You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

34 lines
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import pytest
from trezorlib import _rlp
VECTORS = ( # data, expected
(b"\x10", b"\x10"),
(b"dog", b"\x83dog"),
(b"A" * 55, b"\xb7" + b"A" * 55),
(b"A" * 56, b"\xb8\x38" + b"A" * 56),
(b"A" * 1024, b"\xb9\x04\x00" + b"A" * 1024),
([b"dog", b"cat", [b"spy"]], b"\xcd\x83dog\x83cat\xc4\x83spy"),
([b"A" * 1024], b"\xf9\x04\x03\xb9\x04\x00" + b"A" * 1024),
([], b"\xc0"),
([b"A"] * 55, b"\xf7" + b"A" * 55),
([b"A"] * 56, b"\xf8\x38" + b"A" * 56),
([b"A"] * 1024, b"\xf9\x04\x00" + b"A" * 1024),
([b"dog"] * 1024, b"\xf9\x10\x00" + b"\x83dog" * 1024),
(b"", b"\x80"),
(1, b"\x01"),
(0x7F, b"\x7f"),
(0x80, b"\x81\x80"),
(0x1_0000_0001, b"\x85\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01"),
(2 ** (54 * 8), b"\xb7\x01" + b"\x00" * 54),
(2 ** (55 * 8), b"\xb8\x38\x01" + b"\x00" * 55),
([0x1234, 0x5678], b"\xc6\x82\x12\x34\x82\x56\x78"),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("data, expected", VECTORS)
def test_encode(data: "_rlp.RLPItem", expected: bytes):
actual = _rlp.encode(data)
assert len(actual) == len(expected)
assert actual == expected