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//! Logic to handle the sign_tx command flow.
use crate::{
error::{Error, Result},
transaction_type::{TxOutputBinType, TxOutputType},
use bitcoin::{hashes::sha256d, psbt, Network, Transaction};
use protos::{
tx_ack::transaction_type::TxInputType, tx_request::RequestType as TxRequestType,
InputScriptType, OutputScriptType,
use tracing::trace;
/// Fulfill a TxRequest for TXINPUT.
fn ack_input_request(req: &protos::TxRequest, psbt: &psbt::Psbt) -> Result<protos::TxAck> {
if req.details.is_none() || !req.details.has_request_index() {
return Err(Error::MalformedTxRequest(req.clone()));
// Choose either the tx we are signing or a dependent tx.
let input_index = req.details.request_index() as usize;
let input = if req.details.has_tx_hash() {
let req_hash: sha256d::Hash = utils::from_rev_bytes(req.details.tx_hash())
.ok_or_else(|| Error::MalformedTxRequest(req.clone()))?;
trace!("Preparing ack for input {}:{}", req_hash, input_index);
let inp = utils::psbt_find_input(psbt, req_hash)?;
let tx = inp.non_witness_utxo.as_ref().ok_or(Error::PsbtMissingInputTx(req_hash))?;
let opt = &tx.input.get(input_index);
opt.ok_or_else(|| Error::TxRequestInvalidIndex(input_index))?
} else {
trace!("Preparing ack for tx input #{}", input_index);
let opt = &psbt.unsigned_tx.input.get(input_index);
let mut data_input = TxInputType::new();
// Extra data only for currently signing tx.
if !req.details.has_tx_hash() {
let psbt_input = psbt
.ok_or_else(|| Error::InvalidPsbt("not enough psbt inputs".to_owned()))?;
// Get the output we are spending from the PSBT input.
let txout = if let Some(ref txout) = psbt_input.witness_utxo {
} else if let Some(ref tx) = psbt_input.non_witness_utxo {
tx.output.get(input.previous_output.vout as usize).ok_or_else(|| {
Error::InvalidPsbt(format!("invalid utxo for PSBT input {}", input_index))
} else {
return Err(Error::InvalidPsbt(format!("no utxo for PSBT input {}", input_index)));
// If there is exactly 1 HD keypath known, we can provide it. If more it's multisig.
if psbt_input.bip32_derivation.len() == 1 {
let (_, (_, path)) = psbt_input.bip32_derivation.iter().next().unwrap();
data_input.address_n = path.as_ref().iter().map(|i| (*i).into()).collect();
// Since we know the keypath, we probably have to sign it. So update script_type.
let script_type = {
let script_pubkey = &txout.script_pubkey;
if script_pubkey.is_p2pkh() {
} else if script_pubkey.is_p2wpkh() || script_pubkey.is_p2wsh() {
} else if script_pubkey.is_p2sh() && psbt_input.witness_script.is_some() {
} else {
//TODO(stevenroose) normal p2sh is probably multisig
//TODO(stevenroose) multisig
trace!("Prepared input to ack: {:?}", data_input);
let mut txdata = TransactionType::new();
let mut msg = protos::TxAck::new();
msg.tx = protobuf::MessageField::some(txdata);
/// Fulfill a TxRequest for TXOUTPUT.
fn ack_output_request(
req: &protos::TxRequest,
psbt: &psbt::Psbt,
network: Network,
) -> Result<protos::TxAck> {
if req.details.is_none() || !req.details.has_request_index() {
return Err(Error::MalformedTxRequest(req.clone()));
// For outputs, the Trezor only needs bin_outputs to be set for dependent txs and full outputs
// for the signing tx.
let mut txdata = TransactionType::new();
if req.details.has_tx_hash() {
// Dependent tx, take the output from the PSBT and just create bin_output.
let output_index = req.details.request_index() as usize;
let req_hash: sha256d::Hash = utils::from_rev_bytes(req.details.tx_hash())
.ok_or_else(|| Error::MalformedTxRequest(req.clone()))?;
trace!("Preparing ack for output {}:{}", req_hash, output_index);
let inp = utils::psbt_find_input(psbt, req_hash)?;
let output = if let Some(ref tx) = inp.non_witness_utxo {
let opt = &tx.output.get(output_index);
opt.ok_or_else(|| Error::TxRequestInvalidIndex(output_index))?
} else if let Some(ref utxo) = inp.witness_utxo {
} else {
return Err(Error::InvalidPsbt("not all inputs have utxo data".to_owned()));
let mut bin_output = TxOutputBinType::new();
trace!("Prepared bin_output to ack: {:?}", bin_output);
} else {
// Signing tx, we need to fill the full output meta object.
let output_index = req.details.request_index() as usize;
trace!("Preparing ack for tx output #{}", output_index);
let opt = &psbt.unsigned_tx.output.get(output_index);
let output = opt.ok_or(Error::TxRequestInvalidIndex(output_index))?;
let mut data_output = TxOutputType::new();
// Set script type to PAYTOADDRESS unless we find out otherwise from the PSBT.
if let Some(addr) = utils::address_from_script(&output.script_pubkey, network) {
let psbt_output = psbt
.ok_or_else(|| Error::InvalidPsbt("output indices don't match".to_owned()))?;
if psbt_output.bip32_derivation.len() == 1 {
let (_, (_, path)) = psbt_output.bip32_derivation.iter().next().unwrap();
data_output.address_n = path.as_ref().iter().map(|i| (*i).into()).collect();
// Since we know the keypath, it's probably a change output. So update script_type.
let script_pubkey = &psbt.unsigned_tx.output[output_index].script_pubkey;
if script_pubkey.is_op_return() {
} else if psbt_output.witness_script.is_some() {
if psbt_output.redeem_script.is_some() {
} else {
} else {
trace!("Prepared output to ack: {:?}", data_output);
let mut msg = protos::TxAck::new();
msg.tx = protobuf::MessageField::some(txdata);
/// Fulfill a TxRequest for TXMETA.
fn ack_meta_request(req: &protos::TxRequest, psbt: &psbt::Psbt) -> Result<protos::TxAck> {
if req.details.is_none() {
return Err(Error::MalformedTxRequest(req.clone()));
// Choose either the tx we are signing or a dependent tx.
let tx: &Transaction = if req.details.has_tx_hash() {
// dependeny tx, look for it in PSBT inputs
let req_hash: sha256d::Hash = utils::from_rev_bytes(req.details.tx_hash())
.ok_or_else(|| Error::MalformedTxRequest(req.clone()))?;
trace!("Preparing ack for tx meta of {}", req_hash);
let inp = utils::psbt_find_input(psbt, req_hash)?;
} else {
// currently signing tx
trace!("Preparing ack for tx meta of tx being signed");
let mut txdata = TransactionType::new();
txdata.set_version(tx.version.0 as u32);
txdata.set_inputs_cnt(tx.input.len() as u32);
txdata.set_outputs_cnt(tx.output.len() as u32);
//TODO(stevenroose) python does something with extra data?
trace!("Prepared tx meta to ack: {:?}", txdata);
let mut msg = protos::TxAck::new();
msg.tx = protobuf::MessageField::some(txdata);
/// Object to track the progress in the transaction signing flow. The device will ask for various
/// parts of the transaction and dependent transactions and can at any point also ask for user
/// interaction. The information asked for by the device is provided based on a PSBT object and the
/// resulting extra signatures are also added to the PSBT file.
/// It's important to always first check with the `finished()` method if more data is requested by
/// the device. If you're not yet finished you must call the `ack_psbt()` method to send more
/// information to the device.
pub struct SignTxProgress<'a> {
client: &'a mut Trezor,
req: protos::TxRequest,
impl<'a> SignTxProgress<'a> {
/// Only intended for internal usage.
pub fn new(client: &mut Trezor, req: protos::TxRequest) -> SignTxProgress<'_> {
SignTxProgress { client, req }
/// Inspector to the request message received from the device.
pub fn tx_request(&self) -> &protos::TxRequest {
/// Check whether or not the signing process is finished.
pub fn finished(&self) -> bool {
self.req.request_type() == TxRequestType::TXFINISHED
/// Check if a signature is provided by the device.
pub fn has_signature(&self) -> bool {
let serialized = &self.req.serialized;
serialized.is_some() && serialized.has_signature_index() && serialized.has_signature()
/// Get the signature provided from the device along with the input index of the signature.
pub fn get_signature(&self) -> Option<(usize, &[u8])> {
if self.has_signature() {
let serialized = &self.req.serialized;
Some((serialized.signature_index() as usize, serialized.signature()))
} else {
//TODO(stevenroose) We used to have a method here `apply_signature(&mut psbt)` that would put
// the received signature in the correct PSBT input. However, since the signature is just a raw
// signature instead of a scriptSig, this is harder. It can be done, but then we'd have to have
// the pubkey provided in the PSBT (possible thought HD path) and we'd have to do some Script
// inspection to see if we should put it as a p2pkh sciptSig or witness data.
/// Check if a part of the serialized signed tx is provided by the device.
pub fn has_serialized_tx_part(&self) -> bool {
let serialized = &self.req.serialized;
serialized.is_some() && serialized.has_serialized_tx()
/// Get the part of the serialized signed tx from the device.
pub fn get_serialized_tx_part(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
if self.has_serialized_tx_part() {
} else {
/// Manually provide a TxAck message to the device.
/// This method will panic if `finished()` returned true,
/// so it should always be checked in advance.
pub fn ack_msg(
ack: protos::TxAck,
) -> Result<TrezorResponse<'a, SignTxProgress<'a>, protos::TxRequest>> {
self.client.call(ack, Box::new(|c, m| Ok(SignTxProgress::new(c, m))))
/// Provide additional PSBT information to the device.
/// This method will panic if `apply()` returned true,
/// so it should always be checked in advance.
pub fn ack_psbt(
psbt: &psbt::Psbt,
network: Network,
) -> Result<TrezorResponse<'a, SignTxProgress<'a>, protos::TxRequest>> {
assert!(self.req.request_type() != TxRequestType::TXFINISHED);
let ack = match self.req.request_type() {
TxRequestType::TXINPUT => ack_input_request(&self.req, psbt),
TxRequestType::TXOUTPUT => ack_output_request(&self.req, psbt, network),
TxRequestType::TXMETA => ack_meta_request(&self.req, psbt),
TxRequestType::TXEXTRADATA => unimplemented!(), //TODO(stevenroose) implement
TxRequestType::TXORIGINPUT |
TxRequestType::TXPAYMENTREQ => unimplemented!(),
TxRequestType::TXFINISHED => unreachable!(),