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use trezor_tjpgdec::{BlackHoleOutput, JpegOutput};
pub use trezor_tjpgdec::{BufferInput, Error, JDEC};
use crate::{
buffers::{BufferJpeg, BufferJpegWork},
geometry::{Offset, Point, Rect},
pub fn jpeg(data: &[u8], pos: Point, scale: u8) {
let mut buffer = BufferJpegWork::get_cleared();
let pool = buffer.buffer.as_mut_slice();
let mut out = PixelDataOutput(pos);
let mut inp = BufferInput(data);
if let Ok(mut jd) = JDEC::new(&mut inp, pool) {
let _ = jd.set_scale(scale);
let _ = jd.decomp(&mut inp, &mut out);
#[cfg(not(feature = "new_rendering"))]
pub fn jpeg_info(data: &[u8]) -> Option<(Offset, i16)> {
let mut buffer = BufferJpegWork::get_cleared();
let pool = buffer.buffer.as_mut_slice();
let mut inp = BufferInput(data);
let result = if let Ok(jd) = JDEC::new(&mut inp, pool) {
let mcu_height = jd.mcu_height();
if mcu_height > 16 {
return None;
Some((Offset::new(jd.width(), jd.height()), mcu_height))
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "new_rendering")]
pub fn jpeg_info(data: &[u8]) -> Option<(Offset, i16)> {
const M_SOI: u16 = 0xFFD8;
const M_SOF0: u16 = 0xFFC0;
const M_DRI: u16 = 0xFFDD;
const M_RST0: u16 = 0xFFD0;
const M_RST7: u16 = 0xFFD7;
const M_SOS: u16 = 0xFFDA;
const M_EOI: u16 = 0xFFD9;
let mut result = None;
let mut ofs = 0;
let read_u16 = |ofs| -> Option<u16> {
if ofs + 1 < data.len() {
let result = Some(((data[ofs] as u16) << 8) + data[ofs + 1] as u16);
} else {
let read_u8 = |ofs| -> Option<u8> {
if ofs < data.len() {
let result = Some(data[ofs]);
} else {
while ofs < data.len() {
if read_u16(ofs)? == M_SOI {
ofs += 1;
loop {
let marker = read_u16(ofs)?;
if (marker & 0xFF00) != 0xFF00 {
return None;
ofs += 2;
ofs += match marker {
M_SOI => 0,
M_SOF0 => {
let w = read_u16(ofs + 3)? as i16;
let h = read_u16(ofs + 5)? as i16;
// Number of components
let nc = read_u8(ofs + 7)?;
if (nc != 1) && (nc != 3) {
return None;
// Sampling factor of the first component
let c1 = read_u8(ofs + 9)?;
if (c1 != 0x11) && (c1 != 0x21) & (c1 != 0x22) {
return None;
let mcu_height = (8 * (c1 & 15)) as i16;
result = Some((Offset::new(w, h), mcu_height));
M_DRI => 4,
M_EOI => return None,
M_RST0..=M_RST7 => 0,
M_SOS => break,
_ => read_u16(ofs)?,
} as usize;
pub fn jpeg_test(data: &[u8]) -> bool {
let mut buffer = BufferJpegWork::get_cleared();
let pool = buffer.buffer.as_mut_slice();
let mut inp = BufferInput(data);
let result = if let Ok(mut jd) = JDEC::new(&mut inp, pool) {
if jd.mcu_height() > 16 {
return false;
let mut out = BlackHoleOutput;
let mut res = jd.decomp(&mut inp, &mut out);
while res == Err(Error::Interrupted) {
res = jd.decomp(&mut inp, &mut out);
} else {
pub struct BufferOutput {
buffer: BufferJpeg,
buffer_width: i16,
buffer_height: i16,
current_line: i16,
current_line_pix: i16,
impl BufferOutput {
pub fn new(buffer_width: i16, buffer_height: i16) -> Self {
Self {
buffer: BufferJpeg::get_cleared(),
current_line: 0,
current_line_pix: 0,
pub fn buffer(&mut self) -> &mut BufferJpeg {
&mut self.buffer
impl JpegOutput for BufferOutput {
fn write(
&mut self,
jd: &JDEC,
rect_origin: (u32, u32),
rect_size: (u32, u32),
bitmap: &[u16],
) -> bool {
let w = rect_size.0 as i16;
let h = rect_size.1 as i16;
let x = rect_origin.0 as i16;
if h > self.buffer_height {
// unsupported height, call and let know
return true;
let buffer_len = (self.buffer_width * self.buffer_height) as usize;
for i in 0..h {
for j in 0..w {
let buffer_pos = ((x + j) + (i * self.buffer_width)) as usize;
if buffer_pos < buffer_len {
self.buffer.buffer[buffer_pos] = bitmap[(i * w + j) as usize];
self.current_line_pix += w;
if self.current_line_pix >= jd.width() {
self.current_line_pix = 0;
self.current_line += jd.mcu_height();
// finished line, abort and continue later
return false;
pub struct PixelDataOutput(Point);
impl JpegOutput for PixelDataOutput {
fn write(
&mut self,
_jd: &JDEC,
rect_origin: (u32, u32),
rect_size: (u32, u32),
bitmap: &[u16],
) -> bool {
let pos = self.0;
let rect = Rect::from_top_left_and_size(
Point::new(rect_origin.0 as i16, rect_origin.1 as i16),
Offset::new(rect_size.0 as i16, rect_size.1 as i16),
let r = rect.translate(pos.into());
let clamped = r.clamp(constant::screen());
for py in r.y0..r.y1 {
for px in r.x0..r.x1 {
let p = Point::new(px, py);
if clamped.contains(p) {
let off = p - r.top_left();
let c = bitmap[(off.y * rect.width() + off.x) as usize];