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from micropython import const
from trezor import config
_APP = const(0x01) # app namespace
_DEVICE_ID = const(0x00) # bytes
_VERSION = const(0x01) # int
_MNEMONIC = const(0x02) # str
_LANGUAGE = const(0x03) # str
_LABEL = const(0x04) # str
_USE_PASSPHRASE = const(0x05) # 0x01 or empty
_HOMESCREEN = const(0x06) # bytes
def get_device_id() -> str:
dev_id = config.get(_APP, _DEVICE_ID).decode()
if not dev_id:
dev_id = new_device_id()
config.set(_APP, _DEVICE_ID, dev_id.encode())
return dev_id
def is_initialized() -> bool:
return bool(config.get(_APP, _VERSION))
def get_label() -> str:
return config.get(_APP, _LABEL).decode()
def get_mnemonic() -> str:
return config.get(_APP, _MNEMONIC).decode()
def has_passphrase() -> bool:
return bool(config.get(_APP, _USE_PASSPHRASE))
def get_homescreen() -> bytes:
return config.get(_APP, _HOMESCREEN)
def load_mnemonic(mnemonic: str):
config.set(_APP, _MNEMONIC, mnemonic.encode())
def load_settings(label: str=None, use_passphrase: bool=None, homescreen: bytes=None):
if label is not None:
config.set(_APP, _LABEL, label.encode())
if use_passphrase is True:
config.set(_APP, _USE_PASSPHRASE, b'\x01')
if use_passphrase is False:
config.set(_APP, _USE_PASSPHRASE, b'')
if homescreen is not None:
if homescreen[:8] == b'TOIf\x90\x00\x90\x00':
config.set(_APP, _HOMESCREEN, homescreen)
config.set(_APP, _HOMESCREEN, b'')
def wipe():
from . import cache
def new_device_id() -> str:
from ubinascii import hexlify
from trezor.crypto import random
return hexlify(random.bytes(12)).decode().upper()