You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

151 lines
5.4 KiB

if not __debug__:
from trezor.utils import halt
halt("debug mode inactive")
if __debug__:
from trezor import io, ui, wire
from trezor.messages import MessageType, DebugSwipeDirection
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkLayout import DebugLinkLayout
from trezor import config, crypto, log, loop, utils
from trezor.messages.Success import Success
if False:
from typing import List, Optional
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkDecision import DebugLinkDecision
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkGetState import DebugLinkGetState
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkRecordScreen import DebugLinkRecordScreen
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkReseedRandom import DebugLinkReseedRandom
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkState import DebugLinkState
save_screen = False
save_screen_directory = "."
reset_internal_entropy = None # type: Optional[bytes]
reset_current_words = loop.chan()
reset_word_index = loop.chan()
confirm_chan = loop.chan()
swipe_chan = loop.chan()
input_chan = loop.chan()
confirm_signal = confirm_chan.take
swipe_signal = swipe_chan.take
input_signal = input_chan.take
debuglink_decision_chan = loop.chan()
layout_change_chan = loop.chan()
current_content = None # type: Optional[List[str]]
def screenshot() -> bool:
if save_screen: + "/refresh-")
return True
return False
def notify_layout_change(layout: ui.Layout) -> None:
global current_content
current_content = layout.read_content()
if layout_change_chan.takers:
async def debuglink_decision_dispatcher() -> None:
from trezor.ui import confirm, swipe
while True:
msg = await debuglink_decision_chan.take()
if msg.yes_no is not None:
await confirm_chan.put(
ui.Result(confirm.CONFIRMED if msg.yes_no else confirm.CANCELLED)
if msg.swipe is not None:
if msg.swipe == DebugSwipeDirection.UP:
await swipe_chan.put(swipe.SWIPE_UP)
elif msg.swipe == DebugSwipeDirection.DOWN:
await swipe_chan.put(swipe.SWIPE_DOWN)
elif msg.swipe == DebugSwipeDirection.LEFT:
await swipe_chan.put(swipe.SWIPE_LEFT)
elif msg.swipe == DebugSwipeDirection.RIGHT:
await swipe_chan.put(swipe.SWIPE_RIGHT)
if msg.input is not None:
await input_chan.put(msg.input)
async def return_layout_change(ctx: wire.Context) -> None:
content = await layout_change_chan.take()
await ctx.write(DebugLinkLayout(lines=content))
async def dispatch_DebugLinkDecision(
ctx: wire.Context, msg: DebugLinkDecision
) -> None:
if debuglink_decision_chan.putters:
log.warning(__name__, "DebugLinkDecision queue is not empty")
if msg.x is not None:
evt_down = io.TOUCH_START, msg.x, msg.y
evt_up = io.TOUCH_END, msg.x, msg.y
loop.synthetic_events.append((io.TOUCH, evt_down))
loop.synthetic_events.append((io.TOUCH, evt_up))
if msg.wait:
async def dispatch_DebugLinkGetState(
ctx: wire.Context, msg: DebugLinkGetState
) -> DebugLinkState:
from trezor.messages.DebugLinkState import DebugLinkState
from apps.common import mnemonic, passphrase
m = DebugLinkState()
m.mnemonic_secret = mnemonic.get_secret()
m.mnemonic_type = mnemonic.get_type()
m.passphrase_protection = passphrase.is_enabled()
m.reset_entropy = reset_internal_entropy
if msg.wait_layout or current_content is None:
m.layout_lines = await layout_change_chan.take()
m.layout_lines = current_content
if msg.wait_word_pos:
m.reset_word_pos = await reset_word_index.take()
if msg.wait_word_list:
m.reset_word = " ".join(await reset_current_words.take())
return m
async def dispatch_DebugLinkRecordScreen(
ctx: wire.Context, msg: DebugLinkRecordScreen
) -> Success:
global save_screen_directory
global save_screen
if msg.target_directory:
save_screen_directory = msg.target_directory
save_screen = True
save_screen = False
ui.display.clear_save() # clear C buffers
return Success()
async def dispatch_DebugLinkReseedRandom(
ctx: wire.Context, msg: DebugLinkReseedRandom
) -> Success:
if msg.value is not None:
return Success()
def boot() -> None:
# wipe storage when debug build is used on real hardware
if not utils.EMULATOR:
wire.add(MessageType.LoadDevice, __name__, "load_device")
wire.register(MessageType.DebugLinkDecision, dispatch_DebugLinkDecision)
wire.register(MessageType.DebugLinkGetState, dispatch_DebugLinkGetState)
wire.register(MessageType.DebugLinkReseedRandom, dispatch_DebugLinkReseedRandom)
wire.register(MessageType.DebugLinkRecordScreen, dispatch_DebugLinkRecordScreen)