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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from trezor import wire
from apps.common import paths
from apps.common.keychain import get_keychain
from . import CURVE, networks
from typing import Callable, Iterable, TypeVar
from trezor.messages import (
from apps.common.keychain import MsgOut, Handler, HandlerWithKeychain
EthereumMessages = (
| EthereumGetPublicKey
| EthereumSignTx
| EthereumSignMessage
| EthereumSignTypedData
MsgIn = TypeVar("MsgIn", bound=EthereumMessages)
EthereumSignTxAny = EthereumSignTx | EthereumSignTxEIP1559
MsgInChainId = TypeVar("MsgInChainId", bound=EthereumSignTxAny)
# We believe Ethereum should use 44'/60'/a' for everything, because it is
# account-based, rather than UTXO-based. Unfortunately, lot of Ethereum
# tools (MEW, Metamask) do not use such scheme and set a = 0 and then
# iterate the address index i. For compatibility, we allow this scheme as well.
def _schemas_from_address_n(
patterns: Iterable[str], address_n: paths.Bip32Path
) -> Iterable[paths.PathSchema]:
if len(address_n) < 2:
return ()
slip44_hardened = address_n[1]
if slip44_hardened not in networks.all_slip44_ids_hardened():
return ()
if not slip44_hardened & paths.HARDENED:
return ()
slip44_id = slip44_hardened - paths.HARDENED
schemas = [paths.PathSchema.parse(pattern, slip44_id) for pattern in patterns]
return [s.copy() for s in schemas]
def with_keychain_from_path(
*patterns: str,
) -> Callable[[HandlerWithKeychain[MsgIn, MsgOut]], Handler[MsgIn, MsgOut]]:
def decorator(func: HandlerWithKeychain[MsgIn, MsgOut]) -> Handler[MsgIn, MsgOut]:
async def wrapper(ctx: wire.Context, msg: MsgIn) -> MsgOut:
schemas = _schemas_from_address_n(patterns, msg.address_n)
keychain = await get_keychain(ctx, CURVE, schemas)
with keychain:
return await func(ctx, msg, keychain)
return wrapper
return decorator
def _schemas_from_chain_id(msg: EthereumSignTxAny) -> Iterable[paths.PathSchema]:
info = networks.by_chain_id(msg.chain_id)
slip44_id: tuple[int, ...]
if info is None:
# allow Ethereum or testnet paths for unknown networks
slip44_id = (60, 1)
elif info.slip44 not in (60, 1):
# allow cross-signing with Ethereum unless it's testnet
slip44_id = (info.slip44, 60)
slip44_id = (info.slip44,)
schemas = [
paths.PathSchema.parse(pattern, slip44_id) for pattern in PATTERNS_ADDRESS
return [s.copy() for s in schemas]
def with_keychain_from_chain_id(
func: HandlerWithKeychain[MsgInChainId, MsgOut]
) -> Handler[MsgInChainId, MsgOut]:
# this is only for SignTx, and only PATTERN_ADDRESS is allowed
async def wrapper(ctx: wire.Context, msg: MsgInChainId) -> MsgOut:
schemas = _schemas_from_chain_id(msg)
keychain = await get_keychain(ctx, CURVE, schemas)
with keychain:
return await func(ctx, msg, keychain)
return wrapper