = (p.x >= 0 && p.x < line_width)
|| ((p.x >= size.x - line_width) && p.x <= (size.x - 1))
|| (p.y >= 0 && p.y < line_width)
|| ((p.y >= size.y - line_width) && p.y <= (size.y - 1));
let corner_lim = 2 * line_width;
let corner_inner = line_width;
let corner_all = ((p.x > size.x - (corner_lim + 1)) || p.x < corner_lim)
&& (p.y < corner_lim || p.y > size.y - (corner_lim + 1));
let corner = corner_all
&& (p.y >= corner_inner)
&& (p.x >= corner_inner)
&& (p.y <= size.y - (corner_inner + 1))
&& (p.x <= size.x - (corner_inner + 1));
let corner_out = corner_all && !corner;
if (border || corner || fill) && !corner_out {
} else {
/// Draws a rounded rectangle with corner radius 2, partially filled
/// according to `fill_from` and `fill_to` arguments.
/// Optionally draws a text inside the rectangle and adjusts its color to match
/// the fill. The coordinates of the text are specified in the TextOverlay
/// struct.
pub fn bar_with_text_and_fill(
area: Rect,
overlay: Option<TextOverlay>,
fg_color: Color,
bg_color: Color,
fill_from: i16,
fill_to: i16,
) {
let r = area.translate(get_offset());
let clamped = r.clamp(constant::screen());
let colortable = get_color_table(fg_color, bg_color);
for y_c in clamped.y0..clamped.y1 {
for x_c in clamped.x0..clamped.x1 {
let p = Point::new(x_c, y_c);
let r_offset = p - r.top_left();
let filled = (r_offset.x >= fill_from
&& fill_from >= 0
&& (r_offset.x <= fill_to || fill_to < fill_from))
|| (r_offset.x < fill_to && fill_to >= 0);
let underlying_color =
rect_rounded2_get_pixel(r_offset, r.size(), colortable, filled, 1);
let final_color = overlay.map_or(underlying_color, |o| {
let text_color = if filled { bg_color } else { fg_color };
o.get_pixel(underlying_color, text_color, p)
pub fn marquee(area: Rect, text: &str, offset: i16, font: Font, fg: Color, bg: Color) {
let buffer = unsafe { get_text_buffer(0, true) };
let area = area.translate(get_offset());
let clamped = area.clamp(constant::screen());
display::text_into_buffer(text, font.into(), buffer, offset);
let tbl = get_color_table(fg, bg);
for y in 0..clamped.height() {
for x in 0..clamped.width() {
let pixel = y * constant::WIDTH + x;
let byte_idx = pixel / 2;
if byte_idx < buffer.buffer.len() as _ {
let data = if pixel % 2 != 0 {
buffer.buffer[byte_idx as usize] >> 4
} else {
buffer.buffer[byte_idx as usize] & 0xF
pixeldata(tbl[data as usize]);
} else {
// Used on T1 only.
pub fn dotted_line(start: Point, width: i16, color: Color) {
for x in (start.x..width).step_by(2) {
display::bar(x, start.y, 1, 1, color.into());
pub fn qrcode(center: Point, data: &str, max_size: u32, case_sensitive: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
qr::render_qrcode(center.x, center.y, data, max_size, case_sensitive)
pub fn text(baseline: Point, text: &str, font: Font, fg_color: Color, bg_color: Color) {
pub fn text_center(baseline: Point, text: &str, font: Font, fg_color: Color, bg_color: Color) {
let w = font.text_width(text);
baseline.x - w / 2,
pub fn text_right(baseline: Point, text: &str, font: Font, fg_color: Color, bg_color: Color) {
let w = font.text_width(text);
baseline.x - w,
pub fn pixeldata(color: Color) {
pub fn pixeldata_dirty() {
pub fn get_offset() -> Offset {
let offset = display::get_offset();
Offset::new(offset.0, offset.1)
pub fn set_window(window: Rect) {
window.x0 as u16,
window.y0 as u16,
window.x1 as u16 - 1,
window.y1 as u16 - 1,
pub fn sync() {
pub fn get_color_table(fg_color: Color, bg_color: Color) -> [Color; 16] {
let mut table: [Color; 16] = [Color::from_u16(0); 16];
for (i, item) in table.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*item = Color::lerp(bg_color, fg_color, i as f32 / 15_f32);
pub struct Glyph {
pub width: i16,
pub height: i16,
pub adv: i16,
pub bearing_x: i16,
pub bearing_y: i16,
data: &'static [u8],
impl Glyph {
/// Construct a `Glyph` from a raw pointer.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because the caller has to guarantee that `data`
/// is pointing to a memory containing a valid glyph data, that is:
/// - contains valid glyph metadata
/// - data has appropriate size
/// - data must have static lifetime
pub unsafe fn load(data: *const u8) -> Self {
unsafe {
let width = *data.offset(0) as i16;
let height = *data.offset(1) as i16;
let data_bits = constant::FONT_BPP * width * height;
let data_bytes = if data_bits % 8 == 0 {
data_bits / 8
} else {
(data_bits / 8) + 1
Glyph {
adv: *data.offset(2) as i16,
bearing_x: *data.offset(3) as i16,
bearing_y: *data.offset(4) as i16,
data: slice::from_raw_parts(data.offset(5), data_bytes as usize),
pub fn print(&self, pos: Point, colortable: [Color; 16]) -> i16 {
let bearing = Offset::new(self.bearing_x, -self.bearing_y);
let size = Offset::new(self.width, self.height);
let pos_adj = pos + bearing;
let r = Rect::from_top_left_and_size(pos_adj, size);
let area = r.translate(get_offset());
let window = area.clamp(constant::screen());
for y in window.y0..window.y1 {
for x in window.x0..window.x1 {
let p = Point::new(x, y);
let r = p - pos_adj;
let c = self.get_pixel_data(r);
pixeldata(colortable[c as usize]);
pub fn unpack_bpp1(&self, a: i16) -> u8 {
let c_data =[(a / 8) as usize];
((c_data >> (7 - (a % 8))) & 0x01) * 15
pub fn unpack_bpp2(&self, a: i16) -> u8 {
let c_data =[(a / 4) as usize];
((c_data >> (6 - (a % 4) * 2)) & 0x03) * 5
pub fn unpack_bpp4(&self, a: i16) -> u8 {
let c_data =[(a / 2) as usize];
(c_data >> (4 - (a % 2) * 4)) & 0x0F
pub fn unpack_bpp8(&self, a: i16) -> u8 {
let c_data =[a as usize];
c_data >> 4
pub fn get_pixel_data(&self, p: Offset) -> u8 {
let a = p.x + p.y * self.width;
match constant::FONT_BPP {
1 => self.unpack_bpp1(a),
2 => self.unpack_bpp2(a),
4 => self.unpack_bpp4(a),
8 => self.unpack_bpp8(a),
_ => 0,
/// Font constants. Keep in sync with FONT_ definitions in
/// `extmod/modtrezorui/fonts/fonts.h`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum Font {
BOLD = 2,
MONO = 3,
impl From<Font> for i32 {
fn from(font: Font) -> i32 {
-(font as i32)
impl Font {
pub fn text_width(self, text: &str) -> i16 {
display::text_width(text, self.into())
pub fn char_width(self, ch: char) -> i16 {
display::char_width(ch, self.into())
pub fn text_height(self) -> i16 {
pub fn text_max_height(self) -> i16 {
pub fn text_baseline(self) -> i16 {
pub fn line_height(self) -> i16 {
constant::LINE_SPACE + self.text_height()
pub fn get_glyph(self, char_byte: u8) -> Option<Glyph> {
let gl_data = display::get_char_glyph(char_byte, self.into());
if gl_data.is_null() {
return None;
unsafe { Some(Glyph::load(gl_data)) }
pub fn display_text(self, text: &str, baseline: Point, fg_color: Color, bg_color: Color) {
let colortable = get_color_table(fg_color, bg_color);
let mut adv_total = 0;
for c in text.bytes() {
let g = self.get_glyph(c);
if let Some(gly) = g {
let adv = gly.print(baseline + Offset::new(adv_total, 0), colortable);
adv_total += adv;
/// Get the length of the longest suffix from a given `text`
/// that will fit into the area `width` pixels wide.
pub fn longest_suffix(self, width: i16, text: &str) -> usize {
let mut text_width = 0;
for (chars_from_right, c) in text.chars().rev().enumerate() {
let c_width = self.char_width(c);
if text_width + c_width > width {
// Another character cannot be fitted, we're done.
return chars_from_right;
text_width += c_width;
text.len() // it fits in its entirety
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Color(u16);
impl Color {
pub const fn from_u16(val: u16) -> Self {
pub const fn rgb(r: u8, g: u8, b: u8) -> Self {
let r = (r as u16 & 0xF8) << 8;
let g = (g as u16 & 0xFC) << 3;
let b = (b as u16 & 0xF8) >> 3;
Self(r | g | b)
pub const fn luminance(self) -> u32 {
((self.r() as u32 * 299) / 1000)
+ (self.g() as u32 * 587) / 1000
+ (self.b() as u32 * 114) / 1000
pub const fn r(self) -> u8 {
(self.0 >> 8) as u8 & 0xF8
pub const fn g(self) -> u8 {
(self.0 >> 3) as u8 & 0xFC
pub const fn b(self) -> u8 {
(self.0 << 3) as u8 & 0xF8
pub fn to_u16(self) -> u16 {
pub fn hi_byte(self) -> u8 {
(self.to_u16() >> 8) as u8
pub fn lo_byte(self) -> u8 {
(self.to_u16() & 0xFF) as u8
pub fn negate(self) -> Self {
impl Lerp for Color {
fn lerp(a: Self, b: Self, t: f32) -> Self {
let r = u8::lerp(a.r(), b.r(), t);
let g = u8::lerp(a.g(), b.g(), t);
let b = u8::lerp(a.b(), b.b(), t);
Color::rgb(r, g, b)
impl From<u16> for Color {
fn from(val: u16) -> Self {
impl From<Color> for u16 {
fn from(val: Color) -> Self {